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System Shock 2

System Shock 2

List Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best 10 bucks you'll ever spend!
Review: If you put Thief in a blender with the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey, a touch of the movies Event Horizon and Dawn of the Dead the result might be System Shock 2. It's an RPG/Action hybrid.

The graphics and animation were knock-your-socks-off gorgious when this game originally came out (1998 I think). They still hold up well. Each level is a treat to behold. It's not quite half-life but close!

The creatures you'll encounter get a little repetitive and the levels begin to get a little less creative 3/4 the way thru. But for 10 bucks it's no big deal (actually this game is worth much more). The game always has a thick atmosphere.

I have yet to finish the game even though I've had it for several years. This is one I play when nothing else suits me. It's hard to believe this game wasn't a big commercial success. It was on many "Best of" lists. Buy it!

Two gripes: the creatures multiply when you save your game too much and the radiation spiders suck!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A great one!!
Review: I remember being intitially amused, and somewhat bored. I cheerfully clicked through the screens regarding something about initial training, and my branch of the military, and then....

...somehow hours later, I was still at it, sitting there in the darkness of the night with my hands sweating horribly. The ominous silence of the ship I was on was killing me. I realized with horror that I would have to backtrack to the chemical storage room to get Na to research the mushroom. Nervously I ran back through the rooms filled with dead zombie carcasses, when SUDDENLY and AWFULLY I heard that distinctive, soulless voice informing me that i "couldn't hide forever..."

A ZOMBIE! I ran from it, running for all my worth with my speakers cranked up(the sound is AMAZING), when I nearly defecated pants when my mom entered the room and touched me on the shoulder...

THIS, my friends, is not your ordinary game. I've played nearly every first person shooter out there, but this one took it up a notch. I personally despise RPG's, but this combo of shooter and RPG really dug it's claws into me. Needless to say, I was sorry to see Christmas break end so soon, sending me back to college with the game incompleted!

This game has reasonably decent graphics...they were certainly good when the game was released. The story is compelling and creepy, and develops frighteningly through the abandoned data logs of your mutilated friends. The weapons are varied an interesting, and will undoubtedly take several replays of the game to use them all. Ditto for the spells and other personal powers.

Did I mention before that I discontinued playing the game because Christmas break ended? That's only half true...in reality, I stopped playing in angry frustration after pounding the computer desk after dying over, and over, and over. Perhaps I mischose my skills, or missed some secrets or something, but in my opinion this game can just be too hard! I was playing on the medium skill level until the later part of the first mission, where it just got impossible. Even after switching to "easy", it was faaaaar from that. My main gripe is that weapons "deteriorate" unless you keep using maintenance tools on them repeatedly. However, I have since returned the game, started anew, and am determined to win once again! Let it suck you in...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The suspense will kill you!
Review: One of the best games I have ever played. Looking glass was terrific.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Finally a sequel for a great game
Review: SS2 finally gives us what we wanted most: more of the great game that SS1 was. Unfortunately, from there on out we don't see much that is actually creative. Cyberspace (which added another dimension to the original) was sadly not to be found in the sequel. Neither was the cool hacker protagonist from the original. What we get in its place is a very out-of-place skill/upgrade system. My guess is the game developer wanted to make an RPG but somehow got saddled with a FPS instead. Another sad removal from the original were the repair puzzles. These were actually puzzles in that you had to use your brain a little to solve them. In SS2 we're left only with puzzles where your character's skill (and NOT the player's) really matters. On the plus side, the SS series have the best stories of any FPS-style games hands down. This is basically a mediocre shooter with a great storyline and well-done creepiness.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: D'Oh! I got killed again, for the 1000th time......
Review: The only game harder than this is the ridiculously difficult "Aliens vs. Pedator" (that's right, hardcore gamers, play it on the "extra hard" setting). S.S.2 is too freakin' hard for its own good. Not to brag, but I am very good at games like this but C'mon already! "It's so creepy" - Yeah, especially when enemies appear from nowhere and smoke you quicker than a lightning bolt. "But you have guns and stuff" - that break 5 seconds after you use them and try finding ammo when you need it. Health Packs - finding them is one thing, having time to use them is another. "Wow, what great level desi-" BANG, CRUNCH!! oops, I got killed again. Sightseeing is not a good idea in this game.

However, the game does come with an ample supply of cheat codes but you have to use them at the right time. Don't start typing in the code for extra health or ammo when trouble is about to start, its too late at that point. I managed to get through the game by stocking up on health, ammo and abilities at every opportunity. By "opportunity" I mean when I was crouched behind a steel storage box while an automated gun was blasting away in my direction. Get the picture?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great
Review: This is the first game to actually give me nightmares. That only happened when I made the mistake of playing the game at night. But that aside it is a terrific game with great graphics and if you liked this you might try for Deus Ex (Latin meaning man from a machine) almost the same and not as scary. Overall it is well worth the ten bucks.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: System Shock II
Review: System Shock II is a first person shooter ...RPG by Looking glass studio's, It is somewhat like an RPG half life or a science friction thief. It has great storyline, Much better than stories in scifi movies, Very deep and detailed RPG gameplay and it is very creepy. SS2 is much bigger than the first system shock, Just like the first game it does not give us the complete story line, We have to figure it out from the e-mails and the logs we find through out the starship. The story line is that you play a soldier assigned to the Von Braun a faster than light starship, Something bizzare happens but you dont know what as you have amnesia, When you wakeup you find out that all of your crew members are dead and you are all alone. System Shock II's gameplay is much similar to the first system shock but it has a much better interface and controls. The sound effect's are simply superb it feels like you're really hearing something's happening, They really add up to the creepy atmosphere. SS2 is built on the dark engine used to create Thief, The engine was ok for the medieval thief game but very bad here, The graphics are ok but the art direction is very bad and the weapon effects are very silly, They should have used the Quake II engine. In some places the gameplay is very difficult even on the easy difficulty dont even think of playing in the impossible difficulty, There is even a warning in the document. The Zombies would shoot you with their shotguns causing you a lot of damage but when you search them after they are killed they would just have a broken shotgun, The zombies also respawn a lot. Another problem is the voice acting, They are great but the charecters keep on talking nonsence all the time and they get very annoying, And nowhere in the game must you eavesdrop on the hybrids to solve a puzzle ect, LG's other game Thief II has the same problem. Despite these problems System Shock II is a great game and surely the best RPG game i have ever played, If you like RPG games get System Shock II it is really great, Buy Deus Ex along you will love it too.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not worth it
Review: I tried this game and hated it. you start of awaking from cryosleep to find aliens have taken over. we need an new storyline for games.

this game is so hard it will have you spending your gaming time screaming at the computer.

if you want a good game go for unreal tortament

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Creepy as hell
Review: The Good: - Great graphics - Great gameplay - As someone said in an earlier review: the thinking person's game.

The Bad: - Creepy. I thought I was getting something close to "Alien"..instead, it's closer to "Event Horizon"

This is a fantastic game. It draws you in through its graphics, sound, overall production values, and the way it requires you to use your brain. Once you're hooked in, it then REALLY pulls out the creepy stuff.


Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It had me jumping!
Review: System Shock II was a sequel that came out of nowhere and hit the gaming community like a bolt of lightning. It was one of the first 1st person shooter games that combined the usual tactics and traits of a shooter game with roleplay elements. Your goal isn't just to kill every monster in sight, but also to solve a mystery on the ship.

Another interesting aspect is that you can set up your own skills and traits, either as a fighter, a computer wiz, or a psychic. Each skill will get your through the obstacles in different ways and as you progress your prowess grows in whatever areas you choose.

The atmosphere is wonderful. As you sneak thorugh the darkened corridors there are sounds and bits of ambiance all around you. Zombies gibber as they hunt you down, monkeys chatter as they prowl through the ships, cyborgs politely ask you to come out (so they can explode in your face), steam hisses from vents, computers humm softly. This game has the hairs on my neck standing up half the time or threw me into wild fits as I tried to get myself out of a suprise attack.

The only downsides to the game were the monster re-spawning after you had cleared out a level and the rapid degredation of guns while you used them, but there is a game patch that very nicely handles this problem and also allows you to play cooperative multiplayer if you desire.

All in all this game is very much worth the price. If you want a nice shooter game with enough atmosphere and history to make it seem real then this is the perfect game for you.

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