Rating:  Summary: History Is Written By Those Who Have Hanged Heros Review: This is the greatest movie ever made. The film has such awe and power it will leave you doubting it very existance. I laughed, I cried, and my heart was filled with pride for my ancestors while watching this movie. I still get chills on my spine when Wallace rides valiantly to battle and delivers his speech....THEY MAKE TAKE OUR LIVES BUT THEY WILL NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOM. It is utterly disturbing when reading some of the reviews degrading Wallace and his achievements. First of all, I would like to clarify a few things. Number 1, contrary to popular english belief and hope, Sir William Wallace DID exist. He rose from his status as a commoner to become Scotland's greatest battlefield commander. He single-handed maserminded scottish victories at Sterling Bridge and others. Wallace is no legend, he was a living breathing scottish warrior who struck fear in Saxons who chose to forget his exsitance. Number two, he was married to a beautful and elegant young woman. Number three, his father was murdered by an English soldier. FURTHERMORE I AM DISTURBED BY SOME ETHNOCENTRIC AND RACIST COMMENTS BY A FEW REVIERS WHO CLASSIFY THE CELTIC PEOPLE AS BARBARIC. I AM NOT QUITE SURE WHAT YOU CONSIDER BARBARIC BUT THE VALIANT ENGLISH ARMY HAS INVADED COUNTLESS LANDS, PLUNDERED COUNTLESS PEOPLE, AS IS DEPICTED ACCURATELY IN BRAVEHEART. PLEASE DO NOT SAY THIS IS AN ANTI-ENGLISH FILM. WERE YOU ALIVE DURING THIS TIME PERIOD? HAVE YOU STUDIED CELTIC HISTORY OTHER THEN YOU ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS WHO ONLY TELL HALF THE STORY. NO! OBVIOUSLY YOU HAVEN'T SO PLEASE READ A FEW BOOKS BEFORE YOU BLAST A GROUP AND ITS HISTORY YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. Please do not let barbaric people on this website try to influenece your views. Remember, History is wriiten by those who have hanged heros, and that Wallace's history was in all certainty downplayed by Saxon historias, who love to cover up a man who single-handed drove the Scots to victory.
Rating:  Summary: THE SINGLE GREATEST MOVIE EVER MADE Review: Not for kids - but required viewing for all adults everywhere. Passion, conviction, hope, honor, courage, integrity, loyalty, love, sacrifice, and intelligence - this movie has everything that most other movies left behind a long time ago.But it's definitely an intense film - the "R" is for violence. Not slasher-type gratuitous violence, but an honest look at the necessary violence actually experienced by those among our forefathers who fought tyranny and oppression so that we can live in freedom today. More importantly, an insightful and revealing story of the honor, love, and courage of a true hero. (The story takes a few liberties with the timing of some historical events for dramatic effect, but the important and most significant elements are, according to what I've read, historically accurate.) You owe it to those sacrificial heros who have gone before to consider the price they paid by experiencing this film. You will never forget this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Heartwrenching epic, filmmaking at its finest Review: Mel Gibson, in his greatest role yet, perfectly embodies the noble William Wallace. Braveheart is at once a war movie, a romance, a thematic journey, and an epic. All actors give poignant, real performances, giving the brilliant script a life all its own. Nothing else can be said, the movie speaks for itself. Brilliant.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing but spectacular! Review: This Movie sends me to a different time and Place every time I watch it. The Story is so engrossing! The Love story is Timeless!
Rating:  Summary: What's really under the kilt... Review: Forget the fact that William Wallace was NOT a major character in real Celtic history. He was actually a conglomeration of heroes from lore. And being such, he never really boinked the princess from England. Who the hell cares. Like Rob Roy (see the Liam Neeson movie of the same name. You'll love it) it's the MOVIE that counts. THAT's what I'm reviewing. You want true to life battle scenes. You got `em. The best you'll ever see. Not for the faint of heart. There is so much truth in the struggle of Scotland vs England. If you have ever traced your family tree back to the English Isles, you will feel the indignity forced upon Mel Gibson's Scots. If any of you have read my reviews you know I am big on cinematography and soundtrack making a movie. It does that and more. The color (everything is GREEN) is so dramatic. The backround music haunts you. The battle close-ups put you in the middle of the horribly real bloodshed. The score leads you emotionally. But the champion of all this is Mel Gibson's performance. If I didn't know he was Mad Max, I'd swear he was William Wallace incarnate. The plot takes you seemlessly from Mel as a small child whose father is killed in revolt against his land bairn, to a mature adult infuriated with the injustice of regal land owners. Tops on my list is the realistic portrayal of medieval power plays, and the way William Wallace is so naively trapped within. This is not just a Hollywood hack and slash. This is an emotional film, encompassing politics and violence in search of freedom. Anyone who cannot feel the pain of William Wallace in this film, is emotionally dead. This movie is about impact. This is not just a guy flick. Girls watching this movie with you, will end up crying on your shoulder. And I dare you to watch this film without feeling what the director (Mel again) meant you to feel. Trust me. I am never wrong.
Rating:  Summary: "Freedom!!!" Review: The Oscar winner for Best Picture 1995, Braveheart is a masterpiece. Mel Gibson's epic tale of Scottish Patriot William Wallace certainly qualifies as one of the top 5 movies of the 90's, and one of the greatest movies ever made. I can't say enough about the battle scenes, which certainly set the standard for movies to come. Films such as Saving Private Ryan, Pearl Harbor and others owe a debt of gratitude to Braveheart for setting the standard in terms of realism and accuracy. Gibson did an amazing job depicting the brutality and violence of medieval war-making. Those were the days when surgical strikes and friendly fire were not a part of the vocabulary. As for acting, well, you can't get much better than Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau and Patrick Mcgoohan (just to name a few). Patrick was robbed by the Academy when they failed to nominate him for an Oscar in his portrayal of King Edward I. I have to say that Mel has an incredible talent for film making and casting is no exception. Every actor played their part to perfection. The cinematography was impeccable. This movie was one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen. The DVD contains a "making of" in which we learn that it rained most of the time and Gibson decided to use that to his advantage rather than work around it. I have to comend him for this, as it added character to the film and only made the cinematography look that much better. Finally the music was fabulous. Horner did a wonderful job painting emotion with a soundtrack second to none. It's no wonder he was chosen to create the soundtrack for another Oscar winning movie called Titanic. If you are a DVD collector, you must have this movie. NO collection is complete without it.
Rating:  Summary: Seen it on VHS? The DVD is better... Review: Yeah, I know, you've seen the movie and loved it. But is it really worth getting on DVD? YES!!! Not only do you not have to get up in the middle and swith tapes but the extras are excellent. I have watched the movie a ton of times and I still cant get bored of it. My favorite extra on the disc is Mel Gibson's commentary. Normally on DVDs you get commentary from the people in the film or the directors and special effects guys and they babble on about little detail things. Mel Gibson who you know directed BRAVEHEART gives an extremly insightful commentary. He tells you the real story of William Wallace while he is telling you facts about how met some of the people in this movie and problems they had while making the movie. You cant go wrong buying this movie.
Rating:  Summary: ... WALLACE IS VICTORIOUS Review: ... Braveheart is the greatest movie of all time. It is an inspiring story of triumph over oppression. Moreover, good standing against evil. But mere words cannot describe this epic picture, go see it for yourself,(even though you will hear some random english idiot crying foul...well my ancestors cry foul SAXONS).esting people that we care about. Wallace's pursuit of a quiet life as a farmer who wants to marry his childhood love is no less interesting than his attempt to free Scotland. Even the villains are compelling (if unlikable) characters. The king of England, Edward "of the long shanks," is particularly despicable yet the viewer can still relate to his struggle to make his son something more than a useless fop. This type of depth ensures that the people in this movie seem exceptionally real and vivid. Despite its length this movie doesn't feel long in any way. It engages you almost instantly and unfolds beautifully at a pace that varies but never drags. The acting, script, direction, cinematography, and soundtrack all combine seamlessly to provide a true masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: best of Mel Gibson Review: This film was so powerful and had moved me so much after watch it 4 times on TV, I went to buy the vedio. It was story about Sir William Wallace, and how the scottish people bravly won their freedom, great movie. You simply must watch it, especailly if you are a Mel Gibson fan.
Rating:  Summary: The GREATEST movie ever made. Review: Without a doubt, the best movie I have ever seen. After living in Scotland for a couple of years and visiting the Wallace monument, only a movie like this can depict how horrid the English treated Scotland. You could say the best part about this movie was revenge. I say it was the general truth. FREEDOM!!!!!!!!