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EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin

EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ummm....so when does this game come out?
Review: Yeah.. I give this game 5 stars and a big two thumbs up. I want to rave about a game that hasnt even come out yet. Come on guys, how can you rate a game that hasnt even come out yet. I have been playing EQ for years and personally I think the game is going down the tubes. Think about it. You can't tell me that you werent pretty disappointed when Velious came out. When I got velious the first thing that poped in my mind what WOW! I really got ripped on this update. All the landscape is white, alot of the new mosters are just old ones that changed color. If you ask me I think they already got plenty of people hooked on the game so why my a product better, we can just release (garbage) from now on. And another thing to Sony or Verant or who ever has a say so in it they should give this game away for free. When you sign up for a internet service you get the software for free right. Yes, because you have to pay a monthly fee to use the service. You cant tell me that the (price) a month from thousands and thousands of people isnt enough money to pay a bunch of monkeys to keep a server running and make a awsome profit. EQ is over rated and is full of RUDE little brats that call themselves GM's. By the time this review is posted the game will be out. (...) Take Care.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Jeez
Review: I have been on EQ for just over 2 years and always enjoy finding whats around those hard to reach corners, and can't wait for this new expansion.If I could rate this site at this point in time you'd get a 1. Whats the point of pre-ordering if I could get it at the store sooner.(...). I would have to reccomend this game for familiy's as it prompted me to finnaly install a LAN and DSL so I could play with my kids and help them learn the wonders of EQ.
As for it being a waste and impossible most who say that fail to learn to work with others towards a common goal, therefore get stuck behind their own Egos.
53 wanderer
Tunare Server
member "Darkstar kingdom"

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Get Over It
Review: /rant on
If you can't control your time on this game that's your problem. I've been playing this game for about 9 months and my highest lvl character is lvl 39. It's addictive yes but it's not impossible to control your time on the game. I have real life obligations that come before anything that a computer can offer me. Get your priorities straight. /rant off

I can honestly say this is the best game I've ever seen and I really can't wait to be able to explore the moon. If you want to make friends and just have fun then get this game it's great I swear.

lvl 39 magician
Zeb server

no name no unecessary tells hehe. Just wanted Zeb to be represented lol

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good Times
Review: ...Role Playing...yes...you do become the character of which you play...how good he is in a group...how good he is overall...all depends on you....

This game is your a class/race...who is a newbie explorer...in a vast world...you gain enemies both computer and real people....you kill monsters and different thing...

It's really good...it is very addicting though....

Pozer Diirk
55th lvl Rogue of Vazealle

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The only entertainment you will ever need under one house.
Review: Everquest in a Nut shell.

This game is not only an online 3D world in which you can interact with other players just like yourself, it also is filled with strategic like abilities giving to each class and or character. In everquest you are in a different world and giving the ability to act as you wish and being able to play in a true Roll Playing Game. I have been pretty much a hard core PC gamer on my off time my entire life. Tho young i may be i still have been giving the opportunity to experiance many other games. So if i could describe one word about everquest in relating to all the other roll playing or strategic like games ive been able to play, Everquest would rank awesome or incredible. This is by far the most incredible PC experiance i have ever had.

Yes i have experiance in this game, i currently have a lvl 60 druid and a few other lower characters, mainly becuase i stick to my druid. The lovely thing about this game is that it never ends there is always a new quest or new item to be obtained and you can always get better. I guess in theory eventually you could have it all. Let me tell you my friend after a full year of playing this game and this game only, i havnt even begun to reach any percentage of a minority of the quests and items this game has to offer. Endless hours of entertainment and fun Everquest provides. Also being put in a 3D world the experiance is enhanced.

This game is not for the quick for the person seeking quick satisfaction, but it is for the easily entertained or for the thinker and action or strategic player. Being in a 3D world the game also functions off of real time playing. We all know how incredibly slow real time can be and we also all know how rapidly it can change to very fast. The same is in everquest, you may need to spent a good deal of time and work into a cirtain quest or a goal you are reaching but it can just as easily fly right by and before you know it you need to get some rest before work tommarow morning.

One could go on all day about how incredible and how many adventures this game can bring right to your computer screen, but i think ill spare your time. Over all if your seeking true entertainment something that never grows boring something that is always different everyday and is everchanging. Everquest is what you seek. And for the full experiance I would recomend buying every expansion it only extends your horizon of succsess. Shadows of Luclin also provides a whole new 3D experiance bringing things more lifelike and luring you deeper into the game.

***Warning*** This game will suck you in and might very well pull you away from the real world. Be warned friend this game can be addictive, be carful and watch your time wisely for the world of Everquest is deep and before you know it when your friends ask for a lift to work tommarow you respond "Sure ill give ya a teleport no prob bud". You've been warned enjoy

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: EQ how I love thee Let me count the ways LOL
Review: OK first and foremost EQ, like anything, can be addictive depending upon the person. I spend about an hour a day on it and have had the game for a year and half. The point that most people miss playing this game is not just "getting stuff" but the interaction with other different players from all over. Thats why I have continued to enjoy this game because of all the interesting characters I meet, which is really what brings this game to life.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ah Eq
Review: This game like any other can become addicting depending upon
the person. I have been playing EQ for about a year and half and spend an hour on it a day. The people who don't like this game
miss the whole point that its not just "getting stuff" its interacting with different people from everywhere that brings this game to life.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The Addiction
Review: EverCrack.... Yes its called EverCrack, its luck a drug! It caused me a divorce. My friend got a psychologist. This game needs to be banned like drugs. It ruins peoples lives. DON'T PLAY THIS GAME BECAUSE IT IS TOO GOOD! I know its crazy but serious this game will ruin you completely. People drop college, lose their jobs, divorce(like myself....), become losers! Really I am saving you even you little kids, dont play cause your grades will drop and your parents will get mad. Please listen as a friend don't buy this new drug!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ever Quest is one of the best games ever
Review: Ever Quest (aka: Ever Camp) is a great game. When i first started playing it completely blew my mind away. I've only been playing it for a year and am far from being tired of it. Yes parts of the game can become repeatitive, but Verant and Sony Online Entertainment computer programmers are always adding something to the game. you choose wether or not you allow yourself to become bored with the game, there are so many different parts of the game that a few people never explore, and they end up with a negative impression about the game. with 13 different classes with 14 races, soon to add one to each with Shadow of Luclin, there are many ways to play the game. Granted there should be a warning label on the box about how addictive the game can become, but anyone with the smalles amount of willpower can control that. no blood, no gore, no ripping somones head off with the spin still attached, yet the game still attracts some 350,000+ people. Obviously Verant and SOE have done something right to attract this many people. Shadow of Luclin will only improve the game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: How can you give a great game a 1 star?
Review: (...) That game is so cool! Just don't buy it if you are not a massave rpg player. I am a Guild Master on that game of the Blazing Knights. I rated this game 5 stars because it is the best rpg I have played and I can't wait for the Station to come out with the next expantion!

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