Rating:  Summary: EVER READ THE BOOK? Review: Have you ever read the book?Yes? Have you ever read it in one sitting? No? Thats why this is a BAD film! I hate to point this out but a book and a movie are two very difrent medias, so even if a film is just like the book does not allways mean its a good film because the convenctions are so difrent, personly i found Lord of the Rings; over long, Over acted and under written. This is why books get changed so much when they are adapted for screen, If you wanna see a better vertion of LOTR then watch the cartoon. Yes its diffrent, thats because its more of a movie than a book on the screen. And thats a good thing. I for sure will not be watching the other Two of Peter Jacksons LOTR films no mater how much how much like the book they are.
Rating:  Summary: lord of the rings / best of the best ??? Review: lord of the rings is the best movie ever created.if u dont like this movie , youve been living under a rock ur whole life . u need to get it once it comes out . believe me , u wont be disapointed .
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular! Review: I believe that Peter Jackson did an incredible job with this movie. It's tone is perfect, and I have many good things to say about it, but that would take much too long. Instead I will list my few complaints about the movie: The shards of Narsil should not be in Rivendell! Aragorn should have them. I am very disappointed with the casting of Liv Tyler as Arwen. 'Fraid she's not exactly beautiful. In Bree, the Hobbits trust Aragorn much to easily. Aragorn is much too unsure of himself. Galadriel is portrayed as an evil witch. In the movie, Gimli and Legolas are not so wary of each other, therefore thier friendship later on means less. I didn't like the battle between Lurtz and Aragorn. Lurtz is supposed to be killed by Eomer. They unessisarily made Arwen's role larger. Well, I think that's all! As an extreme fan of the books, I think the movie was pretty darn good!
Rating:  Summary: `Nobody Tosses The Dwarf???!!' Review: Loud and flashy, to distract you from the bad acting (from a great cast - what happened???), ham-handed direction, and an utter lack of heart. The overwhelming support this putrid film is getting showcases how very removed modern society is from the time in which this masterpiece of fiction was written - and from the author's original vision. This is a dumbed down, illiterate, `cool parts' skim of one of the most resonating books ever written. Not only is the whimsy and quaintness of the story completely forgotten, but the depth of characterization has been chucked in favor of meaningless aerial sweeps interspersed between moments of Dungeons and Dragons-like violence (not a knock to Gary Gygax -he could've written a better script). Every character under five feet is likewise given the short end of the stick (pardon). Gimili is turned from an honorable, stoic flintheart to a stereotypical bearded barbarian - alternately blubbering and uttering idiotic oaths (see the title of this review). Merry and Pippin's familial motivations for joining the quest are completely missing -they come across as a pair of dunderheaded frat boys - and Sam and Frodo are merely along for the ride as we are meant to `oo and aah' (as most of us did) to the CGI wizardry of Gandalf and friends. The Nazgul scream like banshees -more annoying than frightening, the battle of Weathertop features an amazing and ridiculous `Black Rider catches torch in his teeth and flounders about' shtick, and Sir McClellan's admittedly statuesque Gandalf faces yet another cartoon peril on the Bridge of Khazad Dum. Where was the re-forging of Anduril? Why did the Hobbits follow Strider blindly into the wilderness before learning he was Aragorn? Where was the gift-giving scene at Lorien? Why does Bilbo go all Roger Rabbit in one sequence? Does anyone care at all? Apparently not. What is most shameful is that this will be the definitive version of this story in the minds of children who have never read this glorious book and will be bored by its comparitively slow pace. My only hope is that the 30 minutes extra will explain all that went wrong with this shallow film. In four discs (for one movie!)I should hope Jackson would be able to do so.
Rating:  Summary: if u dont like it u should get a cat scan Review: ok first is first im 13 but it doesnt have my age second I AM NOT A CRONY OF THAT LEGOLAS GUY OR FRODO(though they r both truly drool worthy!)and i have somthing to say:Lotr:Fotr is a true master piece! whenever i go to a theater i cross my fingers and start chanting please please please, let them show a preview! I like the movie becasuse im a plot seeker and in most movies i can figure out the whole film in the first five minutes. not so with this one. In lord of the rings u r imeadiatly inundated with amazing images of triumph over evil that is quickly antiquated by the sorrow of human weakness but right after u r dumped in the middle of a flourishing culture of little people with their own ways and feelings. all i can say is watch the movie with an open mind! ... sowhat if they left of tom bombadil he was annoying(no offense to those who like his character i do to)
Rating:  Summary: Hold Out A Little Longer Review: I have seen this movie many times at the movie theater and the only way to watch it is in wide screen. This is a great dvd with good special features. The only reason I give it four instead of five stars is because there is suppose to be another special edition coming out the first of November. It will be a three or four disk collection and contain somewhere around thirty minutes of extra scenes that are actually added into the film. It will probably be a better buy in the long run.
Rating:  Summary: Haven't seen it yet but it has to be good, sort of Review: I have been reading the reviews of this film and I am certain its a very good interpretation of the books. That said , I am disappointed that they once again chose to exclude the adventures of Frodo and Company on their way down the Withywindle when they met Tom Bombadil. This character was the first to show them how important it was that evil could be "master"ed. He was also the first to give them unconditional support in their quest. It's a shame that the screen writers chose to ignore his importance to Frodo when he was at his first low, a point where he could have decided to abandon his quest and forever be the doom of his civilization.
Rating:  Summary: Elves and Hobbits and Dwarves, Oh My!!! Review: I cannot begin to tell you how often I have seen this movie. It has become an endearing and lasting favorite of mine! I have read Professor T since I was a teenager, and have dreamed of this classic being made into a movie. I never in my wildest dreams thought that anyone would take the trouble to make it live-action, but Peter Jackson did and I am eternally grateful! Not only did he catch the very essence of the characters, but he showed us the truly beautiful world of Middle Earth through his eyes. My only complaint was that the movie was TOO SHORT! I would have loved to stay in that world forever, with its breathtaking mountains, pristine woodlands and ethereal settings. I would also have loved to see more in-depth interaction with all the characters...If you haven't seen it, GO NOW! It will be a treat for the eyes, ears and heart of anyone who loves this type of adventure... There is so much action going at a constant rate that you will feel that you have run the gambit with our heroes!
Rating:  Summary: One of the only movies I will watch Review: I'm very choosy about what I watch, but FOTR is just incredible! Peter Jackson and his team did an unbelievable job of capturing the spirit and passion of Middle Earth's cultures and provided one of the most enjoyable movies of all time. From the pure romance to super action sequences and tender moments with the characters, all things are done top-notch and strike true in your heart. This movie is the best! =)
Rating:  Summary: Good. Review: This movie was good and it stars Elijah Wood and Ian Mckellon and was released on Christmas vacation of 2001. The movie had beautiful scenery and follows the book closely. ALthough this was a good movie I did not think it deserved as many oscar nominations as it got but what's done is done. This movie grossed a 312 million dollars making it the second highest grossing movie of 2001 behind Harry Potter. I recommend this movie with Harry Potter because I want you to see the similarities in both of them.