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EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin

EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Can't wait for Luclin!!!
Review: I would recommend Everquest to parents for the entire family. My whole family plays, and the only problem is that we don't own enough computers!!! Now if Verant would lower the monthly charge to play it would be an even better game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: CAUTION!
Review: The description for Shadows of Luclin specifies "Platform: Windows 95 / 98" It also indicates a release date of December 4, 2001. Upon checking with Verant regarding Windows XP, the reply was short and to the point: Windows XP is not supported.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I concur with the hundreds of thousands
Review: I cannot in good conciounce give this expansion to the terribly successfull MMORPG Everquest. The reason being, its addicting as any game in the history of games. You can very easily and without notice ruin your young adult/adult life playing this game. You can meet and make good friends with many interesting people while playing this game; which was the most alluring part of the game for me, while I played through the world the original and following expansions opened up for me. However, when you use the command that tells you how long you have played the character you have dumped the majority of your time into over the last year, you can be met with a rather shocking suprise. You have just blown over 150 days (yes, thats 24 HOURS multiplied by 150) playing a computer game, that really only rendered temporary satisfaction. Sure the friends you made, may last longer than your final exit from the world of Norrath, but the over-all time numeration is justly depressing. Take it from a veteran, your time can be speant in much more productive and important means than this. Friends can be made, school work can be done, women/men (whatever) can be interacted with, or relationships can be maintained. These uses of free time have much more lasting and favorable consequences.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: I don't understand how people can review a game that has no been released and will not be released for two months! All these reviews are, is Everquest fanboys giving a glowing recommendation of a game they are just guessing will be good. Check out Dark Age of Camelot. It is already out and people are giving it stellar reviews. Don't waste your time reading reviews (really previews based on a few screen shots and some info put out by Verant) on the game until it comes out.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Evercrack-A need That replaces D&D,Shadowrun,and other's
Review: I started this game almost when it 1st came out of Beta. It held many surprises,very much like D&D. Not only did it make D&D come to life, but, it is actually fun. Where else can you play with people in different countries all over the world, at any time of the day. I have several high Characters; Wizardess, Bard, Warrior, Cleric & Shaman, all of which I love to play. Massive zones to travel to, centered all on a massive world. and NOW they include a Moon and horses to boot. Yes at times I do get bored, but then something new arrives such as Luclin. There are many quest to perform, some single tasks, some that are almost impossible to complete, there is a good trading system involved. People will for the most part, bend over backwards to give you advice, some wanted and hehe, some that is not. Do you have a good solid private life?? Well with this game, you will have to include another just to keep up. You can be very addicted to this game, which is why it is such an outstanding game. Other games will be invented that may be better, but i trust these people will kep up with the breakthroughs needed to saty up with the best. Downfalls?? hmm... almost constant lag, not enough GM's to go around, only 60 levels,& last but definatley not the least!! Having to sleep eat and work just to be able toplay EQ.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Psh 10 $$ a month for this game?
Review: Everquest - A time consuming waist of money.

I played Everquest for awhile and all I have to say is if you want a good online role-playing game then this is not the game to get. While it is an online role playing game it is not good. Lag is always a problem and most classes need a group to survive, past level 6 people lose experience points when they die so if you are a rogue, enchanter, wizard, mage or necromancer then past level 6 you need to get in a good group. Most of the newbies walk around with armor meant for people level 30 + and that makes it less fun because everything is too easy. For example: You are fighting an orc pawn with a cracked staff (a level 2 monster with a level 1 - 5 weapon) and you are level 2 with a mixed suit of banded and mithril armor with a wurmslayer you will be able to kill monsters 6 levels higher than you which automaticly makes the game boring.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What was I thinking??
Review: I have played many games in my day ranging from the early internet muds to Baldur's Gate and all the in between, and this is by far the best game I have played. My wife used to get frustrated because I would play on the computer rather than watch television with her, as she is not a gamer... but then I made my fatal mistake... I let her play. From that point on I had to fight her for the computer just to get some EQ time, to the point where I bought a second computer just to play together and get some time on of my own. This game can be addicting (as my wife found out) but it is also excellent fun for the occasional evening. Thanx EQ.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOOOT!
Review: This is the best massive multiplayer I have EVER played. It won't take up all your time unless you let it; If you are a D&D fan this is the game for you. You dont have to hassle with rolls look up monsters AC etc. I would rate this above Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, and Ultima Online. The graphics aren't wonderful but EVERYTHING is getting better in Shadows of Luclin (The Expansion) More spells more zones more classes more races much better graphics and they might let you keep the old graphics if you like them better and still use the other advantages of the expansion. The only thing you Might say it is lacking in is you can only play one character at a time but this in turn encourages grouping and helping out other adventurers. If you dont like PvP (Player vs Player) they have many severs where you cant attack other players and if you do like PvP they have a variy of servers where you can fight against othere players. If your curious they let you play Warriors Rangers Druids Necromancers Monks Paladins ShadowKnights Shamans Bards. Classes can be WoodElves HighElves DarkElves HalfElves Gnomes Dwarves Humans Barbarians Iksar Troll Ogre and Halflings. With the expansion you will also be able to choose the class Beastlords and the race Kerrans.
Personally I play a level 35 rogue on the Tholuxe Paells sever send me a tell

Happy Gaming

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A little self controll.
Review: This is one of the most involving games I have ever played, there is just so much to do. I have seen many people get addicted to this game and have even heard it called EverCrack. If you have little self controll run away screaming and dont look back!! I love this game and have no problem keeping a good personal life while maintaining my job in the US AirForce. As long as you can controll yourself this can be a great way to unwind after a long day.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOOT
Review: Buy the expansion and get new weapons to sell to me in the tunnel. I am uber and i like it. Woe to ye who buy plat on eBay. I hate you. EQ rules.

Podarok Thehouse
Paladin of the 21st season

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