Rating:  Summary: "Brian Hoven" Gives it 3.5 thumbs up Review: Brian Hoven the God of all quest movies, has taken on what one might call an obsession with this movie. His love for wizards and hobits is endless. Being an expert that he is, as most already know, he states they(upcoming movies)can only get better.Brian Hoven is the King of the Shire.
Rating:  Summary: Compelling and thoughtful Review: Considering the amount of detail and background that "The Lord of the Rings" books encompasses, the film might have suffered a "Dune"-like outcome: too much drama crammed into too little time. Happily, Peter Jackson's movie proves that theory wrong (at least here), and delights the Tolkien reader with visuals to match the imagination.All the characters are well-acted. Gandalf's role as wizard and protector of the Shire comes across strongly in Ian McKellen's lined face. Viggo Mortensen does a fine job with Aragorn, the Ranger and future king - he's neither creepy nor too-heroic, but rather a man struggling with the weight of Middle-Earth's battles and legends. Elijah Wood deserves an Oscar simply for giving us Frodo Baggins in the flesh: all wide eyes and simple hobbit determination. I thought Cate Blanchett was a great Galadriel - although played a bit too mystical, as if there was a ouija board hidden in her robes. The visuals are stunning. Middle-Earth is as real as our own world (thanks to New Zealand) and the landscape changes dramatically with each chapter. Even invented scenery (Moria, the mallorn trees of Lorien) are convincing. The orcs are suitably horrible, and the Balrog (my favorite) is exactly the flame-and-shadow apparition that Tolkien described. One quibble: the music gets too much. The film needn't have had the same overblown score that every epic predictably offers. It occurred to me while watching it on DVD that the sound of Middle-Earth should be as unique as its appearance. Or better still, ease back on the violins occasionally and horns and let us hear the world that Tolkien described. Another irksome detail was Liv Tyler's exaggerated role in "The Fellowship of the Ring." Arwen did not fight off the Nazgûl at Bruinen Ford. That was Elrond (with Gandalf's help) in the form of a foaming flood. Anyway, the film is worth watching repeatedly. If the second and third installments are as good as this, it'll be a classic.
Rating:  Summary: Cinematic Majesty -- and a Gripping Tale Review: I've never read Tolkien, so I had no preconceptions to overcome. When I learned they built the Hobbit village and left it to grow into place a year before filming, I knew this would be a film to see. This movie does not disappoint. The music, story flow, camera angles, music, locations, special effects (did I mention the music?) all combine with superb acting to enchant anyone who loves movies. This is a keeper, and I have no doubt the follow-on two movies will be just as good.
Rating:  Summary: WAIT. . . Review: Everything (sound, Picture, and Story) is what you would expect from a great DVD. If you don't mind splitting the movie on two discs, you may want to look into the extended edition. You will get an additional 30 min.s of footage. If you read the books, you already know several (good) chapters are missing in the film version. Great Movie!
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings Review: With all the praise this movie has been recieving, I am not sure what more I can add, but I do feel that I have to voice my opinion. The movie deserve every bit the praise. It IS a masterpiece, and it is already a classic. I admit that I was sceptic going in to watch the movie, after all I have read the book countles times, I was thinking: This has to be a letdown. How wrong I was. Let me start with the surroundings. They are perfect. They actualy hit exactly how I imagined The Shire, and later on Bree and Moria, I had not thought this possible. Everything is worked on to perfection. The clothing, the weapons, the makeup. The casting too is formidable. Elijah Wood is perfect as Frodo, and Ian McKellen simply IS Gandalf, no doubt about it in my mind. I actualy feel that there has been no wrong steps in this part of the movie at all. Everything works in a greater harmony. Another thing is that the movie follows the book very closesly(with a few exeptions), the storyline has only been altered slightly, and the scenes that has been cut out, has been chosen carefully. The cut out scenses from the book, are not of monumental importance to the main-plot. The only real alteration is the motives of Saruman, this is understandable though(I shall say no more in case some of you have not seen the movie). Most importantly I feel that Peter Jackson catches the mood of Tolkiens books very well, this is where it CAN go wrong, even with a 100 million dollars to back you up. But Jackson make Tolkiens universe come to life in a very unique way. The movie might have a bit more emphasis on action than the books, but it is not a flaw. All I can do is congratulate everyone working on the movie for doing a splendid job. If the sequels are as good as this, then we got a trilogy-classic on our hands.
Rating:  Summary: SURELEY THE ULTIMATE FANTASY EPIC? Review: After the misfortune of missing this at the flicks I was eager to rent the dvd when it was released.I was not dissappointed at all.the stunning New zealand landscapes mingle with the amazing but not completeley over the top CGI effects (Attack of the clones take note) to create a very real fantasy world of middle earth.The attention to detail,and faithfulness to books as far as I can remember as well is outstanding.The characters allthough I admit did we really need that many? all play the parts well,not to over top or hamming it up at all,even old hands christopher lee and sir Ian Mckellen manage to play it fairly straight.The excellent score rounds off the stunning adventure,niceley prsented in crsystal clear anamorphic widescreen.the only reason not to enter the world of orcs,goblins,hobbits,beautiful elves(especially liv tyler and cate blanchett!)and many other creatures is if you cannot stand fantasy adventures at all.The only problem is the extra features are a bit sparse compared to the special edition coming out in November,allthough the glimpses of the next movie are certainley worth a look.I'T s that old (poor) trick to make you buy it twice,but the choice is yours,wait or buy this is a warm up for more to come.
Rating:  Summary: Why can't I give this six stars? Review: You already know. It's beautiful, lush, action-packed, filled with great characters, and it really takes you to Middle-Earth. If you haven't read the book, shame on you. And if you have, but haven't seen the movie yet...Yes, it's true! The reviews were no exxageration!
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings Delivers a Hit! Review: Peter Jackson has created a visual masterpiece that remains very true to the first book of J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings". Even those (like myself) who have not read "The Fellowship of the Ring" book before seeing the movie should find it entertaining from start to finish. The acting is magnificent and the story is timeless. Try not to be too disappointed at the end, there's more to come and it looks even better - if that's possible!
Rating:  Summary: Lord Of The Rings ruled Review: Lord Of The Rings was so good. There was never a scene where it was boring or they were just wandering around. There was always action somewhere. My favorite part was when the troll came into the mine. The movie was great so I give it 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: A Stunning Achievement! Review: I have never seen a movie where I feel the need to watch it again even though it has just finished. It was the same when I read the books as a teenager. I just couldn't get enough of the story and read the books over and over again. Peter Jackson has accomplished what everyone thought was impossible - bringing Tolkien to the screen in a way that does Tolkien justice. I am quite impressed with the DVD version. I purchased it knowing full well that most of the good stuff was probably being saved for the Extended Version. I felt that the picture quality was far superior to the quality of the version I saw in the theatre. There were many places in the movie where I felt it was a bit blurry, and grainy. The picture quality of the DVD was decidedly clearer. And the sound! I can honestly say that my couch was vibrating and the neighbors banging on my door! A great DVD version of a masterfully done movie!