Rating:  Summary: Probably One of the best Movies i have ever seen Review: Ok i'll admit Pearl Harbor has it's Flaws the uninteresting and overly inflated love triangle between Rafe, Danny And Evelyn could of be deflated just a tad actually alot but that doesn't matter once the Attack begins thier is no more time for gushy love storys it's time to take a look on what Pandemonium it was like that Fateful sunday morning and what a blow it was to america then after the pearl harbor sequence it's about the retallitory strike against Japan the bombing of Tokyo no matter what u've heard about Pearl Harbor don't listen to it it's somthing u have to see for your self just prepared with ur remote to fast forward through those gushy romance scenes
Rating:  Summary: Pearl Harbor Review: Good maximum effort and great special effects and pyrotechnics. But weak story. The movie was way too cliche and a no brainer. Everything from the train station farewell (how times did that appear in movies, a favorite among parodies) to Alec Baidwin making a speeches about the USA not losing the war because of men like Ben Affleck and Josh Hartlett. Very propagandic that is reminiscent of World War II-era Hollywood films. The Japanese sequences seemed to be done in a rush. And anyone noticed that Affleck didn't have trouble reading those love letters even though he was dyslexic?
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst... Review: The action scenes are quite good but that doesn't make a film. The scipt is terrible. Probably the most stereotypical plot possible for a war film, a woman loosing a man to war. I've seen that many times. Pearl Harbor has 2 hours of pathetic unoriginal footage. The only parts i cant complain much about are the action sequences because well, they came close to depicting war. However I thought Disney's desicion to not allow the film to be rated R was rediculous. It didn't make it seem as terrible as it was. Almost a lack of respect towards those who were at pearl harbor. If they weren't about to change the script so that the actual story [not the events of pearl harbor] were something new, the least stupid braukheimer could have done was shorten the thing to torture movie goers a little less. Thanks a lot...jerk....I can only hope he doesn't ruin BlackHawk Down, ridley scott beauty, the same way.
Rating:  Summary: Pearl Harbor Review: This dvd is the greates ever. First the story is fantastic I feel like I was there fight with our American Heros. Secondly the best sound does it justic Its DTS the best . Finaly for those who like war movies this is a must to own .
Rating:  Summary: Vile...truly vile... Review: In all honesty, I walked out of the movie theatre after 20 minutes of the most cliché, predictable, ridiculous scripting I've ever heard. The previews built this up as a movie about the attack on Pearl Harbor. What the viewer receives is a drawn out, Titanic-esque, melodramatic romance, with a 'smidgin' of battle to draw attention. While the battle scenes are impressive, they don't make up for the other two hours of clichéd writing. World War II can be a touchy subject for artists to work with. While I know that romance abounded during that time (how could it not, with soldiers leaving home and loved ones?), this movie SHOULD have focused more strongly on the battle...or else have the show renamed. If you want a *good* World War II movie, try "Tora, Tora, Tora", "Saving Private Ryan", or best yet, HBO's "Band of Brothers". If you want bad romance and melodrama, try Titanic.
Rating:  Summary: Well, today's the day.... Review: Well, Pearl Harbor comes out to DVD today, Dec. 4th. Just 3 days before the ACTUAL historical bombing. I wonder if they are going to do some kind of special on TV or something in light of the Sept. 11th events. I don't know about some of the people on this board, but I'm going to buy the Pearl Harbor DVD. It was a good movie (in my opinion), and the DVD has plenty of features. Even some historical features for you historical buffs out there. THe rated-R version (DIrector's CUt) DVD is coming out next year, and that one is supposed to be spectacular. 3 disks, with LOADS of historical footage, behind the scenes of the movie, and all this other stuff.
Rating:  Summary: (Zero Stars) Rolling Detritus Review: Michael Bay's "Pearl Harbor" is the most irresponsible piece of historical fiction ever committed to celluloid. He ruthlessly trivializes and distorts the the facts of the Pearl Harbor invasion, exploiting it as a mere backdrop for a vapid love-triangle sapfest and juvenile exhibitions of machismo. Mr. Bay should be ashamed of himself. The Pearl Harbor invasion was one of the most important events in world history, and his treatment is a great dishonor to those who fought and lost their lives in this tragedy. Simply presenting the facts of the invasion would have made for very compelling cinema. The belief that Ben Affleck's "star power" plus a gooey storyline was needed to draw in the herd is a grave insult to the audience. My advice- Don't give Michael Bay one red cent. Instead, watch the DVD of "Tora Tora Tora", a far superior film. Its balanced presentation of the facts is both enlightening and entertaining. The "Tora Tora Tora" DVD also includes an excellent documentary plus very interesting director commentary.
Rating:  Summary: A story of courage Review: I have just finished watching Pearl Harbor. All through the movie I could not believe that I listened to the critics and did not see this on the big screen. I heard that there was too much romance and not enough action. I am sitting here full of emotion seeing one of the most inspiring movies of all time. I watched courage, strength, honor, and great movie making. It was scenic, beautiful, electrifying. I was up moving around because the action was explosive and full of energy. I felt there was just about enough of everything to make this a wonderful movie. My hat is off and I salute to great entertainment. I come away feeling strength of purpose, after I whipped away tears from my eyes. I give this my four star rating.
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst films ever made/historically inaccurate Review: Greetings, If those who state that "Pearl Harbor" is a good film, they need to see such great war films as "Saving Private Ryan," "Platoon," "Apocalypse Now," or "Tora, Tora, Tora." Even lesser war films such as "Casualties of War," "Full Metal Jacket" and even "Hamburger Hill" are far better films than "Pearl Harbor." As Roger Ebert wrote, "Pearl Harbor" is the story of how the Japanese launched an attack on an American love triangle. I've read other customers who've posted their opinions that this film is historically accurate. Really? It was more fantasy than reality. First of all, a "Titanic" it's not. "Titanic" is not a great film by any stretch of the imagination, but it makes for good popcorn entertainment. By comparison, "Pearl Harbor" is flat-out awful. Furthermore, the love story is implausible. And the characters are wooden, the dialogue flat and forgettable. The film doesn't even deal with the fact that Roosevelt knew the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor, but withheld that information so America would have a reason to enter World War II. The characterization of the soldiers and Roosevelt is pure romantic melodrama. The characterization of the Japanese soldiers is one-dimensional and full of stereotypical and racial caricatures and cliches. The historical arguments aside, the film is full of sugary, dumbed down reality as it borrows from a glut of action-war films such as "Top Gun." The ending insults anyone with intelligence, going for a rah-rah happy ending (the raid on Tokyo) rather than just ending the film soon after the Pearl Harbor attack. Veterans of World War II and those soldiers and citizens who experienced the attack at Pearl Harbor should be upset that these money-grubbing filmmakers used the tragedy that is Pearl Harbor as a dimly painted background for the film, ignoring those who suffered and died that day. By comparison, despite the weaknesses of "Titanic," the filmmaker made sure to make the viewers feel the pain, tragedy and sense of loss emanating from the sinking of the ship. But watching "Pearl Harbor," I felt none such emotion. The film wasn't even about "Pearl Harbor." It was about some childhood friends who fall in love with the same nurse and their good ol' love triangle is interrupted by the Japanese military. The movie makes it seem like the Japanese military's main act was breaking up the love triangle. At least the filmmakers of "Titanic" were smart enough to avoid such a display. "Pearl Harbor" is going to sell tons of DVDS and videotapes because it's dumbed down, watered down fluff. And fluff sells. If you want to see good World War II films, there are many to choose from. Start with "Tora, Tora, Tora" which is very historically accurate, showing both the American and Japanese perspectives on the war. (and my last point, remember, that there was a large community of Americans of Japanese descent living in Hawaii at the time who were just as affected by the attack at Pearl Harbor as any other American. And "Pearl Harbor" doesn't even acknowledge the fact that there was a large Asian community in Hawaii. the film portrays the Japanese-Americans as participants in the attack on Pearl Harbor).
Rating:  Summary: Can I give this a "Negative Star" rating? Review: A Movie...that shall live...in Infamy.... This movie's problems are legion. First off the plot line was apparently written by a hyperactive fourteen-year-old who was laid up for a weekend with a bad cold. Best buddies dream of flying, grow up, join the Air Corps. Buddy One (Affleck), in a (literally) dyslexic fit of passion meets Girl (Beckinsale). Buddy One then proceeds to leave Girl to fight Germans with the RAF, as he would apparently rather fight than....well pardon my almost French. Buddy Two (Hartnett) stays behind because Buddy One did not tell him it was voluntary service and he assumed he couldn't go (apparently he had to stay home and wipe wings with Jimmie Doolittle). (...) Casting problems: This film was primarily a posing piece for Affleck and Hartnett, who just look too "generation duh" to pull off a forties fighter jock. In a real war, both would have been shot and left in a ditch by their own men. And Jimmie Doolittle was (...) not a pudgy, aging, lantern-jawed ex-sex-symbol (Baldwin). The script overall was riddled with hackneyed plot-twists, up to and including a plucky little doggie with a hurt paw. The raid on Japan was a direct rip-off of the 1940s classic "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo." In essence, this was the movie "1941" without the laughs, as it is about as historically accurate (...). This is just a bad movie, and that's all there is to it. With so many magnificent TRUE stories of heroism, courage, and devotion to duty generated on that Day of Infamy, I cannot understand why the writer felt the need to fabricate the story line he did, and I wonder if he actually read any actual accounts of the event before he set pen to paper.