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Music Creator 2002

Music Creator 2002

List Price: $34.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good, but suffers from a couple MAJOR problems...
Review: First let me say, this program did make everything relatively easy for me. I was up and going in little time, and the book does a pretty good job of helping you out. But then I learned of the software's largest, almost unforgiveable problem. No support for the ability to add instrument definitions!... What is an instrument definition? It is sort of like a computer driver, you add it into the program so that the software recognizes (communicates) with all of the sound banks (beyond general midi) on your instrument. I was INCREDIBLY frustrated to learn, after much searching, and waiting several days for a reply from Cakewalk's tech support, to learn this fact, DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE MANUAL SAYS YOU CAN DO IT!!, it even gives you directions how. So for the time being (until I can save money for one of the better programs) I can ONLY use boring old general midi, making 5/6th's of my synth's sound bank useless.

My final opinion, if you are using anything besides KORG or Roland hardware, which are the only ones preprogrammed into the software (I use Alesis), go with Home Studio '02, or better yet, XL.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good, but suffers from a couple MAJOR problems...
Review: First let me say, this program did make everything relatively easy for me. I was up and going in little time, and the book does a pretty good job of helping you out. But then I learned of the software's largest, almost unforgiveable problem. No support for the ability to add instrument definitions!... What is an instrument definition? It is sort of like a computer driver, you add it into the program so that the software recognizes (communicates) with all of the sound banks (beyond general midi) on your instrument. I was INCREDIBLY frustrated to learn, after much searching, and waiting several days for a reply from Cakewalk's tech support, to learn this fact, DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE MANUAL SAYS YOU CAN DO IT!!, it even gives you directions how. So for the time being (until I can save money for one of the better programs) I can ONLY use boring old general midi, making 5/6th's of my synth's sound bank useless.

My final opinion, if you are using anything besides KORG or Roland hardware, which are the only ones preprogrammed into the software (I use Alesis), go with Home Studio '02, or better yet, XL.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: All Talk, No Action.
Review: I keep reading about what a powerful program this is. On the best days, I can only marginally agree. I have used other inexpensive programs that gave me the same type of results that were MUCH easier to use. (I use these types of programs on a regular basis with little to no trouble.) The screen is busy with all types of displays, but seldom will many people actually use most of the stuff. Looks good, but basically useless. The "help" section of the program is usually pretty helpful...the only problem being when you look up a topic, it tells you that you can't do that particular function with this program. That has happened SO many times, I have begun to think that you can't really do ANYTHING with this program. Though this program is really written to do midi-input, the company advertises that you can also do manual notation. I tried that function as well, and it is absolutely the worst I have ever used, bar none. There are so many things that it won't let you input, it is nearly completely useless. I'm certain that if someone wanted to pursue a false advertising claim, that there would be plenty of room for it. I have used children's notation programs that produced better results with less than half the effort. The bottom line is that this program is basically all talk with little worthwhile result.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Sorry, don't own it.
Review: I know you may think that I am stupid, but this looks like something that I might want to get. I am an aspiring c++ game programmer at the age of 13 and I hope that I can make my own music with this so I can sell my games without being sued by someone.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Music Creator 2002
Review: If you enjoy to write your own music or just fool around and rewrite music then I recomend this to you. I have used this program and now am going to buy it because I was able to play on my instrument any note and it would record it on the screen, which it would write as sheet music instead of me trying to fumble with lots of papers trying to write all the words out and notes. This is an ausome thing that is definetly worth the money.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Must Have For Music Makers
Review: This has got to be one of the best music creator programs I have EVER seen. Lots of programs have a good outline and look simple to use, but when you have a question, you have to go to the "help" menu. A lot of help those are. They might as well be written in Japanese. However, Music Creator 2002 has an organized, simple tell-how (not in Japanes or jibberish... or Japanese jibberish0 that can get you making music in no time. The day I bought it I was already making the piano track for a song I had in mind. In a matter of minutes I had the first 20 measures done with the EXTREMELY easy note writer. But just because it's easy doesn't mean it's weak. You can make anything from a classical concerto of trumpets to a hardcore head-bangin' hippie band. With the free trial of Pyro Mp3 CD maker, you can make your own CD ready for shipping to that record company you've wanted a contract with since you were 12. With a good sound card (the one that came w/ your computer will work but you probably won't be able to change MIDI to Wave or Mp3) and a little time and thinking you can make an orchestral overture or a jumpy jive beat in minutes.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Must Have For Music Makers
Review: This has got to be one of the best music creator programs I have EVER seen. Lots of programs have a good outline and look simple to use, but when you have a question, you have to go to the "help" menu. A lot of help those are. They might as well be written in Japanese. However, Music Creator 2002 has an organized, simple tell-how (not in Japanes or jibberish... or Japanese jibberish0 that can get you making music in no time. The day I bought it I was already making the piano track for a song I had in mind. In a matter of minutes I had the first 20 measures done with the EXTREMELY easy note writer. But just because it's easy doesn't mean it's weak. You can make anything from a classical concerto of trumpets to a hardcore head-bangin' hippie band. With the free trial of Pyro Mp3 CD maker, you can make your own CD ready for shipping to that record company you've wanted a contract with since you were 12. With a good sound card (the one that came w/ your computer will work but you probably won't be able to change MIDI to Wave or Mp3) and a little time and thinking you can make an orchestral overture or a jumpy jive beat in minutes.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good for writing music
Review: This is a great product. i used it not only to create my own symphony, but to play and record it. if you really care about music, check under the couch cusions for lose change cuz this CD ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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