Rating:  Summary: A truly triumphant film. Review: This is one of the greatest movies ever made and I think it deserved more credit than it got. The battle scenes are amazing and the whole story was very accurate. I couldn't stand the part where Wallace was killed though. I broke down into tears the first time I saw it. "Braveheart" will touch your soul and will always be one of the greatest motion pictures of all time.
Rating:  Summary: The Best True & Drama Story From el Gibson's Time! Review: Personally this was the most blood filling heart taking movie since Cleopatra starring Elizabeth Taylor. This was smart and breath taking from all the scenery that was placed into the film. This was the, number one film Mel Gibson has been.
Rating:  Summary: Geat movie and you know Review: I guess I understand the standpoint of many of the reviewerswho gave this movie less than 5 stars. If I were English orhomosexual, I would be somewhat peeved about the representation portrayed in this movie. But there's no excuse for those who complain about the lack of historical accuracy, it's just a movie. It would be far less enjoyable to watch if it adhered to more rigid interpretation. There's a reason why people watch movies, and it's for entertainment. It's not made for the purpose of a historical documentary, and even if they reversed it and portrayed the Scottish as barbaric and the English noble and wise, as long as the movie served it's purpose for elevating the feeling of excitement and virtue, and all-in-all made reasonable sense, it would still be a good movie. Simply said, it's a cool movie, if you're cool with it. If you're offended, perfectly understandable.
Rating:  Summary: Braveheart movie review Review: I am not a Lethal Weapon fan, but this great film caught me by surprise that it is directed by Mel Gibson. One of the 10th best of the last decade in my opinion. It's such a great movie that I decided to buy it and keep it as part of my collection. Can't wait to see it on my 61" Sony. A must buy for any movie fan.
Rating:  Summary: De las mejores o la mejor Review: Siempre me ha gustado Mel Gibson por lo carismatico y entretenido de sus personajes, pero cuando vi aquella entrega de los oscar y esos 5 que se gano su pelicula "BraveHeart", pense, mmm, no la vi, me habre perdido de algo? Hace mas o menos un año, tuve la suerte de verla y realmente fue una experiencia grandiosa, tremenda y hace unos dias volvi a tener la suerte de "perderme" mas de dos horas de mi vida y ver esta maravilla nuevamente. Una pelicula increible, pues la duracion y la tematica ayudan a meterse en la pelicula, a sentirse parte de la trama y a hacernos emocionar, alegrar y enfurecer las cosas que se van dando. Las traiciones provocan asco, como si fuera a uno que le sucede y los ultimos cinco minutos lograron nuevamente hacer mojar mis ojos y mis mejillas. Soy hombre, pero la parte en que grita "Freedom! " al final de la pelicula realmente eriza hasta al mas valiente. En definitiva si no la han visto, no lo duden comprenla y veanla y si no les gusta, si por una de esas cosas de la vida llega a no gustarle. Me mandan un mail y voy desde Uruguay (sudamerica) donde me encuentro en este momento hasta su casa y les pago lo que hayan gastado. Andres Rodriguez (andrew@internet.com.uy)
Rating:  Summary: Innacurate history?... Review: This was the best film of the 90's. No other film captured so purely the emotion of this masterpiece. Action, Romance , Courage, Strength, and Scottish accents all wrapped up into one movie! Simply put, it's exceptional! For those who argue about the film's historical value. After Wallace was eliminated, who do you think noted these events into the annuls of history? Sorry but the common man was very much illiterate. "Historians from England will say that I am a liar, but history is written by those who have hanged heroes."
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't get any better... Review: This is one of the best drama movies of all time. (Personally it's my favorite movie) I enjoyed every second of this movie. Mel could of cut back on the violence a little, on the other hand it made the movie more realistic. I was grabbed by the kid's tear when his dad died in the begining. The rest of the movie was so good I found my self crying at the end. Almost every character in this movie deserves an oscar nomination.
Rating:  Summary: they made this movie TOO good! it rocks! Review: I haven't seen a better movie. I own this now, since i was only 6 or so when it was in theatres. OK, this movie is filled with: action, adventure, drama, love, violence, gore, and much more!I mean, it's soooo sad, i actually cried at the end when william is being killed. Those English bastards. Just untie he freakin rope and let the poor man go! Also, it's so sad that i had to FORCE my dad to watch the movie, since he'd never seen it. I think this movie deserves a 99 out of 5 because it rocks, also it shoul get more oscars! The movie just can't be described in words! I love it. I should tell you that if u are seeing it for the first time, and you always scream at the sound of blood, you may want to fast forward during the battle scenes. I know because my dad couldn't stand them! Oh yeah, about the love story- it's pretty cool, though yes, people, it's sad Murron was killed, but that was one of teh main points of the movie! I think Murron was not THAT pretty, she just had a nice smile. I think that sophie is HOT! WITH THE FRENCH ACCENT AND ALL- u know...
Rating:  Summary: Best Picture - 1995 and ever Review: As an avid movie watcher, I have seen many films, yet Braveheart has my nod as the best ever. It has a bit of everything, from war to love, from revenge to compassion. While not historically accurate, it was not meant to be. Randall Wallace, writer of this film and the book it was based on said, "I didnt want the facts to get in the way of the truth." That the movie doesnt qualify for playing on the History channel doesnt mean it isnt a great movie. If you have not seen this movie, buy it now, and play it. I watch it quite often, and it has never gotten dull or old.
Rating:  Summary: 5 STAR FOR BRAVEHEART. Review: This is a wonderful movie I love it!Mel Gibson is a great director and also a great actor for his role for William Wallace.I was addicted to this movie since I borrow from my friend then I bought this movie,the story was great and you can't stop watching it.The battle scene was intense and brutal,WOW! the romantic scene with his girlfriend soon to be wife was lovely and great I like the background music they use.Also I love the music "it was compose by James Horner"the music was my favorite so I bought the soundtrack hehe!.So Paramount Studio has finally release Braveheart on DVD I'm happy for that!is gonna be great!I own this movie on VHS three years ago,maybe I might buy this on DVD too."BRAVO FOR MEL GIBSON"