Rating:  Summary: Business as Usual Review: The over-all quality of this DVD is very good. If you don't know it already, Peter Jackson's version of LORD of the RINGS - THE FELLOWSHIP of the RING is very good. The pictorial grandeur and operatic scoring of the wide-release version of LOTR-FOTR is well served by the letterbox format and excellent sound on this double-disc set. The bonus DVD contains moderately interesting interview and on-location documentary footage, though much of the best material here is from the LOTR website featurettes.As others have observed here on Amazon's public review board, this DVD's 'problem' (if it can be called that)is the revelation of a new, extended version of the film, due out in mid-November and tantalizingly previewed on the bonus materials disc. From a business perspective, New Line is wise to release the 178 minute version of the film several months before the longer, more detailed version. Such a stategy will certainly move more discs than releasing both versions of the film at once, which would likely confuse public opinion regarding the better version. Make no mistake, if J.R.R. Tolkien could approve a film adaptation of FOTR, he would prefer a version longer than 178 minutes. I can just imagine some of the comments from test audiences when the earliest cut of FOTR, a 4 1/2 hour version, was screened: "Difficult to digest," "Too many names," "Unwieldy." Negative comments like these would have had a special weight, considering the monumental investment/gamble of the film's backers. With so much riding on the success of the trilogy's first film, New Line must have been concerned about marketing. Even at just under 3 hours, this version of the film pushes the acceptable length for a wide-release feature. Remember, if you can, the public reception of Lean's LAWRENCE of ARABIA, and the subsequent attempts to improve its "viewability" by cutting it. I have little doubt that the extra 30-40 minutes of material in the extended version of FOTR will improve the film. Tolkien used detail to flesh-out his characters and environs. Fantastic languages, loving descriptions of landscape, and cultural details all contribute to the depth and allure of Tolkien's vision. The extended film version of FOTR promises more footage of settings, and more use of foreign (fantastic?) language. Also, it will provide information that sets up later events and contributes to richer character exposition. For example, more footage of Lothlorien, including a long-shot, should lend a better sense of scale to the tree-city. The important gift-giving sequence has also been restored, giving viewers a source for the cloak clasps all the Fellowship members are wearing in FOTR's final scenes, a detail that will continue to pay off in The TWO TOWERS.
Rating:  Summary: Good book, finaly on the screen of your TVs..... Review: If are are too lazy to read that great master peace as a book, I would sugest you to buy that DVD and watch all the following parts of LOTR. It is really good staging with the well chosen actors and amazing SFX. I think anyone would find some pleasure from watching that movie. And final decision left to you.
Rating:  Summary: This IS the book brought to life... Review: What a great film to be made. I loved all the actors, the protrayals, the cinematography, the direction, the costumes, everything... But, it is as slow, tedious and dull as Tolkein's tepid writings. Sorry, T, but you rambled your way through a boring series of books, and Peter Jackson faithfully adapted it with the style and flavor of your pennings. Sadly, it isn't a great movie, but it is a triumphant and majestic work that will go the way of all bloated Hollywood flicks- noted obscurity: a fascinating bore for future generations. I blame none of the crew or cast...it is all Tolkein's fault.
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of The Rings-An Amazing Classic Adventure Review: J.R.R. Tolkien's novel is amazing and so is the film, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. This film features fantastic performances from Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Liv Tyler, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, Christopher Lee, Sean Bean, Cate Blanchett, Ian Holm, Hugo Weaving and many others. There are also thrilling battle sequences, beautiful art-like backgrounds, exquisite costumes and of course great acting performances. The Night Riders, are also some interesting characters. The plot is basically, a ring which must be destroyed and Frodo Baggins played by Elijah Wood has volunteered for the job if you will. Soon, Orlando Bloom, Ian Mckellan, Viggo Mortensen and a few others will help him with this problem. The ring must be taken to the ghastly fires of Mount Doom where it was made, only there can it be unmade. But Sauron, the dark lord has returned and needs the ring. So, who will win the battle for the ring. An interesting tale of fantasy and fiction. The film from here really takes you on a thrill ride. The film features intense battle sequences with swords piercing and other methods of fighting if you will. So not a terrible choice for the kids, but having an adult wouldn't hurt, the film is PG-13 by the way. If you want to see a great adventure film then see The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. A great film to own, but it is fairly long so maybe you should watch it during the day. I can't wait for the next 2 films in the trilogy also directed by Peter Jackson. A great film, a must-see! A must-own as well! This is a lot better than that...Harry Potter and the well you know the title. Now that is not a good fantasy film, but I hate to say it, it was actually better than I expected. But the point, is see The Lord of the Rings, well you know the rest of the title. A film worth seeing, believe me! Available to own on Video and DVD, August 6th. By the way the next film, oh God I'm I getting tired of writing the title. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, will be coming out December 18, 2002. So that should be something to look foward to, but anyway see the first one and I think you know the title so I don't have to write it again. Thanks and I hope you found this review somewhat or totally helpful. Also, the DVD is awesome. It has a load of features from a number of behind-the-scenes documetaries to commentaries by the director to a sneak peek of the new installment in the trilogy. Oh God, I have to spell out the title again don't I, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. There are also a load of DVD-Rom features. You can own this film in widescreen of fullscreen, but I think widescreen edition is a lot better. Both editions have the same feautres of course. Own this DVD, I am serious it is awesome! You will want it very much so, I am telling you. Nominated for 13 Academy Awards, taking in only 4. A masterpiece, Peter Jackson's best! At least that's how I feel about it! Anyway just buy the dang film. Thanks!
Rating:  Summary: Boring and highly overrated Review: I thought that The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring was incredibly boring and highly overrated. It seemed to drag on, and finally at the end, when the excitement comes, you learn that in order to find out what happens...you have to watch 6 more hours of the movie. The least Peter Jackson could've done would've been to give it a little more of an ending. Otherwise, it's like an open-ended waste of time. I recommend not wasting your time on this one.
Rating:  Summary: Not a dungeon and dragons kind of person but...... Review: WOW!!!! This movie just blew me away. I have to admit I didn't read The Lord of the Rings, it just passed me by in school, so I was completely going in blind watching the movie, but I easily followed along as Frodo comes across "the ring" and needs to destroy it to brings peace to his world. Elijah Wood was charming as Frodo, and Ian McKellen as Gandalf the wizard is remarkable as only he can be. Viggo Mortenson bravely plays Aragorn helping Frodo on his quest and is superb and a delight. Other performances that must be mentioned, as brief as they are on screen, are Liv Tyler and Cate Blanchett both hauntingly beautiful and unforgettable. With characters all so endearing and likeable and visual effects and scenery that will blow you away, I now can't wait for the second of three installments to come to the screen. Not at all what I expected! I watched with intense curiousity and thrills and chills and even some tugs at my heart strings......though long, the time went by, and when it was finished and the credits rolled I found myself wanting more. So I now eagerly await the next picture, The Two Towers, which can be previewed on the DVD introduced by the director Peter Jackson.
Rating:  Summary: And Best Picture Should've Gone To... Review: "The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring" was the one movie at Oscar time that truly deserved to rule them all. Alas, its chances were weakened by the fantasy theme and silly little complaints about the ending, and we all had to watch with dropped jaws as the fine, but far-from-great "Beautiful Mind" ended up taking the top trophy instead. A shame.But enough about all that meaningless award stuff. "Lord Of The Rings" is an epic, grand adventure in the tradition of such beloved films as "Star Wars" and, well...no other examples spring to mind. Of course, that's the beauty of this film: its ability to sweep us into a dream world the way so few can.There are only a handful of folks who don't know the plot, but I'll extend the courtesy to unfamiliars in a brief synopsis. Young hobbit Frodo (Elijah Wood) is given the task of transporting a powerful, dangerous ring (created by the evil entity Sauron) to its destruction -- and that's no easy job. He is helped on his journey by a great wizard (Ian McKellan), a noble warrior (Viggo Mortensen), and a variety of other useful creatures and friends, who together form The Fellowship Of The Ring. Their main distractions come from another, more powerful wizard (Christopher Lee), who appears to be in alliance with Sauron.There isn't enough room available here for me to go on about how excellent "Fellowship" is. I would, however, like to point out my fondness for the director, Peter Jackson (whose other credits include the fascinating "Heavenly Creatures" and the fun "Frighteners"), who has taken his vision of a classic book and so lovingly applied it to film -- he makes no missteps whatsoever. I would also like to say that I had no problem falling into the fantasy of all this; the special effects are stunning and the story is told at a good pace. Congrats, as well, to the actors, none of whom have trouble finding their characters.The last thing to discuss here is the much-debated ending (worry not, Amazon.com customers, I offer no spoilers!). Many feel that it just leaves you hanging. Others, like me, believe that it is a perfect, highly appropriate and nicely timed conclusion to a new masterpiece in modern cinema.
Rating:  Summary: Epic Review: From the captivating prologue to the moving and emotional Breaking of the Fellowship, this movie takes you on an epic adventure that astounds you with its scope while managing to keep the characters from being overshadowed by the landscape - and sheer size - of this film. I was hooked from the beginning as Galadriel begins her Elvish narration. The Fellowship of the Ring has profound themes that were a breath of fresh air. Don't see this film if you don't want to think. As soon as I saw it, I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy two times through, back to back, and then tackled the Silmarillion. I was completely drawn into this magnificent world.
Rating:  Summary: Probably as good as it can get Review: The expectations for this DVD were very high. I did not see the movie in the theater. Some of the CGI effects were a bit disappointing, but overall I was enthralled. I was a bit surprised at how much was shown of the creation of the Uruk-hai, but those scenes were great. Buy it and enjoy, I did.
Rating:  Summary: History, work of fiction, or religious experience? Review: Yes to all of the above. I was one of the people who just couldn't wait the extra three months for the extended version of the DVD. This movie is one of the finest motion pictures ever made. Frodo Baggins - a Hobbit (a race of halfling creatures with big furry feet who eat no less than 6 meals a day) - his friends and Gandalf the Wizard begin the quest to destroy the One Ring of Power. The ring is in the possession of Frodo, who must cast it into the fires from which it came before it proves to be the undoing of Middle Earth. What makes The Fellowship of the Ring a masterpiece is that it has the feel of history - a deep, long history. Peter Jackson's direction and the actors' portrayals give these mythical characters something missing from most action and fantasy genre films - emotions. Sadness, joy, romance, and bravery to the point of sacrifice. Emotions that move you to tears and emotions that move you to cheers. The DVD package provides plenty of extras, and unless you are a fan of extended versions and "Making Of" documentaries, this may be all that you need. But whether you read the books, wait for the extended version of Fellowship of the Ring, or buy this version, don't miss out on Tolkien.