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EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin

EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Ratings
Review: I find it funny how so many people can rate this expansion and it hasn't even been released yet. Here it is 6 months away and people are writing reviews on it giving it 5 stars.

Everquest is the biggest waste of time you could spend on any game. Literally... you will be sitting doing nothing 90% of the time. Not to mention that Verant has the worst customer service/support of any game company I have ever come across.

Whatever happened to the good business saying of "the customer is always right"... Well in Verants opinion "the customer is always wrong".

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not too bad, by looks of preview
Review: It is cool how there will be a new class, race, town, etc. However, it, besides that and the visual changes, seems a lot like Kunark and Velious. Adding a new contient, only this time it is a moon. Also the new character models are nice, however, trolls and ogres look a litle too human now. This is also supposed to reduce lag. However, I can't give it 5 stars cuz I don't exactly know how the game is actually going to be like, but it looks good =)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is an exquisite game, yet addicting.
Review: This is one of the most fascinating games I have ever played. Listen closely, it IS very addicting though perhaps worth it. If you also think that the [money] you pay monthly goes to developing NEW and BETTER versians then it is worth it. The game engine here is said to perhaps rival the ones coming out on Dark Ages of Camelot, or other titles. I would perhaps join Adellion when it comes out as a roleplayer's game, but it woint have as good as graphics still. This is well worth it if you truely want to explore the world. Though I wish to say that one must roleplay to truely get the best experience out of it, or atleast socialize. Just constant hack n slash gets boring. Though there is much more to this perhaps, such as travel, there is still foten times too much hack n slash. Though it is still well worth it, A++

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Long time waiting
Review: I am a long time gamer and have been playing this game since the retail of it my brother got me into it and i have been playing since i believe August of 1999. I have popped in and out of the game and every time i come back theres better things! When Kunark came out there was rumor of the Iskar and a new race of Cat people. I was dissapointed that there wasnt a cat race, for i am a cat person rather than a lizard one. When i heard about the new expansion i was VERY excited about it i watched the movie clips and saw the screen shots and read about it. I am very happy about how everything is looking so far they have released pictures of Gnomes, Trolls, humans and the Cat race. Trolls no offence in the older versions werent that eye pleasing but now its like they are little cartoon characters! I am awaiting the shots of Wood Elfs and High Elfs, those are the characters i have. I want to pre-order this Expansion so i can be sure i have a copy because i know that when they hit stores theres going to be a mad dash to get it! =) I recomend this very much! One question still ponders my mind...how do the rest of us get up to the moon? They joked about gnomes tinkering some steam-powered rocket ships..even though that would be cute...my guess is there will be a portal or a porting spell that will be added to some classes list. i give this game 5 stars for the new graphics!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everquest is the best! nothing can beat it
Review: Without a doubt this new Expansion will launch EQ far beyond anyother online RPG...it does cost $10 a month and is completly worth it... and fer the guy who was saying how EQ isnt fun...well bah its fun...and id say beats this new AO thing.... this new EQ expansion will be awesome!!!!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The same old thing over again
Review: This is obviously what Verant had in mind when Everquest became a big success. Release expansion after expansion to keep current players interested (while still bringing in money by selling the expansion), and to reap in new players with the slogan "Hey! We have three expansions! Buy Everquest, plus all three expansions!". They are selling the expansion at almost full price of retail software ([$]? Come on now...), PLUS it almost guarantees that existing players will keep their accounts. The game will still become a big bore when the gameplay runs dry. Shame on you, Verant. I hope this isn't what happens to all future MMORPG's.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The One and Only Game!
Review: I first started playing EverQuest two years ago now and I havent touched any of the other interactive games since! This game is full of adventures, excitment and good times. I have met many new friends and have had a lot of fun with this game. I strongly suggest that you check this game out or give it a chance, its great!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: a gamer from a place is full of it
Review: I have played EQ since it came out in March of 1999. Apparently gamer from a place you have no clue how to make friends in this game, never helped a single soul, and never joined a guild. I have been in several guilds, done several raids, and helped countless people. The game is not just sitting on your backside waiting on something to spawn, its about interacting with people you never normally would have met. I have met so many people over this game that have become my real life friends that I cant even count them all. I have also found that this game gives me a way to vent my anger and stress from real life. There are so many things about this game that I just cant write them all down in one sitting. I enjoy it so much. If you want THIS gamers opinion this is a game you will enjoy for many years, whether you are a constant gamer or someone who is just starting out on video games. Its not hard to learn how to play the game, and there are always those people who will help you out in the game. Just watch what you say, there are those people who will report you for foul language or vulgar behavior. Remember Kids play this game too. Have fun all!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Worst customer service EVER!
Review: Just wanted to add a note that Sony / Verant does not care about their customers. For the last year they have had multiple incompatibilies with Windows 2000 which was shown as a supported OS on the last addon for Everquest. They will not even acknowledge the problem much less fix it. I have gotten the run around, even bought new hardware on their recommendation (they were quick to blame hardware manufacturers before their own software). None of which resolved the problem.

There is a thread on their forum at www.everquest.com which shows a thread of 50+ posts of people having the same problems with Windows 2000, and the ignore it, and close the thread.

Its too bad, the game is great, but your product is only as good your people who support it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everquest
Review: Everquest the best online game out there everquest was very cool whenit first came out Kunark Was even better Velious Is so awsome with all the new items that came out and now Luclin have a new race and a new class it will be the coolest everquest expansion ever

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