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EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin

EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: RE: Dont... do... dont... buy it
Review: I dissagree. This is a sad case, indeed, but it isn't that addictive. Plus, it's an easy addiction to fight. It's not like smoking, or some vile thing like that. It's something you do in your spare time, after your work is done, to unwind a bit an relax. It's fun, and the higher you get, and the more expireienced, the more fun it gets. There are some hard spots, but it's mostly just a fun game to play when you're tired and don't have the energy to do other things. I personally think it's a wonderful game and it was a great addition to my life.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Addiction Of EverQuest
Review: Unlike everybody else obvusly I think EQ (EverQuest) Is the Greatest. Yes It Is Highly Addictive (...)yes you spend a lot of time on it but there is a plus in my eyes you get know people from around the world and become best friends with them but as for ruining lives i have yet to see that. Addiction Is In The Mind Of The Beholder

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Dont... do... dont... buy it
Review: This game is really really fun and addicting. It also can ruin your life. I am a 15 year old gamer, and I got this game 5 months ago. I have a lvl 34 character and it took me 12 continues days of game play! My mom gives me 2 hours a day to play cause im so addicted... so I get up late at night to play!!! Dont let your children get this game. It will ruin there live... and i hope to get out of this game as well, but of course im getting the expansion! Mothers and Fathers out there, dont let you kid get this! My social status has gone way down, ive lost friends, and I dont get much sleep! I warn u once again, dont let your kid get this unless you want him/her to be a nerd for the rest of there life! This is serious stuff. Your waisting you life.

When u look back on you life when your an adult, what can u tell anyone about that u did when u were a kid? "Ahh... I played video games, doy". U dont want to be like this... or your life like this. I may be playing this till im 25! it seems so awsome! Now I almost want a new computer more than a new dirtbike! Its really sad. Dont let this happen to you

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: EQ Junky
Review: I have logged over 64 days of playing time in the last 2 years. I'm not even as bad as some others. Not to even mention the time I have spent thinking about it when I was away from it. If you get addicted at all to Role-playing games, DON'T BUY THIS GAME. You suffer my same fate. Don't start it. Stop the maddness!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Perspective
Review: EQ is more then a game. It is a hobby! Just like crafts, cooking, quilting, building models, whiddling... or whatever else you may do. You invest time in it, and in return you get pleasure and satisfaction from your time. Some folks have written reviews here saying EQ is <enter your good or bad evaluation here>. But the fact of the matter is, EQ is nothing more then what you make it. If you don't have self-control and discipline, then EQ may rule your life! That's not EQ's fault.

I recommend this game to ANYONE who enjoys or might enjoy the sort of entertainment that it provides. Worst case....you spend a little money and don't like it, best case.... you spend a little money and find a new hobby that's cheaper then drugs, safer then any sporting activity and a great filler of free time.

... in the end, it's software, nothing more... enjoy it for what it's worth.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Time management required
Review: I have spent 2+ years playing EQ. Everquest is very entertaining and fun to play. But you must learn to manage your time well. It is far too easy to be wrapped up completely in EQ. I should know; I was one of those people who played 6+ hours of EQ each day.

The people you interact with in EQ are the main attraction to this game. The ability to interact with others makes this game so addicting. You create friendships and share adventures together. But it is also the people who plays this game that will drive you away from EQ with the never-ending greed for upgrade of items for your characters. Guild politics gets out of hand with too many egos that strives for a imaginary sense of respect within the guild.

There are many good people that plays EQ but it is the group of "bad apples" that leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If you don't buy this, then you're not an addict!
Review: I've been with everquest (LevelQuest, NeverRest, EverCrack, etc) for about 2 years. The game is amazing, when you first begin to play you could not POSSIBLY imagine how diverse and just grossly large the world or Norrath is, then once you get up beyond level 46, you won't even have to stay in Norrath, because there are planes of existance that you can travel to... but now, with this expansion they are fixing the biggest flaw the game has (since it was released in 1997-1998, they are upgrading the graphics engine. This will in my opinion make this game perfect. Much Kudos to Verant and Sony Online Entertainment for taking this huge step. Now, maybe I can quit sleeping all together.. =) (...)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: All For The Fun
Review: This is actualy a great game. I dont base my life around it like some people do but I do play when I can. If I have the choice of a part or the game I take the party but it's a great thing for your free time. The best thing about it is that you play it with a massive amout of REAL people. Unlike other games these ones are real. I often group and play the game with strangers on the game. You talk to them like if you meet them cause you realy have. Often I'm walking in a city and I bumb into the same player and we can share stories. I've never meet another character in this game in real life. But the option of guilds let's you become real friends with these people. It's the only game that is basicly intereacting with real people. You dont see their bodies but you see them in their words. That is all I have to say

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: EQ can be a fun, social game
Review: I agree with EQ 12 Step Program that many people play this game only to level up and that it sucks the fun out of the game, and can have negative impacts on your real life.

HOWEVER: If you play this game once or twice a week with a set of friends who will similarly self limit, it can be a very fun, graphical alternative to the old-school D&D table top game. The fun of Everquest is TEAMWORK with friends (or strangers) to acomplish a goal (quest, item, etc.)

The downsides mentioned by "EQ 12 Step Program" happen when the player cares more about status achieved by awesome items and being 60th level. But when the game is approached as a social teamwork video game, it is very challenging and rewarding to play. There are also many guilds in the game that develop real friendships and are strongly geared towards roleplayers.

I'm 25 year old female, and EQ is a LOT of fun if approached with the correct attitude. If you want a game that you can "beat", this isn't it! But if you enjoy the journey, the interesting monsters and sceneries, and the social aspect of playing games with friends, and if you provide your own roleplaying, you will love it.

I wouldn't recommend this game for anyone below age 18 or so, because I believe it is too difficult for children to see past the never ending greed for loot and pride in leveling, to the potentially positive aspects of this game.

I hope this review was helpful and added perspective to the game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Addicting for a good reason
Review: Everquest is a game which has pretty much revolutionized the MMORPG by drawing hundreds of thousands of gamers into an immersive fantasy world that some find hard to leave.

Every time a new game comes out AO, DAOC, etc. everyone predicts to downfall of EQ but it never happens and this expansion will put EQ back on the same page as these new games graphics wise. In addition to the new eye candy this expansion also brings with it a new race and an entirely new class the Beastlord. This new expansion takes place on the moon and promises many new zones for all levels 1-60.

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