Rating:  Summary: The Lord of The Rings Review: An exquisite piece of filmmaking--truly the best film I've seen. This film stays so true to the original text that it thoroughly envelopes even those who have previously read the work. The pictures I had imagined while reading this series as a child magically appeared before my eyes. "How did they know? How could they have possibly captured my imagination in such detail?!" I kept babbling like a delightfully befuddled idiot after the movie was over. This is a credit to Tolkien's excellent storytelling, a gifted director's passion and dedication and a superb cast and crew.The Lord of the Rings is the kind of movie making that most artists only dream of--a project that allows the proper time for their craft so they can produce an exceptional piece of art--and an honestly exciting one to boot (so refreshingly unlike the typical Hollywood moneymaker). I hope that others will take notice of this project and follow suit! Bravo!
Rating:  Summary: The Best of the Best. Review: Where do I start with this movie? It is one of the bests I have ever seen. First off and let me tell you. What ever negative comments people give on the this movie, don't pay any attention to them. The movie is simply outstanding. I wish it went more than 3 hours. I have read all the books and I loved them. May aspect on the movie rivals my aspect on the books. This movie was the best! Stunning graphics, awesome music, creepy characters, this movie has the works. I don't want to tell much of the movie because I don't want to give anything away but all I can say is that I am buying this movie the very hour it comes to a local store.
Rating:  Summary: I know you will hate me for saying this but... Review: I really, really did not like this movie. Saying this when almost all the other reviews are well written explanations of why this movie deserves 5 stars is very difficult indeed. Nevertheless, after seeing this movie I felt very disappointed. I am a fan of both fantasy and science fiction, and I read and enjoyed (to some extend) one of the books in the Lord of the Rings series. So it is not that I just dislike fantasy/sci-fi. The reason I disliked this movie is that when I saw it in the theaters I almost fell asleep. There was no dramatic tension at all. Although I have to admit the opening sequences were very good, and the special effects and scenery were great - I would claim that the filmmakers got totally carried away with special effects. Once the hobbit and company started fighting computer generated monsters, I grew less and less interested until I was at the point of walking out of the theater! I mean, I have nothing against fighting in movies, especially fighting with well done special effects - but enough is enough! After a point there is no more excitement, and it becomes monotonous and dull. Honesty, the sad thing about movies today is that the reliance on special effects has led to a decline in the quality of the other aspects of the film, such as dialogue, creativity, etc, etc. In my opinion, there is nothing interesting in watching hours of computer generated fighting scenes. Come on - where is the excitement in that? In addition to the excessive fighting, I feel that this movie was badly acted. In one scene, there was a close up on the hobbit's face after somebody was killed (the fact that I don't remember who shows how much I really cared at that point) - and the whole theater began laughing out loud. I don't think that this was the desired effect, somehow. Anyhow, this is only my personal opinion. After viewing the movie, I felt that it was very bad due to the excessive fighting (and subsequent lack of creative dialogue, character development, etc, etc.) and poor acting. Hollywood really needs to go back to watching some classic movies - which did not use any special effects - because it seems that filmmakers have lost the ability to entertain audiences without massive doses of sepcial effects. And even worse, as proved by this movie, sometimes even special effects cannot make a dull movie interesting...
Rating:  Summary: I know you will hate me for saying this but... Review: I really, really did not like this movie. ...I am a fan of both fantasy and science fiction, and I read and enjoyed (to some extend) one of the books in the Lord of the Rings series. So it is not that I just dislike fantasy/sci-fi. The reason I disliked this movie is that when I saw it in the theaters I almost fell asleep. There was no dramatic tension at all. Although I have to admit the opening sequences were very good, and the special effects and scenery were great - I would claim that the filmmakers got totally carried away with special effects. Once the hobbit and company started fighting computer generated monsters, I grew less and less interested until I was at the point of walking out of the theater! I mean, I have nothing against fighting in movies, especially fighting with well done special effects - but enough is enough! After a point there is no more excitement, and it becomes monotonous and dull. Honesty, the sad thing about movies today is that the reliance on special effects has led to a decline in the quality of the other aspects of the film, such as dialogue, creativity, etc, etc. In my opinion, there is nothing interesting in watching hours of computer generated fighting scenes. Come on - where is the excitement in that? In addition to the excessive fighting, I feel that this movie was badly acted. In one scene, there was a close up on the hobbit's face after somebody was killed (the fact that I don't remember who shows how much I really cared at that point) - and the whole theater began laughing out loud. I don't think that this was the desired effect, somehow. Anyhow, this is only my personal opinion. After viewing the movie, I felt that it was very bad due to the excessive fighting (and subsequent lack of creative dialogue, character development, etc, etc.) and poor acting. Hollywood really needs to go back to watching some classic movies - which did not use any special effects - because it seems that filmmakers have lost the ability to entertain audiences without massive doses of sepcial effects. And even worse, as proved by this movie, sometimes even special effects cannot make a dull movie interesting...
Rating:  Summary: WOW Review: Combine a great story, a huge budget, and highly creative imagination and you get The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring. This is an incredible movie! The story is too complex to paraphrase but let's just say this, by the time the third installment hits the theatres, there will be pandemonium in the streets with everyone fighting to get into the theaters. The story grabs ahold of you at the beginning, and never lets go, a truly EPIC film. Buy this movie, it's awesome!
Rating:  Summary: Not a "Rings" fan, but I liked this movie Review: The sheer feel of this movie is worth the price of admission. I've never been able to plod through "LOR" but I really enjoyed this movie. I may have enjoyed it more than many "LOR" junkies as I carried no baggage into the theatre. Great FX and music. What a fun film. Dock a star for some wooden acting.
Rating:  Summary: As good as we could expect Review: First of all, I'd like to say that I loved this movie. My generation missed out on seeing Star Wars for the first time in the theater, at a time when the special effects were still very impressive and the movie was still original, but in return, we get this. And you know what? If I had a choice between the two, I'd pick this in a second, and anyone who knew me between fourth and sixth grade will know from that just how much this movie impressed me. If you haven't seen this yet, I pity you, because you won't be able to see it in the theater anytime soon, and believe me, you want to. That said, the movie's excellence makes its flaws all the worse. If you paddle boats on one side only, they don't go in a straight line! There are also some continuity errors that become maddening once you notice them. One of the statues on the Great River, for instance, holds up its right arm when seen from the front but its left arm when seen from the back. (Or was it the other way around?) This is particularly annoying because the scene is one of the best in the movie, and the corresponding passage from the book is, in my opinion, one of the best in all of Tolkien. The changes made to Merry and Pippin were also questionable, since they weren't nearly so silly in the book, and the comic episodes detract from the movie rather than adding to it. (Why, oh why, did the scriptwriter have to add a comic line to the movie's most emotional scene? It didn't even involve Merry or Pippin.) As hard as it may be to believe after that, I mean everything that I said in the first paragraph. The casting is superlative. The only significant mistake, aside from the aforementioned ones, was Liv Tyler as Arwen; I didn't find her a convincing elf. The visuals are utterly beautiful or horrific, as the scene requires--I would go so far as to say that the art in this movie is the best I've ever seen in any movie. They also remembered to put in dirt, which is actually rather unusual. Clearly, Peter Jackson has some of the best artists in the industry working for him. The score is good too, although some part of it seem a little too Carmina Burana-ish. Of course, some things were changed, and some were omitted. For example, Glorfindel is gone; his part goes to Arwen instead. Tom Bombadil and the Barrow-downs are skipped. The movie does not go into as much detail about some characters' backstories as the book did. No doubt the alterations will offend some Tolkien fans, but I think they are mostly defensible. In a movie that is already three hours long, it is necessary to slim down the cast of characters and the plot. Some of these things, such as Tom Bombadil and most of the songs, would be very difficult to translate into film anyway. Those things seemed out of place even in the book, although they would have fit into The Hobbit seamlessly. Of course, some of the characters and places will not be as you pictured them. Personally, I found that Frodo, Legolas, and the Balrog were all significantly off, but when evaluated independently of my expectations, they stand up well enough. Anyone who has read the books doesn't need to be told that the movie is no substitute. It gives you an intense rush for a while, but in the end it lacks the power of the original. That aside, it is the best movie that we could have realistically expected, and the best I've seen in a long time.
Rating:  Summary: this movie rocks!! Review: this is tha absolute greatest movie in the world. i love it. u have 2 get it. u don't even have 2 read the stories 1st 2 enjoy it. itz the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Its the Star Wars of the new Melnium Review: Lord of the Rings is the second best Triolgy next to Star Wars. I am not disrespecting Lord of the Rings by any means, I just grew up on Star Wars. On to the movie Christopher Lee did a great job as Sarmon the White wizard Elijah Wood also did a great job as Froto. Ian Magluin was great as Gandolf sorry if I spelt his name wrong. The Fellowship has the perfect formula same with the Two Towers and Return of the King. I am definity going to be in the theater god willing for the next 2 movies in the Lord of the Rings Series
Rating:  Summary: A massacre of a classic!! Review: I first viewed this movie excited to see Tolkien's timeless classic put into live action on screen. Not only were the characters completely off, they removed all the poems and songs that were intrinsic to the nature of the fable. Special effects are very entertaining, but you must realize that nothing quite compares to midget like people singing and dancing gayily to memorized poetry. A shame that this movie was ruined by the short sightedness of the director. And what about Tom Bombadil? Might as well rename this This Lord Really Stinks! THumbs way down to a movie that could have quite possibly become a modern masterpiece. FOR SHAME!!!