Rating:  Summary: braveheart Review: One of the best films of all times. Gibson has shown us what ittakes to be a great director and a best actor. Two thumbs up forGibson and the rest of the crew!
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Movie Ever Made Review: First of all William Wallace was not a Highlander and never wore a kilt into battle and he never painted his face blue in the manner of the ancient Picts. The movie tried to portray him as a "noble Barbarian" but in fact he was more of a Barbaric noble. In the real battle of Stirling he actually skinned the English commander "from the nape of his neck to his left heel" and made a baldric(belt for his sword) out of it. Yet, Mr Gibson declined to show this in his film. Historical Inaccuracies aside...this movie is my favorite. Not every great film has to be based on a true story...although a more historical film would be just as entertaining, if not more so. The battle scenes are so realistic, you feel you are in the middle of the action. The soundtrack is Awesome and yes those are Ulliean pipes not bagpipes played in the background. I've seen it 40 times and never get tired of it!
Rating:  Summary: Homophobic? Review: You might be interested to know that young Edward was eventually murdered by nobles on his wife's command. After leaving him for several months to die in a sewage pit they killed him by sticking a red hot poker up his backside. Because he was gay.. this might explain why the character in the film was gay too. And that Mel Gibson was not having a go at homosexuals the world over, merely being accurate. the only historical innacuracies are that Wallace never met the princess, Robert the Bruce never fought for the English and Stirling Bridge was fought on a bridge. Most of all though, the bit about the Irish joining up with the Scots at Falkirk was just put in to keep Americans who think they're Irish happy.
Rating:  Summary: A Scottish Review Review: Yes, it's a fine movie. The battle scenes are great and in allhonesty Mels accent is pretty good. On the history side however,plenty of critics have had a go at Braveheart for not being accurate. Well this is all fact... Prince Edward was gay, Wallace's wife was killed by the English and yes, we did kick hell out of them!
Rating:  Summary: Freedom. Review: I didn't think this film was going to be all that great from the theatrical trailers I saw in 1995. Still, I went to see it because it looked interesting. Well, it turned out to be one of the best films of all time. Mel Gibson surprised me. He directed and starred in this film of epic proportions and that's pretty amazing considering his previous work. This was a departure for him, I think, because this film is about something--freedom and hope in a world where there is very little. A great story, great directing, great acting, and of course, great battle scenes right out of Kubrick's "Spartacus". No surprise this took best picture and best director Oscars. It's a crying shame that this film hasn't been released on DVD as of this time! This is a must have for any film collector.
Rating:  Summary: Never seen the movie,still waiting for the DVD version? Review: What is up with Paramount? I can't wait any longer? Where is my DVD version of Braveheart! Do something, Mr. Gibson! Do you know that the Robin Williams movie "Patch Adam" It had 5 version of DVD? Do we need that much? HUh? Okay, there are the regular ed., the collector ed., the DTS ed., and there 2 more version coming this summer? AAHHHHH!
Rating:  Summary: Everything you could ask for in a movie and more! ~*~*~ Review: I was utterly awed by the brilliance and depth of this wonderful story. It touched something inside of me and is inspiring to me as well as any who watch it. It has EVERYTHING you could ask for in a movie-- emotions, fighting, war, history, evil, goodness, romance, betrayal, comedy, sadness, happiness, triumph, anger, beautiful music and scenery, wonderful actors and actresses--I could go on forever. This movie IS based on a true story, yet some of the facts depicted in the movie are fiction--for example, Isabella did not marry Longshank's son until 3 years after Wallace's death. But in spite of this, I DEFINITELY recommend this movie to all--you should find at least SOMETHING you enjoy in it! :)
Rating:  Summary: Braveheart Review: Braveheart is an incredible story about a man that goes beyond all odds against the most powerful country in the world for freedom. Mel Gibbson exhibits an incredible performance playing as William Wallace who loses everything and fights for freedom with his countrymen. This movie got nominated for ten well deserved academy awards. A story of tender love, tyranny and injustice Braveheart is an excellent addition to any movie collection. Don't take the kids...fare warning.
Rating:  Summary: Continuation of my review and general information Review: Longshanks was indeed not as he was portrayed in the film. But his hunger for power was great. Alexander III's daughter, Margaret, who had been married to the King of Norway had a daughter, surprisingly enough her name was also Margaret. Known as 'The Maid of Norway' Alexander's only surviving blood relative was this small child. She was 3 years old when the crown of Scotland fell on her head. With Longshank's usual cunning and educated ways he set about putting in place England's terms,Margaret 'The Maid of Norway' and the 'Damsel of Scotland' was to succeed the throne as was her birth right. However she was to marry Longshanks' son, Edward. Scotland would remain independent and completely separate from England according to its rightful boundaries, free and without subjection. Now arrangments were made to have her brought over by ship to get the marrage underway and Longshanks' son only being 6 years old at the time. But during the long voyage her frail and delicate constitution couldn't withstand the stormy seas and she died before upon reaching Orkney - never having even set foot on Scottish soil. Now Longshanks had to deal with the decision of choosing either the Bruces or the Balliols to become the one to heir the throne. However, as price of mediation between these two houses, Longshanks placed himself in the position as 'Overlord of the land of Scotland' according to the highest legal principles. Longshanks, the future 'Hammer of the Scots' insisted that all those who claimed the right to the throne would adhere to certain rules. They must accept the judgment of the court and they must accept him as their feudal superior.In the above as you can see, He felt it fit to be the ruler over both England and Scotland, and whoever whould take the throne would be ruled by Longshanks himself. (continued next message)
Rating:  Summary: Braveheart is an excellent movie portrayal. Review: I must admit this movie is an exceptional movie and even tho may not be something to get a history lesson on it, one worth watching. I notice a lot of people who seem to say this movie is racist againt the english and this and that. That is because they do not know what they watch or know what happened. True, as with the telephone game, where you say one thing at the beginning and when it reaches the 20th person of such, it has changed quite a bit, and thus is a lot of history information that we read and learn daily in schools. In this message and a few others (Hopefully not that big :) ) I will try to enlighten those who seem a bit misinformed. I do not say I am one to know it all and such, but a great deal of my time is spent in learning the past and events during such a great period in the past sands of time. Feel free to send email and such about what I say, I am an open minded person and do not get big-headed :). Ok, on with it then shall we?