Rating:  Summary: Millions of $ spent cannot equal Depp Review: Disney spent millions of dollars producing a movie that looks amazing. The Caribbean is shown in all its glory... looks so good it could be a travel video. The costumes are done to a "t." The ships look like proper pirate ships. The battles between the ships are intense and authentic looking. The special effects are really top drawer. Skeletal pirates move and fight very convincingly. Special effects show these skeletons walking across the ocean floor to board their enemies' ship.But after all the millions of dollars spent on the outstanding special effects, the costumes, the ships, and the scenery, you will remember one thing about this movie... How Johnny Depp stole the whole show. He is absolutely fantastic as Captain Jack Sparrow, the quintessential rogue pirate. Depp played the part like a druken, drug-addled Keith Richards (he even said Richards was his inspiration), and he is hilarious to watch as you realize you can't take your eyes off him. Without Depp this movie would be a three star affair in my book, but with the way Depp soared in this movie I give it a 4.5 out of five.
Rating:  Summary: must have Review: this was a great movie in the theater and at home. it's a great change from all the movies that are either too silly or too serious. kids and adults can sit down and enjoy this one. it's a simple plot and charaters that are self described that gives it charm to get to the action. can't wait for the sequal that is rumored to release in 2005.
Rating:  Summary: Aboundin' with Swag Review: What a ride! Love this movie. This film was the best of the summer. Johnny Depp should get an Oscar for his performance, well at least a Golden Globe. Johnny was fantastic. Orlando and Keira are the newest tag team in a wave of a "British Invasion." Orlando with the Lord of the Rings films and Keira with Bend it like Beckham and Love Actually, these two actors' stars are rising fast with the talent to back their box office lurability. Not to mention Orlando is handsome and Keira is beautiful. Last but not least, Geoffrey Rush is the best villain on the high seas. AHRRrrgh! Apple anyone? Of course, I will be watching this DVD with several not-to-be-missed extras including 19 deleted or altered scenes, a blooper reel, and a script scanner until the next adventure is released. Read along the movie and see what lines were changed or omitted. The extras are great and easy to use for instance: Audio Commentaries from Cast and Film Makers. Change your appearance with the Special Effects Studio. A history of Pirates and the Disney attraction are included along with the Producer's Photo Gallery, Scene Progression, Image Galleries, Story Board Viewer and more. This set comes with two separate DVDs for all the swag that's aboundin' on them for your treasurer chest. Want more reviews, visit: http://www.oddworldz.com/thehallow
Rating:  Summary: One of the best I've seen for a while Review: This has been one of the best films I've seen for a while now. Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp - what more could you ask for to start with? And for the men, Keira Knightly! But beyond the fine actors there is fine acting and a fine story!! Johnny Depp is hilarious as Captain Jack Sparrow, the infamous Cptn Sparrow gets jailed, slapped, drunk and stuck on an island with Keira Knightly... one of his finest moments is on the desert island where he complains drunkingly about the rum! (just watch and you'l know and laugh) Orlando Bloom is fabulously dashing as the young Will Turner. He's a blacksmith who gets caught up in all the palava over the curse of the Black Pearl. If you're wondering, The Black Pearl is a ship. The ship that Geoffrey Rush is captaining. It's Jack Sparrow's old boat. He wants it back. Keira Knightly plays the love interest of Will Turner (amongst doing other things). She has the last coin that will undo a curse set upon those on The Black Pearl. Word to the wise, don't make her wear a corset! I maybe haven't explained it brilliantly, but it was fantastic. My words don't do it justice.
Rating:  Summary: Buy Now Review: This DVD is so choc-full of Johnny, Orlando, and Jeffrey. The special features disc is jam-packed with funny stories, pirate history, and behind-the-scenes footage. If you don't own it now, you will wish you did.
Rating:  Summary: Warning: Two hours of only fight scenes Review: I rent movies every single week and this is the worst movie I've seen in months. I had very high hopes because of the actors involved, but this movie has no character development, no clarity of plot -- it is merely an action movie, that's it. Two hours of fighting. And if you want that, there are plenty of other movies you can watch that are far superior to this one. Also -- what was Johnny Depp THINKING? He slurs his words so much in this film that I couldn't understand most of them! This movie was just plain SAD. If you want to see Johnny Depp in a good role with swordfighting, rent Don Juan DeMarco.
Rating:  Summary: Yo Ho A Pirate's Life For Me!!! Review: Ok, yeah, the title of my review is cliched, but I couldn't think of anything else. Anyways....WOW when I saw this in theaters, I could not believe how much I loved this movie!!! And all day on December 1st, I was just beside myself with anticipation over the fact that at midnight, I would be able to go get my copy of the DVD (our WalMart is 24 hours)!!!! And that's exactly what we did, and I stayed up until 3:30 am watching it. I watched it again the next day with my children, who also love this movie. I tell you, I cannot get enough of this movie, and I hope the sequel is just as good, although since Johnny Depp's in that one too, I don't see how it can possibly be bad!!! I can't say enough good about this movie, and I probably watch it more than any other DVD in my collection (and my collection is quite large)! If any of you out there have not seen this wonderful wonderful movie yet, then you have absolutely no excuse not to at least rent it. shame on you. But my guess is that there aren't many of you out there. Great great movie, very fun, fantastic script, it just doesn't get any better than this.
Rating:  Summary: I LOVED THAT MOVIE!!! Review: sory the spelling mistakes.....i am from argentina. I JUST LOVE JOHNNY DEPP, you have to see this movie....i have seen the movie 5 times in the theatre and 2 times on the DVD.the blooper reel is amazing....is obviosly the best movie of 2003, but for me is the best movie ever made!!!
Rating:  Summary: A raft of sea turtles tied together with human hair! Review: Ever since David Denby of the New Yorker gave a positive review I've been curious about this movie. Now that I've seen it I adore it; it's surprisingly cheeky for a Disney live-action flick -- a couple of gritty pirates savor moments with a trunk of women's clothing and a parasol. The humor is simultaneously stereotypically pirate-y ("Arrrr!") and somewhat self mocking: brought to an altar-like raised platform, the main female character, Elizabeth is suprised when the pirate captain only cuts the palm of her hand. "That's it??" she says. The captain, Barbossa, played by Geoffrey Rush, says, "waste not." Rush is just the right blend of decayed finery and thuggishness, a delightfully over the top (and bug-eyed) performance I never would've expected from him. ("First, your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement, so I must do nothin'. And secondly, you must be a pirate for the Pirate's Code to apply, and you're not. And thirdly, the Code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules." Heh.) For a man in a big three-sided hat, his death scene is surprisingly poignant. I found Orlando Bloom a little disappointing; he's projects too much clean-cut goodie-two-shoesness to stand out in a film full of miscreants, but he's a good foil for Depp's daft Jack Sparrow, whose looks can only be described as a cross between a beaded goth Jamaican and homeless musketeer. He's the undoubted star of the film, what with his drunken walk, greasy air of smug self-satisfaction (one of his crimes is "hubrus in quantity"), questionable reputation (another is "impersonating a cleric of the Church of England") and obsessional attachment to his "effects," which happen to include a pistol with only one shot and a compass that doesn't point north. He delivers lines such as, "I think we've all arrived at a very special place, eh? Spiritually, ecumenically... grammatically." Though the cast isn't exactly Oscar-worthy, everyone does what's necessary to create exactly the right pitch of drama/action tempered with humor. The pace is controlled perfectly. For instance, a frenzied pursuit through the governor's mansion ends when Elizabeth tries to snatch a sword off the wall but is comically unable to detach it from its mounting board. The plot has a few holes (how did the pirates find the right port in the first place?) but in general it's more decent than your average action/adventure movie and there are a few good plot twists and tricks (Sparrow puts his one shot to good use). The dialogue is actually pretty intelligent ("this is exactly like what the Greeks did... except they was in a horse instead of dresses") and surprisingly modern for a pirate movie. Frustrated by several captured prisoners' invocations of a right that protects prisoners until they are taken to the pirate captain, a buccaneer says, "Damn to the depths the mutton head that thought o' Parley!" To which Sparrow replies, "that would be the French." The entire movie is like this. Typical exchanges: pirate: You'll be dining with the captain and he request that you wear this. Elizabeth: Well, you can tell the captain that I am disinclined to acquiesce with his request. pirate: He also said that if that be the case, you'll be dining with the crew and you'll be naked. Elizabeth: [grabs proffered dress] Barbossa: Why, thankee, Jack. Sparrow: You're welcome. Barbossa: Not you, we named the monkey Jack. If you've been on the Disneyland ride, there's a pinch (but only a pinch) of fun to be had from identifying the recreated scenes. The love subplot is kind of cloying and the action / battle scenes are occasionally wooden, but they're always amusing if not thrilling. I suppose it's more a comedic adventure than an action/adventure. At any rate, it doesn't feel contrived to me. There are some nifty computer effects, with a rippin' shot of skeletal pirates marching across the bottom of the ocean and a climatic swordfight bit in a cave filled with loot and spots of moonlight. The ending -- not great, but not dissatisfying either. The bottom line is, it's not exactly thought-provoking... but then again, what do you expect from a movie in which the male star wears eyeliner? Definitely entertaining though. Worth a look on Friday night. And hey, there's a gold-snatching monkey and a weird emphasis on apples!
Rating:  Summary: One Long Commercial! Review: I like many of the actors in this movie, but I found the plot to be boring and it just seemed to be a long Disney commercial to me. No surprise they came out with Haunted Mansion and I'm sure they'll release Space Mountain or the Tea Cup Ride movie soon.