Rating:  Summary: William Wallace...The Man, The Legend, The Fight For Freedom Review: This has got to be one of the best films I have ever seen. I have read some of the reviews others have given it. I was surprised by the number of negative comments directed at this film. "It's not accurate." "It's nothing more than a blood bath." Wake up and smell the coffee people! This is an epic Hollywood film. If you want something accuate, watch the Discovery Channel, or the History Channel. And as for the battle scenes and the "blood bath" that ensues, that was how it was. It wasn't very pretty. You ever seen Saving Private Ryan?! And how does anyone today know how it really all went down. Like Ridley Scott said in his commentary on Gladiator, when ever some "historical expert" told him that this wasn't right, or they never did that back then, Ridley Scott simply said "How do you know? You weren't there." In the director's commentary, Mel Gibson even says for the sake of Hollywood, parts of the tale of William Wallace had to be "Hollywoodized". However, this does not take away form the core idea of the story. I found Braveheart very moving and inspirational. William Wallace was a passionate man. He had passion for the woman he loved, love for his country. I may not have any Scottish blood in me, but I would have fought beside Wallace. Stand with Wallace through Braveheart. Watch a legend come to life before your very eyes. And at the end, you'll be chanting "WALLACE! WALLACE! WALLACE! FRRRRREEEEEEDDDDDDDOOOOMMMM!
Rating:  Summary: Mel Gibson at his finest in this 5-star epic Review: Very rarely does a film come along that is worthy of the title "epic", but Braveheart has proven to be one of them. Directed and starred in by Mel Gibson, it is about William Wallace, who after a personal tragedy leads Scottish rebels against the throne of England. KIng Edward "The Longshanks" is ruthless, played by Patrick McGoohan. He is out to destroy Wallace and his ideals for a free Scotland. Both sides of the conflict get equal treatment, with a big portion of the movie dealing with King Edward and the Prince and Princess, played by the always-lovely Sophie Marceau. Running close to 3 hours, the film is never boring. It is worth checking out, especially for the incredible battle scenes. The DVD itself offers outstanding sound clarity, and Gibson himself has a commentary track.
Rating:  Summary: Cry Freedom Review: Starring and directed by an Aussie, written by a yank, this is still a great Scottish movie. Why? Because it rings true. Some of the touches are just too convincing. Like the early scene where Wallace's father and some other Scottish warriors discuss whether to fight the English or not: Someone says they can't win, to which Wallace's father replies, "We don't have to win, just fight." To any Scotsman aware of his country's long struggle to define itself in the face of its much larger neighbor, this makes immediate sense. Scots may not always win, but they don't understand the concept of defeat either, and although England slavishly gave in to its Danish and French-Norman invaders, the Scots never surrendered even to continuous aggression from a neighbor over 20 times its size in population and immeasurably richer. Indeed, it was because the crack regiments of the British Army were recruited from such indominatable people as the Scots that the Empire could spread to so many parts of the World. Of course there are plenty of historical inaccuracies in the movie. There is no bridge at the Battle of Stirling Bridge. Setting fire to a damp, sodden Scottish battlefield would be a difficult proposition even with modern napalm. And Wallace certainly didn't destroy York. Perhaps the least inaccurate of the historical inaccuracies is the affair with the Princess of Wales. We know for a fact that the royal bloodline is notoriously unreliable and that not only Edward III but many kings were cuckolded by their wives. Anyway inaccuracies are permissible if they help the movie reach a higher plane of spiritual truth. Braveheart does this. With all its factual errors, it successfully conveys to a modern audience the spirit of the times much better than some pedantic and academic attempt at historical reconstruction. For this reason we can forgive much of its cod medievalism. The picture that emerges is that Wallace was a man of the people, a hero who fought against enormous odds, often opposed by Scotland's selfish nobles, a brilliant warrior and general who hated the invaders of his brave little nation and gave his life without even the thought of surrender. The battle scenes rock, with great special effects and editing, and the music score succeeds both in amplifying emotions and giving the movie a bouncy Celtic rhythm that carries it along. Mel can't help looking like a Hollywood superstar, but he is possessed by a demon spirit. Patrick McGoohan is suitably arrogant and evil as Edward Longshanks, while David O'Hara's crazed Irishman, is the central beam from which the movie's gallows humor is hung. This allows us to keep the right distance from the emotionally overwhelming events. Some people find the brutal execution scene at the end upsetting, and I can understand why. Director Mel Gibson pulls no punches in showing us medieval torture inflicted on his actor self - almost as if he hated himself a little! But this is also one of the key scenes in the film as Wallace's spirit of freedom starts to infect even the unworthy English rabble who have come to see him tortured and butchered.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie Ever Review: I can't believe some of the negative comments this film is getting. A movie this good and costly does not come very often. We need to get something down straight : A Hollywood film and an A&E documentary are two different things. Why do people always have to accuse such great films as 'Braveheart' or 'Gladiator' as historically inaccurate? They are based on historical facts, which doesn't necessarily mean every single detail had better be correct. This production will fill you with inspiration and remind you of how much you should value freedom. Many of us have come to take freedom, which almost always costs numerous lives, for granted anyway. The battle scenes are EXTREMELY violent, so beware. Please don't hate England or love Scotland for it : just watch and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: A hero for the Mad Max generation Review: It's hard to imagine many other modern-era movies that divide generations as sharply as this one does -- essentially, it's Mad Max in kilts and hair extensions. It's a film that disappoints those of us who grew up watching soldiers that displayed intelligence and quiet dignity, in both movies and in real life (through fathers/relatives that served in wars). The actors in such films displayed realistic physical and emotional strength (Alec Guinness, Kirk Douglas, Gary Cooper and even Russell Crowe in Gladiator), rather than the cartoonish/madman antics that Mel Gibson brings to this and many of his other warrior roles. Why is Gibson so insecure about his masculinity, resorting to such excessive graphic violence, sadomasochism, and homophobia (not to mention his moving quickly from grieving widower to seducer of a princess)? But, you can see from reviews here how this type of macho fantasy appeals to those who have grown up on the Mad Max/Lethal Weapon style of hero -- the same viewers who so openly disdain Maximus' (Gladiator) quiet sensitivity and efficiency, as well as Russell Crowe's deep, understated acting skills. Nothing wrong with fantasy, if that's what your preference is -- and Braveheart delivers an abundance of that. But in the real world, Gibson's relentless machismo is not a quality that wins wars, defines character or commands respect. Real wars are won as TEAMS, and Gibson's ego leaves no room for sharing in the glory -- there's never a moment in which Wallace isn't featured front and center. Braveheart is big, loud and bloody -- and entertaining, as movies go -- but shamefully disrespectful, to both those men who've actually fought and to the great epic film actors that preceded, and followed, the self-absorbed Mel. His dishonest depictions of Brits in so many of his films are despicable too.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Movie - Average Video Transfer to DVD Review: In my humble opinion, this is an excellent engaging film that I have enjoyed every time I have watched it. However I was disappointed with the DVD transfer - found it soft; it looked slightly out of focus to me on a projector that was perfectly focused. This may not be noticeable on a screen size less than 60 inches. Sound transfer, however was excellent. Oops, gotta go, it's time to be fed and changed...
Rating:  Summary: the best movie ever made!!!!!!!! Review: wow!!!!!!.thats what i think about this fantastic movie.this moive is a story about william wallace (mel gibson)who thought for freedom.i think that the end of the movie when william screams freedoooooooooooom is the best acting scene of a movie.mel gibson is a great sctor that i really like and in this movie his acting is just superb.mel is the right man for this kind of movie.i think that braveheart is more a love story movie than a historical movie.when i saw the movie for the first time i was just stunned and in the second time i was more stunned.this kind of movie you want to see over and over again.all of the actors in this movie are doing great job and also the director(mel gibson).if you havn't saw this movie you haven't saw movie in your life.if i can say in one word what i think about this movie i will say-FREEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: About Freedom. The cost of freedom.... Review: So what that there are historical inaccuracies in this film. It tells a story about a freedom fighter who lived in 13th century Scotland. A lot of positives came from the making of this film. It inspired people to find out about the REAL William Wallace. That is a good thing. There is a scene in this movie where the Scottish clansmen are on the battlefield watching the British gather the troops and the Scots are left overwhelmed at the opposition. Ready to turn and go home, Wallace rides up to rally the troops and tells them: "...fight and you may die. Run and you'll live, at least a while. And many years from now, dying in your beds, would you get one chance, just one chance to tell your enemies-'You may take our lives, but you'll never take our FREEDOM!!!!!!'". That right there makes up for any inaccuracies and captures the very soul of William Wallace. Thank you, Mel Gibson and Randall Wallace for bringing a great man to the consciousness of all people. I watched a history channel special about William Wallace. Randall Wallace told the story of why he came up with the idea of "Braveheart" He said that during a trip to Scotland he saw two large statues. One of Robert the Bruce, and he asked who the other statue was and the man from the town said "He is Scotland's greatest hero". Randall was amazed that he had never heard of him, and was inspired to write this screenplay. The overall message of this film is that freedom is worth dying for. This is one film that I believe everyone should see at least once.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best epic films ever made Review: In a nut-shell, Braveheart will make your emotions run wild. You will laugh, you will cry and after the film has ended, you will feel a deep appreciation for what William Wallace did in the film. The story is about a young Scott named William Wallace, played by Mel Gibson, who also directed the film, who is growing up in Scotland under the rule of the Evil King of England "Edward the Longshanks", when his father and brother are killed trying to start a rebellion. Wallace grows up and upon a certain string of events that affects him, starts a rebellion against the evil king, and starts the movement to free Scotland from England's rule. The characters in the movie were based on real people, and although most of the events in the movie really happened during Longshank's rule, the movie was victim to small changes then what history tells- but nothing that affects the movie as a whole. You will still love it. The musical score for Braveheart was brilliantly conducted as well. The costumes were awesome, the acting was top-notch- movies don't get better than this. Winning 5 academy awards (including best picture and director) shows the hard work and determination that was put into this movie. 5 stars ALL THE WAY!
Rating:  Summary: as brave as a lion Review: I am half scottish. and when i heard that they were making a film about William Wallace i was excited. But then i heard that they were giving the part of Wallace to a Austrailian/american. wow doesn't that make sense. But i admit Mel Gibson did a good job,although his accent was sometimes cringingly bad. the battle scenes were amazing, they took my breath away.If you haven't seen it, go out now and buy it.