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Music Center Pro

Music Center Pro

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A waste of money...
Review: I am an experienced musician but a beginner as far as MIDI and electronic music goes (although i am much more than a PC literate). This CD has been a waste of my money and time. The user guide is useless, it just describes one by one all the menus (Like "New File": click here to open a new file...). Zero added value. I haven't been able to make it work. It is like a nice Ferrari without a motor. I wonder if the unique 5 star review has been written by the guy who wrote the software.

Anyway i'm returning this software today...

PS: i wanted to put 0 star but amazon did not allow me...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: If you thought Quantum physics was easy...
Review: I have Techno EJay, and I wanted to get a few more options (cut and paste, fading, etc...) With Techno two hours after I had opened the box I had written a song that sounded rather professional, I was very pleased. With Data Becker's Music Center Pro they've made things that should be Easy and Simple so Complex it's just frustrating. Instead of the 1 inch thick book it comes with how about including a College course? It may be the best music software on earth but if I can't use it what good is it to me? You finally get a little music going and then the software crashes... stupid, stupid, stupid...

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: MCP Review
Review: It did have it's little glitches, but when it worked it work very well, I had to move up to Music Center Live when I changed my operating system to Windows 2000Pro, and it had problems with the effects not working when I would finish a mix.
My biggest complaint would be the lack of support from Data Becker, I wrote them twice asking simple little questions , and never got an answer, I think I'll try Cakewalk next.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is truly a professional software
Review: Now the guys from DATA BECKER have come out with Music Center Pro and have made some decent adjustments in style and technology. The terrible red interface is gone - now it's all silver and metal, the program is full 32-bit (now the filenames can be longer than 8 digits - thank you) and there are a lot of features that you normally have to pay much, much more for:

Included Direct-X Effects support

Graphic Effects interface

The number of tracks (audio and midi) are doubled Video support

3D Spatiauliser (looks good - but I'm not yet sure what's this for)

and a full GM/XG midi support - to be honest, something I've not seen in ANY other package so far.

I was very enthusiastic about MC and MC Pro certainly is a step upwards from there. The price for that kind of software is ridiculously low - but who am I to complain.

It would be great if the other DATA BECKER software would be up to that standard, which it sadly is not.

One more: Beginners beware: Buy the original MC first, MC Pro has too many features to make you happy when you're not already into HD-Recording and PC-Music Production.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Where's the exterminator, this programs buggy
Review: Other than creating a new sequence file, the program was easyto use. More functions could be listed in the drop downmenus. However, problems started right after installation. The programcrashed when importing an audio file. Re-installed the program and itworked fine. It would crash when closed after importing a midi fileinto the default screen. No big deal. Selecting a new file whenstarting the program fixed this issue. First time I saved a song, thenext time I opened up the file all the tracks were missing. Found afix for this. However, 1 hour down the drain. Copied all the waves inthe default save folder. The program uses shortcuts to the wave files,which is moronic. Everything seemed good. I had twelve tracks ofaudio pieced together. Then I tried opening up my song(which had beenopening fine,) the program crashed. Restarted the computer. Stillcrashed. 4 hours of work down the drain. Finally after hours of tryingdifferent preferences. I figured out a fix for this. Move the wavefiles to another folder, and open the sequence. Finally the... program opened up my song. You can bet that I am not going to usethis program for future recordings. The stability of a program whichis used to create ... better than this. It's definitly not worth themoney I paid for it. You'd be better off with ... As a matter of factI will not buy software that has Data Becker on it. All they do isdistribute the program. If they would have tested it, they would haveknown it was a piece of garbage. As a matter of fact, I was surprisedwhen I went to their website and there wasn't a patch. After all theproblems I was having and not one mention of these issues. There FAQwas a joke... END

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