Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie Ever!!! Review: I watched this movie 4 times in the theater!!! I LOVE it Orlando Bloom is sooooo hot johnny depp is amazing and kira knightly is awsome!!!! I CAN'T wait for the second one to come out in 2005!!!
Rating:  Summary: a high-soaring, rip-roaring time Review: its high seas meets rip-roaring pirate action. this movie was the bomb. exciting from the word go to the word end. Johnny Depp as the pirate Jack Sparrow is absolutely electric and hilarious, you cant keep your eyes off him. Orlando Bloom shines in a role other than being Legolas on The Lord Of The Rings. Kiera Knightly is hot, period and Geoffrey Rush is always great. a movie not to be missed. if any of you people think Johnny Depp can't act, well you can all kiss your own asses beacuase he can get into his character and do what he does best. you try doing that you **cking ametuers...go home and keep your **cking mouths shut....your not good reviewers people.favorite quote Jack Sparrow(Depp)- stop blowing holes in my ship!!!
Rating:  Summary: The MUST HAVE DVD!!! Review: Pirates of the Caribbean is by far the GREATEST movie I have seen this summer. For being so long (2 1/2 hours), it has an amazing amount of action! The storyline progresses quickly, without letting you get bored or confused in the process. Johnny Depp is AMAZIng, he's so natural as a pirate, you almost forget that he's just an actor! (being incredibly hot also helps ^_~) There's plenty of comedy to balance out the violence, making it one of the best movies that came out this summer. This movie is spectacular, words can't describe it.
Rating:  Summary: wow johnny depp Review: wow you must see this i ahve seen it 3 times and iam dyign for it to be realised on dvd in australia wow the acting is amazing the digital effects are excelent best i have seen in ages and wow wow wow johnny depp is a major hottie in this so see it own it you wont regret it "savy" lol yours truly now the biggest johnny depp fan ever
Rating:  Summary: When Ghosts are really real Review: That film is a gem of humor and action, though at times a little bit slow. It is a lacework of entertwined patterns that give the films a rich dynamism and imaginary broad perspective. Romeo and Juliet : Elizabeth and Bill, the daughter of the Governor and the son of a pirate turned blacksmith. And it succeeds because the Commodore gives way and yields in front of real love. The phantom pirate ship and the phantom pirate crew, the Flying Hollander demultiplied. And the curse is lifted giving victory to the rejected pirate captain and to the commodore. The South American treasure lost on some island, in some dark cave, and that is a curse for the pirates but can also be the treasure chest of all those who will survive the curse and there is only one. Perfect resolution of the dilemma : be cursed and be immortal, or lift the curse and die. Brilliant colors and costumes. Brilliant action full of humor. If you manage to follow all the allusions you will be laughing your backside off. Really great. Dr Jacques COULARDEAU
Rating:  Summary: Wow, was surprised. I loved it! Review: ... I wanted to see Pirates when I first saw the preview, but figured it might be a little corny so I would just wait until it came out on DVD to rent. .... Johnny Depp is a showstopper as Captain Jack Sparrow. His swaggering, boastful (I'm Captain Jack Sparrow!) and somewhat over the top with his odd mannerisms make Sparrow one of the best character portrayals I have seen in a long time. You just can't help grinning though out the movie at some of his antics. Orlando Bloom is one of the better younger actors out there today, with real talent. His portrayal as Will Turner, the long unnoticed blacksmith, who gets Sparrow to help save his bonny lass, Elizabeth is outstanding to say the least. Geoffrey Rush as villain Captain Barboss and Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swann round off the cast and make this movie one that you will want to watch again and again. I for one will be in the stores first thing December 2nd to buy it!
Rating:  Summary: At the best Review: Now having seen this movie a total of 13 times in the theater, I can honesty say that it was as great the first time as it was the last. Johnny Depp true personality shines through in his role as Captain Jack Sparrow. Paying great tribute to Keith Richards and the Rock and Roller pirates of the 1800's. Depp has much to draw on and brings Jack into a delightfully funny character with a subtle dark side. Excellent casing choice on Disney's part. It appears that Depp really wanted this role much like the treasure of freedom that he seeks in the Black Pearl. Orlando Bloom plays a wonderful balance to Sparrow. His abilities far surpasss that of Lord of the Rings. Keira Knightly was a excellent as the Governors Daughter Elizabeth and is reminate on the "female pirates" of days gone by. Geoffy Rush plays the evil, twisted Captain Barbossa. He is always a wonderful actor. Recommended for audiences 10 and above. The ghost scenes may be alittle to graphic for the younger ones. "But, only a little". Arrrrr mates, a movie for all to enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Depp is fun to watch, but it's not the adventure I expected. Review: I saw the movie in the hoopla of all the hype, when most people I knew were proclaiming this one of the summer's best films. Not unexpectedly, I walked into this one with high expectations, hoping for perhaps another Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade or even The Mummy (I'd never seen the other Indy flicks in theaters). Walking out of the theater a very long two-and-a-half hours later (actually, more like 2 hours 50 minutes, given the previews and the final scene after the credits) (this movie has way too many double crosses and false climaxes), I'm not even sure if this is better than The Mummy Returns. Based off an amusement park theme ride, a lack of solid plot isn't a surprise. Orlando Bloom stars as Will Turner, a dashing blacksmith who's in madly in love with the beautiful Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley, a Natalie Portman look-a-like, except she's much prettier and appears to be a better actress). But when she's kidnapped by a group of ghostly pirates (led by Geoffrey Rush), Turner enlists the help of pirate Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), who appears a few cards short of a complete deck. Dark secrets are unearthed and it is revealed the undead pirates need to make a blood sacrifice to become human again. It's not that Pirates' premise doesn't hold any potential, the movie does, after all, give us the prospect of an oceanbound adventure, the kind of movies you don't see too often. But Indiana Jones on water, this is not, for it lacks all of that trilogy's infectious sense of fun and thrilling ventures into the unknown (not to mention the smart dialogue and rousing John Williams' score). If not for Johnny Depp's performance and Keira Knightley's beauty and strong screen presence, Pirates might very well have lulled me into sleep. The movie's biggest problem is its generic action sequences. Most of the swordfights are routine, directed without much flair or energy, and their bloodless presentation is just too juvenile-oriented for me. In fact, they all start to look the same after a while, so a little variety would have been appreciated. The film's one semi-creative fight, between Turner and Sparrow, is ineffective since you realize neither are in danger, and the climactic battle, pitting dozens of the undead pirates against the living, doesn't work since the fighting is done by characters I didn't give a damn about. I like the actual concept of fighting undead pirates, but most of the villains are so goofy (especially the one keeps that fake eye), it's hard to see them as an actual menace. And when they are played for laughs, they're not very funny, either (how many times can we see an eye pop out before it stops being funny?). Also, making them former mates of Sparrow's sort of demystifies them (as if their goofy behavior didn't do so already). Because Sparrow knows all the men, it makes their backstories less intriguing and mysterious. As a pure adventure, Pirates is fraught with a lot of problems. It's repetitive, the characters keep going back and forth between the same islands and boats, sneaking in and out. The most successful adventures usually get the charaters going from A to B to C, rather than A to C, then B, and then back to C, then B, and then back to C (and in this case, even back to A!). I got sick of seeing that island cavern over and over in ten minutes. But Pirates is not without merit. Its singular savior is Johnny Depp, whose introductory scene is so hilarious, I was afraid I'd choke on my laughter. Sure, some of his scenes don't work so well (like when he tries to get those two guards to distract themselves), but he's more often a blast to watch than not, and most of the scenes he's in are pretty enjoyable. I also liked Keira Knightley (almost easily the movie's best piece of eye candy when you compare her good looks with some of the goofy visual effects), who displays genuine fire and feistiness even when she's mostly played as a damsel in distress. Both performers make the best of their parts, elevating the material quite significantly (if Depp and Knightley weren't present, the movie would have gone from middling to bad in a heartbeat). Klaus Badelt's score sounds almost exactly like Hans Zimmer's work in The Rock given a period flavor. It's distracting, I spent too much time wondering in what ways Badelt would rip-off scores from Jerry Bruckheimer films. But at least it gave me an excuse to pay attention to something in-between the scenes featuring Depp and Knightley. ** 1/2 out of *****
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie of the Summer Review: "Pirates of the Carribean" is a must see. I have seen it three times in theaters and cannot wait until it is released in December so I can have my own copy to watch over and over again. Not only are Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp lovely to look at but they also have great interaction on screen. I recommend this movie to everyone.
Rating:  Summary: best movie ever!! Review: This is just the best movie that was ever made. It has 4 of my favorite things in it : Orlando Bloom as my number 1 actor, Johnny Depp as my favorite number 2....than we have my love for Disney and Pirates included. This movie was worth it as the first movie for me to go more than once. I have been 6 times up untill now and I can not wait to get the DVD!!! Thanks for making this dream movie!! Johnny should get an oscar for Captain Jack Sparrow. Really!!