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EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin

EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: EQ Ownz
Review: my title says it all. After playing Eq for a few years, i cant find a day that i dont sign in before i go to bed. Yes i know it is a addiction, but imo a good addiction. =) I personally enjoy logging in and speaking with all my friends that i have made in game. The Story line and adventures in the game, just make the game that much more superior over any other RPG. Well there is alot more i could say, but...i need to get back in game.lol...

P.S. Cats in Hats *own*..

aka. Julian Irezjoo
60 High Priest of Drinal

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The truth about EQ (for me anyway)
Review: After reading a few of these reviews I am starting to feel like I am stuck in the movie Existenz... which for those of you that saw it was pretty strange.

To put it plainly... Everquest is an interactive chat room with a lot of distractions to pass the time and provide conversation starters.

If you want to charge ahead and try to aquire the best weapons, armor and loot you are able to but you are also able to sit quietly on a log in a forest telling a story to other players... how you use this "interactive chat room" is up to you and that is the pure beauty (and genious) behind Everquest.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This Update looks amazing....
Review: I have played the normal version of this, with its great 3d graphics...but I have been looking at pictures of this update, and it looks amazing, we're talking major graphics updates. Even more 3d characters, spells are amazing, and a new race and class. I'm not realy under 13, but i dont want one of their passwords, but take my word for it, if you have time to blow in the week and weekends, and love RPG's, this game is the game for you!

P.S. The contrals take a little getting use to, but just keep it up, it becomes easy, sorta subcontiouse reactions.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: dont think so much about it, its just another video game
Review: The near thing about massive online games is, the makers dont
have to provide a lot simulated AI for the players to interact
with. You and the other players provide for yourselves. I havent
tried another online game, but i might soon. EQ was a good starter and it is tons of fun. Like anything else that is tons of fun, limit how much time you spend on it, but for goodness sake's if you like roleplaying and video games, this is the pinnacle so far, enjoy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: You'll Never Sleep Again
Review: Bringing enhaced graphics new zones and an all new playable race of cat people to Everquest, this will leave the new player and established PC's gobsmacked as one!

The only problem with it is the IMMENSE amount of memory needed to run ALL of the detail at maximum but with memory prices so low theres not too much hardship there!

Buy it and get blown further into the realm of Norrath

Your in their world now!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It CAN be Heaven or Hell....Choice if yours
Review: This game can be as said before very addictive, it mainly depends on the person that plays it not on the game itself. It can be extremely fun if you want to make it so. Make new friends, go on adventures, join a family (Guild), be nice, it all comes back to you. If you are mean then everyone else will be mean and the game will become boring. I am a 23 year old Female and i manage a guild. It is very fun and eventho it can be addictive is easy to beat the addiction. Just dont play! The game will always be there for you when you are bored or have free time. I recomend the game for those mature enoug to understand that concept :) Is not the level, money or items you have, is how you play it

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Oh what a game!
Review: I've been playing EQ for 6 months, have 4 toons and one that is lvl 56. I use to watch my bro play and knew if he ever got me to play I would get hooked, after watching him play for over a year and criticizing him for not having a life, being a bum etc., he started a barbarian for me and yep, I got hooked. Now I understand what all the fuss is about.

Is it good or bad...it's neither. Look so many people argue about what's right or wrong. It is what it is, it's an experience so don't over analyze it. If you enjoy it do it. That's why we're Americans! If you're plagued and have all the demons in your mind telling you you're an addict, well, what can I say, see a shrink, but PLEEZ folks let's not point fingers at the game or anyone else. So many speak of addiction...let's define it to better uderstand the argument.

Addict 1) To apply or devote (oneself) persistently or habitually.

Uhhh, ohhh, hmmmm, sounds like me :)

And the countless millions who engage in whatever activity they do repetitively, T.V., sports, online chat, work, drugs, sex, et al.

In all seriousness, take responsibility, practice moderation, have fun, live and let live!

P.S. Buy EQ! LOL :P

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Game I have ever played period!
Review: I have read the posts here and just had to give my 2 cp worth.I am a 34 year old father of 3 and married for 14 years. I own my own home improvement bussines and have other hobbies. As for this game ruining your life {please!!!!}.if this game ruins your life you need a life. I have been into role playing sence i was 12. I am the commander of the 58th penn. vol civil war reenacting unit. and find this game most enjoyable. If your looking for blood and guts go to Q2,Q3 and unreal. But if your looking for stratigy and role playing with the minium of violence then this is the game for you. and there are alot worse things that your kid could be doing then sitting at home with you playing a good role playing game . BTW my wife and kids enjoy watching me play the say its like watching a movie.So yes i will buy the next chapter in the game good luck and good hunting .

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: This Game Ruins marriages and lives
Review: If you can seperate relality from fanasty and do not have and adicitve personality this game can provide hours of entertainment and fun. I play maybe 8 hours a week with my real life friends and have a good time but, i do not let get in the way of my life.

DO NOT start this game until you decide if you can handle it. The key to playing this game is DO NOT MAKE ONLINE friends. Join guilds have fun but do not move into personal friendship with the people on this game. THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. You DO NOT KNOW them. Please treat them like you'd treat a stranger polietly but carefully.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's an awesome game!
Review: This game is best played when you're bored or need a break from real life and want a fantasy adventure, that's what it's for. Not everyone becomes so involved that we lose sight of what real and what's fiction. Hours of fun are in store, when you play this game, as with many RPGs, this one just has spectacular graphics.

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