Rating:  Summary: For all the negative types Review: For the point that Mel is a homophobic,whatever. The fact that the movie portrays the gays (the Prince andall his 'gentlemen') as being week and every other male as being macho would be an acurate representation of attitudes possesed in those days. When else could you view hangings in the public square and bring the children along for the day except in those days? For goodness sakes, this movie is suppose to be set in the past - not now where it would be very UN PC. Some people seem to be very indignant that the English have been portrayed as losers and cheaters. The story is about the Scots attempt to freedom - it's obvious you have to have the "good" guys and the "bad" guys for riveting viewing (even then, some of the Scot "Noblemen" were a bunch of loosers). I will agree that some historical facts have been messed up, and the number of mistakes in the movie (check the red lorry in the hills, or the sneakers worn by the executioner, or the numerious watches and glasses left on by the extras in the battle scenes) are a big glitch. However, this is a romantic movie with dramatic representations of characterisation, and considering Mel both acted and directed this huge project is allowance enough. (If you watch it soon, also be on the lookout for the splatter of blood on the camera for a split second in one of the battle scenes - great realism) The Princesses gave the secrets of England to William Wallace because she had romantized about William, after hearing the (albiet exaggerated) rumors about his love for his (dead) wife. She wanted to wish for something she didn't have, and that was the love of a husband..... I've only just left my teens and even I understand that..... I have seen almost all of Mel's movies, and can only say he's the most legendary actor (although not quite the class as Robert DeNiro etc). I have seen Braveheart more than 9 times, and still enjoy the movie in it's entirety, therefore regard myself as being in a possition to rate this movie accordingly. END
Rating:  Summary: A great movie, but........ Review: I absolutely love the movie, but if one wants to really find out facts on the characters, they should read a book on the subject. In real life, Robert the Bruce came along about thirty years after Wallace died, they never met. That particular Princess did have an extramarital affair but it is highly unlikely that it was with Wallace or that he was the father of her child.
Rating:  Summary: The GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!!! Review: Mel Gibson, who has never been in a bad movie before, doesn't change in this title either. As I said earlier, this is the greatest movie of all time! Winner of 5 Academy awards including Best Picture and Director-Mel Gibson. My only disapointment was that Mel Gibson didn't win best actor. That was politics though, the academy felt that the greatest actor/director/producer in hollywood shouldn't get all 3 of the best academy awards. I mean Nicolas Cage is a great actor, but he's no Mel Gibson. But as far as accuracy, that is only theoretically. Nobody has an exact account of what really happened (not even the history channel) because you see, people (particually Irish and Scotish for some reason)are given to exaggeration. So no one can say the movie was inaccurate, because they weren't around when the real thing happened. To the reviewer from Boston: It was filmed in BOTH Scotland and Ireland, it's on the credits.
Rating:  Summary: It's our wits that make us men... Review: The expirience of watching Braveheart cannot be described in words. The passion with which Wallace fights is enough to inspire anyone. The ideals of love, loyalty, and freedom that are portrayed make this work of art more than a movie. Viewers become so enraptured in the epic, that it becomes a source of passion in their own life. To those who critiscize Braveheart for being historically innacurate must look at it as art; it is interpretive work meant to inspire. Also- to Scots who are offended- before the film's release, few people knew about the Scot's struggle for freedom, and even fewer knew about William Wallace. The film inspired many to seek out the truth about this man, and about the Scottish struggle against tyranny. The intrest in your history, your struggle, and your heros has perhaps never been so prevelant. Don't think that your history has been distorted in vain. People who see Braveheart are left inspired and with a thirst to learn about a new culture and history. Truley a magnificant tapastry of eloquence, passion, and beauty. The cinematography is wonderful. Watch it, love it, live it.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie Review: First of all, this movie was not historically accurate. Second of all, WHO CARES? This should stand on it's own as a superb film about love,revenge,and death. Mel Gibson does an excellent job of portraying William Wallace,and the fight sequences are fierce and disturbingly realistic. This movie has it all, and for the nay-sayers who complain and whine about accuracy, shut up and go watch the History Channel.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie was Great! Review: Braveheart is one of the best dramas I've ever seen. It has everything a great movie needs. Action, Drama, Comedy, and lots of great awards. Mel Gibson gives his best performance ever in this movie. And the best part of this movie is the suspensful ending.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect! Absolutely perfect! Review: This movie is one of the five best movies I have ever seen in my entire life (the other four being Amadeus, The Natural, The Last of the Mohicans (1992 version) and Blade Runner. Braveheart is an instant classic, and a must have for anyone's video collection. Two items to note as you're reading the other reviews: 1) By Mel Gibson's own admission, Braveheart has no political agenda--he never wanted to be the poster boy for modern-day Scotland's freedom. 2) Braveheart is not homophobic. That accusation is the most blatantly self-serving, knee-jerk thoughtless reaction anyone could possibly have to this stirring epic. Buy this film...NOW!
Rating:  Summary: Kickass Review: The best movie ever! Battle scenes, love story, blue paint! Can't beat it
Rating:  Summary: QUITE SIMPLY THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER MADE! Review: What else is there to say? Without question, Braveheart delivers on all counts. It's an epic tale told fantastically! Best picture, best director, and a slew of other Oscars. The only crime was they didn't give Mel one for best actor. Now if someone could just be convinced to produce the damn DVD for it...
Rating:  Summary: THE GREATEST MOTION PICTURE I'VE EVER SEEN Review: Only once in a great while does one see a movie that literally grabs ahold of your heart and soul. Such heart felt feelings rarely come from just a movie. The passion that Mel Gibson displays throughout this film is just one of the reasons not to miss braveheart. He has invested $15 million of his own money and waived all his fees to be in this film. "To the telling of this story, I've devoted more than a year of my life -- every minute has been worth it." The scenario along with the music is powerful. Braveheart was a film that was ridiculed and laughed at by their contemporaries, but has later grown to be fully appreciated. Sure the battle scenes are good, but those who truly love this movie love it because it's inspiring, the passion that it creates, the way it "tugs at one soul, and doesn't let go", and how powerful the movie was. There are lots that love this movie, yet there are a few that hate it. Before you watch this movie, ask yourself one question, "Do you have a heart?" Remember, "Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it."