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Microsoft Plus! for Windows XP

Microsoft Plus! for Windows XP

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Typical Micro$oft
Review: ...200USD for the operating system & another 40USD to make it work...why not bundle this stuff with the initial release?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: cool game
Review: there is a cool game "Russian Square" in this pack
try it -- it is better then Tetris

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A must have!
Review: It's hard to get used with "plain" Windows XP after you use it with Plus. Besides the obvious stuff that you might expect in Plus, like nice screen savers and desktop themes, this Plus comes with games, and a bunch of digital media programs.

One of these days, I had my hard drive completely bloated with MP3 files. After I installed Plus, I ran the "Audio Converter" and converted the MP3 files for WMA, and now I have plenty of space on disk for more music. Then I created CDs with my music, and used the "Label Maker" to create a nice cover. After that, I created a playlist with Personal DJ and played with Media Player. The nice thing: I actually was *speaking* to Media Player! Plus comes with a feature that allows us to give spoken commands to Media Player. And it understood all of my commands: Play, Stop, Next. I just say "Media Player Play Artist Pixies" and voilá, it plays!

I also did enjoy the games, especially "Russian Squares". I got really addicted to this very simple game, the graphics are really well thought and the music is superb.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Plus! is way cool
Review: Plus! has never been better. Wow - it is cool. The games are awesome. What was really hot was the voice recognition to control the media player. I was blown away at the Fish screensaver... This is one cool product from Microsoft.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simply great!
Review: I installed it today and I can't tell you how happy I am.
The graphics and the games that are added are simply amazing.

My favorite is the Fish Tank screen saver. The fish look very real.

For a price as low as $, I must say: Go and buy it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Cool!!!
Review: it is a very good program
I like the plus!
it makes your windows more cool!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great fun at a great value
Review: Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition is not something necessary for the enjoyment of life, but, then, neither is a computer, a cell phone, or a TV, unless you are a diehard couch potato. What this collection of utilities does is add some fun to Windows XP, and it's stuff no other operating system enjoys. I personally use Photo Story and Analog Recorder often, because they are both easy to use and a blast to use, too. The games collection could have been better, but, hey, for a little over ten bucks, why complain?

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not Worth Buying!
Review: While the idea behind this product is great, it just doesn't come out that way in the end. I recently upgraded my video card to GeForce 4 MX 5200, and now the Plus! screensavers (i.e. the aquarium and others) do not display correctly.

The games are okay, but only the Labyrinth is worth playing. There is a link on Microsoft's website to download for free more bonus levels for Labyrinth, but everytime I download the free upgrade, the levels never get installed into the game. The download .exe file is a self-extractor, so there's no way to control it. I have tried to get the extra free levels three times now, and it NEVER works!

If you want the aquarium screen saver, buy the boxed version from SereneScreen! It is EXACTLY like the one in Plus! and only costs $19.oo! This is what I did last week, and the SereneScreen aquarium screensaver works fine on my computer with the new graphics card!

Someone in another review said that Microsoft Plus! was a good example of "bloat-ware". I agree 100% -- lots of pretty packaging, lots of hype, lots of teaser write-ups on the box, but in the end there just isn't much to the package.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: It's OK
Review: Don't get me wrong--this isn't a BAD product, but it really isn't very useful, either. I find the dancers are fairly amusing for a while and the analog recorder makes a really easy way to record old tapes, but that's about it. Also, the recorder ONLY records in proprietary Micro$oft .wma format instead of offering a useful-for-editing format like .wav. Because of this, the only time I ever use it is when I am feeling lazy and I have it set my recording level for me.

I would only recommend this product if:
1. Like me, you can get it "Free after rebates" (don't forget about taxes and shipping). Don't even think about paying more than $5 (after taxes, etc) for it.
2. You already know you like a certain feature (like the dancers)--don't get this hoping for something great because you will probably be disappointed
3. You have a lot of extra space on your hard drive and
4. You have a fast internet connection (Downloading dancers requires up to 20MB or more PER DANCER!)

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I am not happy with this item
Review: I purchased this item thinking it would be lovely to have an aquarium. There are only 3 fish and one plasters itself to the left side of the screen so its head is not visible and stays there. If you want more fish you have to buy another $20 item and still only 3 fish at a time on the screen. The blurb on the additional software says you can have 7 fish at a time but that is not the case you can choose 7 but only 3 will appear on the screen at once, which is deceptive in my book. The lack of complexity and detail is extremely disappointing, themes on 98 were much better IMHO. If you are into the media player then this is a great item, but the games are kind of boring in their sameness and the biggie is dancing people. I'm not into dancing people nor the media player. I am not at all happy with this item.

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