Rating:  Summary: Another point of veiw Review: J.R.R Tolkien was a Catholic man. If you look at this movie from a Christian point of veiw you will see much more than just a good movie. Look at Frodo and how his situation resembles that of Christ. He had a heavy burden to bear but he was willing to sacrifice himself to save the rest of the world by destroying the RING {or the certain death of sin}. Such a little thing it's not a big deal. But as it takes control it is a big deal! The Orcs and goblins were another form of sin. Sam is the reflection of the human race. He is struggling to follow Frodo {or Christ}through the extreme sacrifices of doing what is best for you and others even though it's not fun. Merry and Pippin are also our reflection. Aragorn is sort of like the Holy Spirit. He is their wise guide and is also a king. Perhaps, Gandalf is their concience and their strength. This was a wonderful movie with or without a Christian point of veiw. It is well made and there is nothing bad in it except ugliness. I really reccommend it. Now any Christian parents who were wary about letting their children see this can tell them to look for these great examples of strength in intergity towards God.
Rating:  Summary: Peter Jackson's LORD OF THE RINGS Review: - This most be one of the best movies i've ever seen. But, Peter Jackson's (BRAINDEAD & BAD TASTE) first huuuge project was not perfect. Sure, he mastered to transfer Tolkien's world and charachters from the book to the big screen, but i just couldnt give the movie 5 stars due to editing, cutting and background errors (you could actually see one of the crews jeeps in the background in one of the scenes). But, beside this: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING is the best fantasy/adventure film i've ever seen. And this is just the first movie out of three... =)
Rating:  Summary: Magical Review: I would have to say WOW. THis movie has gone beyond the call of duty in both the artisic way and storyline way. I have recently purchased the audio CD and i have to say that it goes along with the movie almost perfectly. I went to see this movie twice in the same week. My friends just kinda looked at me when i told them but guess what when i dragged them to see it they fell in love with the movie instantly! All I have to say is that this movie is a must for a fan of fantasy stories. Come August 6 i will be purchasing the DVD and whenever the extended version comes out i will also be purchasing that one. and come Dec. 18 i will be one of the first ones in line to see the secon movie: The Twin Towers and also the third movie Return of the King in dec 2003.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, though not for Children Review: I personally liked this movie. It shows no blood, though there is alot of violence. But what can you expect from orges? I wouldn't let young children see this movie though. It can be frightening and lound in several places. You might also have a difficult time understanding it if you havn't read the books. It moves quickly and keep ou on the edge of your set. All in All, it's a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: the best ever Review: i think lord of the rings is execting and exqusite it has a lot of information on it it's brligty showed it's a masterpeice
Rating:  Summary: A Twelve Year Old's Fantasy...Come to Life! Review: Two years ago I received a phone call from my best friend telling me that they were making the Tolkien Books into movies. I immediately asked who the director was hoping to hell that it wasn't Speilberg or Lucas. Thank God for Peter Jackson. His vision and choice of staff have made reality out of my mind's eye interpretation of the LOTR Trilogy. As a twelve year old in the summer of '79 I should have been busy swimming and looking at girls...but instead found myself enthralled by the Tolkien books. It was nothing to read 60-70 pages a day. The whole while my mind was creating visions of the words for me. Now, I have a further extension of that world thanks to Hollywood. The screenplays are well written and stay as true to the books as ever. The sets are fantastic and absolutely transcend the ages. The development could have been more complete, such as adding Tom Bombadil (who saved the Fellowship right after it started) and the story of the Barrow Downs. But minute for minute this is the first time that film has done justice to books. If you saw this movie you know I speak truth...BUY THIS MOVIE!! It will not disappoint. And remember..."Not all those who wander are lost."
Rating:  Summary: Very Long, But Very Much Worth It Review: I was very exicted as was my area when this movie came out. Everyone was so excited in fact, that my whole section ignored the [person] behind me that was cussing at everything he didn't like. That was the intense effect on people from the movie.It was a great adaption to the Fellowship of the Ring (the book version). The battle scenes were so intense and the special effect swept you off your feet. My favorite part was when the Felloship was fighting the hordes of orcs in the forest near the end of the movie. IT was great! And you were warped into the story deeply (everyone jumped so high when Bilbo lunged at Frodo). I gave it 4 stars because it dragged on a fast-paced story into a long, LONG movie. But it's a got-to-see movie and I recommend it to veiwers who love the Lord of the Ring series, mystical movies and Harry Potter.
Rating:  Summary: One of the GREATEST movies ever made!!! Review: This is truly a spectacular movie. My mom and I saw it in the theaters five times. I was so exited when I hearsd it was coming out to video August 6th. Its an amazing movie. I think they casted the characters perfectly. Everything about the movie is great. When it comes out to video, I think everybody should get it. Its just a spectacular movie.
Rating:  Summary: Read the books, movies are so similar and true to the origin Review: Ok, I know I haven't seen the dvd, but the movie is brilliant. Thank God someone who is competent in Hollywood (Mr. Jackson) decided to adapt the books, as they are truly great books. So a few things didn't make the cut and he added Arwen far too early, but it doesn't take from the detailed text. I do miss Bombadil, but the movie was great even without him. And, unlike Star Wars, you can really feel for the characters even with the great special effects. It helps that their lines were already written in the book, but comparitively speaking, dialogue in the movie was excellent. (note to Lucas, the best Star Wars, dialogue-wise, was Episode 5, the one you did not write!) Overall, this movie is a must see, but not for youngsters who don't understand or haven't read the book, as it is not a true action movie and may seem boring, which it is most certainly is not.
Rating:  Summary: An Adventure Awaits You... Review: For those who have read the book, the Lord of the Rings surely is a masterpiece. For those who haven't even glanced at the cover of Tolkien's LOTR stories, the Lord of the Rings is surely an adventure. This movie was nominated for 13 Academy Awards, and deserved every one of them. The acting was awesome. Every single actor and actress in this film gave it their best, and their best was more than enough to bring Tolkien's story to life. For those of you that are not familiar with the story, the movie basically starts out in the Shire, where Frodo Baggins is living peacefully...unaware that he will soon be in grave danger. He inherits the 'one' ring. This ring corrupts many people, and creatures, and fills them with greed and betrayal, for it was made by the Dark Lord Sauron. Along with his friends, Frodo sets out to destroy the ring, while running away from those that hunt it...and those that hunt him. The stunts are spectacular, the scenery is wonderful, and I dont think you could have made any book come to life in a movie better than this one. As for agewise...I let a five year old see it and she wanted to watch it again...it depends on the child. The orcs (ugly and evil creatures) are pretty scary for youngsters, but the heroes of this film make up for the scary parts, and can leave anyone from ages child to adult with their mouthes hanging wide open. Watch the Lord of the Rings...The Fellowship of the Ring, the first movie in the three part journey...an adventure awaits you...