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System Shock 2

System Shock 2

List Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Just when I thought I'd seen everything...
Review: I saw this game in a magazine long ago but didn't pay any attention. A few months back I remembered it for no apparent reason, and decided to strike out on a search for this now-hard-to-find title. Am I ever glad I did! The last time I ever jumped out of my seat while playing a game was in Half-Life, when I skittered around a corner and found myself staring down the barrel of an Abrams's cannon. My first time playing System Shock 2 had me jumpier than a ballerina on a pile of carpet tacks! This game is a real work of art; beautifully made and suspenseful. The creatures have abysmally low polygon counts and don't look as good as they could have, but believe me, you won't notice for long! This is by far the most immersive game ever, a must-have for fans of action or role-playing games!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best, most gripping game ever!!
Review: This is such a great game. Absolutely terrifying, good graphics (considering when it was made), and the best storyline since Half-Life. Buy this game. I upgraded my computer to a Dual AMD MP1900 system, 1GB PC 2100 ram, 64meg Geforce 3, etc and it was too much to play this game, so I bought a second system (Pentium 3 600, 32MB Tnt2, 128 MB ram, just so I could always play this fabulous game!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: As good as it gets
Review: Whilst I agree with the previous reviewer that the last few levels were a bit of a disappointment, I certainly do not agree that they 'kill' the game. I felt exactly the same about the Xen levels in Half-life, but I still love that game. Frankly this game is a masterpiece. A few years old now, but in my opinion far surpassing many of the games on the market today. And it looks great on todays faster computers. I've played it so many times now on every setting that I can finish it in one day. But don't worry, if you haven't played this before then I envy you because you've got weeks and weeks of pleasure ahead of you. This game is massive, it seems to go on and on. I sometimes wondered if it was ever going to end. You can specialise in one of 3 areas, tech, weapons or psi, to craft a unique character each time. But in my experience its better to generalise. One odd thing I just found the last time I played, and specialised in psi, was that about two thirds of the way through the game you get the ability to turn yourself invisible. This was a good idea in theory but it renders the rest of the game pointless as you can then just make yourself invisible whenever there's any trouble and just run past your enemies. You no longer have to fight anything! Another weird thing. The first time I played this game, when I got to the Mall on the recreation deck I noticed a white wireframe pyramid rotating on its axis in one of the corners. What the hell is this? Does anyone know. I've never seen it since so maybe its just a bug. Anyway, fantastic, immersive, frightening game that for some bizarre reason sold badly but has since received nothing but rare praise from the gaming world and general public alike - see the reviews here. You owe it to yourself to play this game, and you owe it to the defunct Looking Glass Studios to honor them by buying this work of gaming Art. Why are great Artists only recognised after their deaths?

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Last few levels kill it.
Review: I never cared about multiplay for this game, I don't mind the difficulty (in fact I enjoyed it), and I thought the graphics were fine (especially for when it was released). Having been a huge System Shock 1 fan, I was first in line (pretty much literally, too) to buy this sequel when it was released, and for the most part I absolutely loved it.

Now let me qualify "for the most part". That means everything until about three major levels before the end, at which point the game completely buried itself. To this day, I even remember the specific point at which I realized it had passed the point of non-redemption: where you found several very tall columns sliding up and down that were supposed to be (ahem) "teeth", and you had to jump across them a la 80's side-scroller. The ending of this game (along with the couple of levels immediately preceding it) was so incredibly god-awful that I have to ding not 1, not 2, but *3* stars. It it just that bad.

An ending this bad, that ruins what was a masterpiece of a game leading up to it, is nothing new in computer games. In fact, one of the highest-profile examples of it is quite similar to SS2, and that is Half-Life. Now, if you're the type that's able to overlook a game's ending and enjoy just portions of the journey for their own sake, then you'll likely enjoy this game more than 2 stars' worth. However, if you're like me and can think of few game design sins worse than a horrible ending, than my rating stands. SS2 started out as one of the best sequels I'd ever played, and ultimately ended as one of the most disappointing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I bow down and worship at the feet of 'System Shock 2'
Review: Oh my God, this game is just magnificent. I don't know how anyone can knock it. Some people say the graphics are not up to scratch and dated. I don't agree at all. The game does not use the Quake2 graphics engine like just about every other game but is instead built on Looking Glass's own proprietary engine - the Dark Engine. The peculiarities of this engine is that it is superb at rendering futuristic sci-fi scenes like corridors, doors, lights, computer panels etc, but is not so great at rendering life-like humanoid creatures. So the characters in the game look a little blocky, but this in no way detracts because the positive qualities of the game overwhelm this one negative. Some also say the game is too hard. Well I admit it is hard, but I've completed it 4 times on every setting - even the 'impossible' setting. But what I love so much about this game is the atmosphere. It is the most atmospheric, engrossing game I have ever played. I love wandering around this vast spaceship along dark corridors, with colorful neon lights flickering all around me. The sound effects are superb too, from the swish of doors, to the zombielike moaning of the Many, to the voice of Shodan, occasionally kicking in and insulting you. One great touch I thought was the way the ships computer - Xerxes, occasionally makes some very ordinary anouncement about replicator units or something, so you think maybe he's OK after all, but then he follows it with an utterly demented comment like 'Glory to the Many, Glory to the Flesh'. And the game is SCARY. Not terrifying, but it does make you jump. Play this game on your own with the lights out, and the first time you hear quiet footsteps behind you and turn around to see one of the Many about to bash your skull in with a lead pipe while screaming 'Silence the discord', then you'll know what I mean. Finally there's the dead crew's voice-log's scattered all around the ship. OK it's a bit contrived, but I thought it was a great way to bring the crew to life and to reveal the story to you little by little. Listening to someone recording a log only to hear them killed while doing so by a security droid was downright spooky. And who could'nt help but fall in love with Dr Marie Delacroix - am I right guys? This game is huge. It seems to go on forever, and I was sorry when it finally did end. What a shame that with Looking Glass studio's gone, there will probably never be a Shock3. Oh well, this will always be a classic in my mind - right up there with Doom and Half-life.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: lee732's review:
Review: While I will NOT delve into the obvious play/mechanics of this game; it simply must be said that NOBODY has yet made a scarier game...NOBODY!! I do agree that a good sound system really makes the "atmosphere" far more terrifying though. I even told a friend if he bought this game and it did'nt scare the living poop out of him; I would repay his money myself! Nuff said?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Don't miss this one.
Review: This is a great game! Of course, by now it is a few years old and the graphics are a bit dated, but it is well worth your time to play it. I loved it, mostly because it is hands down one of the most frightening games I have ever played. Seriously, turn the lights down and the volume up and you will be jumping out of your seat in no time. If you don't want to take my word for it, check out the review by [a pc magazine]. They gave it a 95%.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Most Intelligent Game Ever
Review: System Shock 2 is no doubt the most intelligent game of all time. The superior atmosphere of the game cannot be rivalled, I was sucked in from the first moment I laid foot on the Van Braun. The darkness and terror are painfully real and intellectually woven into one giant tapestry of pulsating nightmare.
The surreal aspects of it, defined by the amazing music and sci fi visuals are beyond comparison. The graphics are 1998, but age happens to all games. What's different here is that all the other elements of the game are so perfected and unique in their originallity that this one is going to be playable long after the year 2040.
The length is notable. All the while struggling to obtain the upper hand over the opposing forces and breaking away from the puppeteer, while making devestatingly hard choices that effect the way you opperate. I wish this game never had an ending.
Logs of Achievement:

.Level design: Each deck is totally realistic and makes sense.

.Music: Incredible.

.Sound: The sound is absolutely amazing. Very realistic in futuristic artistry. Very believable.

.Gameplay: Thrilling, Terrifying and full of hard choices which matter.

System Shock 2 has everything going for it, Quite possibly the best game evr made.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Shocking!
Review: I had to wait 2 years to play this game as my old PC wouldn't run it.I had been given hours of fun with the original,and looked forward to the long anticipated sequal.This game is pretty good,don't compare it to half life or unreal as it's a different type of game,although this game could have benefited from the half life engine instead of the outdated thief engine.The plot will keep you guessing and some of the effects are pretty darn cool.But there are a few areas where this game disappoints.Firstly the weapons.You don't have as good a selection as you had in system shock,nor are they as impressive.Also,the weapons degrade after a number of shots are fired,which is extremely annoying.There's nothing worse than spraying death into a corridor full of hybirds or cyborg midwives then having your gun jam on you!The weapons didnt degrade in SS1,so why in SS2?
The monsters aren't as good either,there are fewer of them,and some such as the security robots couldnt catch a man crawling away from them!Also,no internet gaming here,no death matches for owners of SS2!
However,this game is pretty good,it isnt as good as the first,but it has it's good points.It's just a pity a MOD hasn't been made for it,and please can we have SS3?PLEASE?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I stand corrected
Review: I initially gave this game a horrible review because it's so slow starting off and weapons and ammo are few and far betwen, but I have to eat my previous words now, as I love this game. It has playability very similar to Deus Ex, it's also a long game which is always a plus in my books. It is possible to use a God mode on this game, though it does take a few minutes and some patience to create the user file to make it work. Gte this game , it rocks!

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