Rating:  Summary: THERE ISN'T ANY FILM BETTER THAN THIS Review: For me, lover of LOTR and the fantasy medieval ambient, there isn't any fil better than this... From The begining to the end, is just perfect, anyway. I just can't wait to Parts II and III. A must see, a must have. BEST FILM EVER.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is awesome!! Review: This was definetely one of the best movies I have ever seen in my life! BUY IT!!!!!! I can't wait for the next two to come out!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent film for all ages and backgrounds! Review: I had not read the books as a child, but that did not stop me from understanding the plot, nor thoroughly enjoying this wonderfully made film. If you have not read the books either, and are even mildly interested in this film, you should buy it, enjoy it, and share it with others.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome! Review: This movie is awesome! Easily one of the best Action/Adventure films ever. I saw Lord of the Rings several times in the theater and it only got better each time. Watch it today!!
Rating:  Summary: RINGS Done Right Review: The two-disk set of FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING will satisfy those who enjoyed the film in the theaters and want to own it in their home collection. It will wet the appetite of the fanboys who are waiting for the deluxe/extended DVD edition in November and THE TWO TOWERS in December (theatrical release).The film looks great here. I think DVD looks superior to VHS any day, but I must confess that some of the transfer looks like the compression shows. The title and some of the blacks look pixilated to my eyes. This is a small complaint. I'm not all that technical either, but I did notice the digital quality in some places. The bonus disk features a preview of the extended DVD - I've watched it several times. There is also a TWO TOWERS preview/behind the scenes featurette. Incredible! FELLOWSHIP, as a film, is excellent. Peter Jackson opens the film with a flashback to the First Age - the visuals here are awe-inspiring. Seeing it in the theatre, I had heart palpitations: thousands of elves meeting legions of orcs on the slopes of Mount Doom is the most incredible sight I've seen on film! And then Jackson puts the fans over the moon with a glimpse of Gollum and a quick view of Bilbo finding the ring in the Misty Mountains. And this is still the FELLOWSHIP prologue!! The rest of the movie is very faithful to Tolkien's book, although in my opinion it's an overly-caffeinated Tolkien. I understand that film paces differently than literature, and I accept the differences here. Jackson succeeds in casting, art direction, special effects, and (most importantly) story-telling/script! Notice how George Lucas has lost his story-telling ability in the new STAR WARS trilogy (Lawrence Kasdan's script contributions in the first trilogy were invaluable). Peter Jackson knows that Tolkien the story-teller knew what he was doing and Jackson follows suite. So ... here's to Dec. 2002 and 2003 and the continuation of the RINGS filmatic trilogy! Thank you Peter Jackson for doing it right!
Rating:  Summary: Lord of all good movies to be released in a lond time. Review: Reading through the reviews of people who rated this movie 1 star their points of reason are that: It was to long It was to boring There was nothing but eye candy. It was not a true adaptation of the book. The actors, director, and staff spend two years of their life putting this trilogy to the screen. They scouted out the most breath taking scene locations captured on film in a LONG time. If that is not dedication to bringing a movie to screen I don't know what is. The eye candy (as certain reviewers phrase it) is the only way to recreate the vast and complex world of lord of the rings and that is why noone has attempted to create a movie on lord of the rings for over 50 years, because it was technically impossible until recently. The movie is telling a story of a vast array of characters which it does well. The people who found it boring most likely enjoy the no brainer flicks like Blade 2 and Resident Evil for non stop action. The majority of fans who have reviewed this movie know good movies when they see it and this is a GOOD movie.
Rating:  Summary: The best movie of all time! Review: ... This book by Tolkien is a creative masterpiece that has been brought to life before our very eyes, ...The Lord of the Rings is a timeless work of art. Peter Jackson did a great job bringing the book to life... the cast was amazing and the storyline was done perfectly. ... This movie grossed almost 400 million dollars worldwide, and [$$$] of it came from your pocket. ...
Rating:  Summary: A feast of the senses...a strength and inspiration Review: "The world has changed, I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the air...Much that once was, is lost For none now live who remember it." So begins the majestic prologue to the movie, The Fellowship of the Ring. As the earth and all that is beautiful and good is threatened by a malignant evil, as 'One by one, the free lands of Middle-Earth fell to the power of the ring." Like the book, the movie is spellbinding and compelling in the true sense of the word, as we get to view Tolkien's Middle Earth come to life on the screen. It is actually quite remarkable how the mythic world of middle Earth has been made so lifelike, and how intriguing it is on the big screen. The script is brilliantly written and the cast is excellent. We get to see all the wonders of Middle Earth before our eyes- The Shire, Rivendell, Moria, Lotholorien... What makes the Lord of the Rings so inspiring is the hope of good always triumphing over evil, at a time when, at the beginning of the 21st century, by the breakdown of a morality of right and wrong acts in favor of a therapeutic ethic which "feels the pain" of the perpetrators of violence. Taken in combination, these are powerful forces, to which the countervailing influences of reason, responsibility and restraint are as unequal now as they have been at any other time of populist ferment and generalized fear. With the end of the Cold War, we have seen, instead of a triumph, of Judeo-Christian values and Western democracy, an anti-western revolutionary amoral and cruel philosophy taking over the world. This leads us to fear that Judeo-Christian civilization will fall, "and all will come to darkness", but we Must take inspiration from the words of Aragorn: "I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you, I will not let the White City fall. Nor our people fail!" Thus we can take comfort that darkness will not triumph and as Gandalf so inspiringly puts it: "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, in which case you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought..." As long As we always stand by values of right and justice and freedom and never give up the idea that they will triumph.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: I think this is the best movie of the history. I think that anyone that doesn't like this movie has some serious issues with there life!I have never met anybody that hasn't like this movie.
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings Part One Review: This is an divine movie based on the Fellowship of the Ring Publised in 1954 by J.R.R.Tolkien the first part of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy > Yes there is lots of stuff left out and some changes but all the same this is a very good movie version of the Fellowship of the Ring > Gandalf the Grey ( who is really a Maia Spirit in the form of an old man ) discovers that the Ring Biblo left to Frodo is the One Ring created by Sauron ( another Maia Spirit ) in the Fires of Mt.Doom > Gil-galad the Elven King and Elendil had defeated Sauron and perished in the deed many years before and Isildur son of Elendil cuts the Ring from Saurons hand, but because Isildur did not destroy the Ring the Spirit of Sauron lived on > Isildur was betrayed by the Ring to his death and The Ring fell into the Great River Anduin and passed out of knowledge and legend > Sauron began to take the Shape of a Lidless Eye of Fire and at first he thought that the One Ring had been destroyed > But Sauron learned from Gollum that the Ring had not been destroyed > The Hobbit Deagol found the Ring many years after Isildur fell,and the Ring murdered Deagol threw Smeagol and in this way it Devoured Smeagol for the Ring had a power to corrupt anyone who attempted to use it > It turned Smeagol into an evil little creature called gollum > About 500 years later the ring abanded gollum trying to get back to Sauron but another power was at work and had brought Bilbo in and he found the Ring > Sauron only lacks one thing to rule all of Middle-Earth and that is the one Ring > Gandalf refuses to touch the Ring for even if he were to overthrow Sauron then he himself would became corrupted like Sauron, in fact Gandalf does not even think he can resit the temtation of the Ring and yet he has faith that a little Hobbit can > The Ring can only be destroyed and put beyond the grasp of Sauron forever by casting it into the Cracks of Doom ( The Fire Mountain where it was made ) and that lies within Mordor the Land of Sauron > Sauron sends out his most Powerful Servants the Nazgul ( Nine Mortal Kings whom he ensnared into his service ) These Nazgul are living Ghosts who are Damned to follow not there own will but the will of Sauron > The Nazgul have a Lord among them often called the Morgul-King > If Frodo Puts on the Ring in the Presence of the Nazgul he will enter into there World and see the living Ghosts and he would be seen by them > The temtation to put on the Ring Grows strong when he is near them for the Ring wants to be found > Sauron sends the Nazgul to find The Ring > The Nazgul wear Black Robes to give shape to there nothingness and are seen as Black Riders on Black Horses > Animals are terrified when they draw near except for the Black Horses they ride upon because these Black Horses are grown and bred in Mordor to the service of Sauron the Dark Lord > Now the movie version leaves out Gil-galad and Deagol mostly because of time I guess but it is still an excellant movie > It shows the terror of The Black Riders as they hunt for the Ring and Frodo Baggins > There is another threat besides the Rise of Sauron in Mordor, The head of Gandalfs order the Wizard Saruman the White ( another Maia Spirit ) is also seeking for the Ring > Saruman either seeks for Rich Rewards in Joining with Sauron or to find the Ring for himself and Rule in Saurons place > Both Sauron and Saruman have many Orcs ( Horrid creatures who were Elves tortured my Morgoth ) in there service though Saurons army is greater > Orcs have always become weak in sunlight, but Saruman mixed Orcs with humans and created a race that can abide in the Sunlight > The Great Council of Elrond is held in the Elven Valley of Rivendell about the Rise of Sauron and the Ring of Power > They cannot hold back the Might of Sauron in Rivendell so the Ring cannot stay there, it cannot be cast into the Sea for there are unknown things that lie in the Sea and it might find its way back to the hands of Sauron, plus only the very powerful ones might could use the Ring to overthrow Sauron but if they do they would set themselves on Saurons Throne and another Dark Lord would appear > So to put the Ring beyond the grasp of Sauron or Saruman and away from any of the Wise so they could never be tempted by it, it is decided to take the Ring to the Fires in which it was made > Frodo makes a choice to take the Ring to the Fire even though he does not know the way and his Hobbit friend Sam will follow Frodo to torment and death the help Frodo > A Fellowship of Nine is chosen to go with the Ring and these Nine are set against the Nine Nazgul > Gandalf the Grey is the leader > For men Aragorn heir to Isildur goes and also Boromir son of Denethor Lord of Gondor who holds the place of the Kings should they Return > For Elves Legolas and for Dwarves Gimli,and 2 more Hobbits Merry and Pippin > Frodo,Sam,Gandalf,Aragorn,Boromir,Legolas,Gimli,Merry,and Pippin The Fellowship of the Ring > Gandalf leads them into the Minas of Moria where there dwells another Maia Spirit an Evil Demon of Shadow and Flame > This movie has a lot of action,cool creatures,is very intense especially with the Evil of the Ring that can draw the Nazgul and Gollum to it and also can corrupt members within the Fellowship > It also has pretty shots of the landscape of New Zealand > Also in the Woods of LothLorien Dwells the Lovely and Powerful Elf Galadriel who could take the place of Sauron as a Queen if she claims the Ring > Will she be corrupted by the Ring ? Well that I will not tell you > I have the movie version and I will also get the Special Edition version > If I could only have one it would be the Special Edition > Also I would recommend going to your local Library and checking out the Fellowship of the Ring its a great book > This story shall cont. in the Two Towers and then be complete with the Return of the King > The Nazgul were terrifying in the Fellowship of the Ring but that is nothinging compared to the Horror and Terror they shall Possess as they Ride upon there Winged Beasts in the next 2 parts of The Lord of the Rings >