- OS manager and disk partition package
- Supports every PC-compatible OS
- Automatic preparation for adding OSes
- Safely resize, create, move and copy for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP, Linux and DOS partitions
- Undo partitioning if needed
Manage your operating system with System Commander 7.0. With full support for Microsoft Windows XP, 2000, NT 4.0, and more, System Commander 7.0 ensures that you'll be able to work uninterrupted while you're working out any kinks associated with your new operating system. System Commander 7.0's OS Wizard automatically prepares your PC for your new operating system. Plus, you also receive Partition Commander 6.0, a powerful partitioning tool.System Commander 7.0 protects the documents and data already saved on your computer. No drivers or resident memory are needed, and you won't experience performance degradation or have OS conflicts. The software's convenient BackStep wizard safely and easily returns your system to its original configuration if needed. Choose from a number of user-interface styles, or create your own look in the System Commander design center.