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EverQuest: Planes of Power

EverQuest: Planes of Power

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Probably the worst thought out Expansion to date
Review: This is quite possibly the worst thought out expansion to the game to date. The addition of character flags has effectively cut off 80 percent of the players from even accessing the upper planes. Come play our game with your friends! Oh wait you can't because you can't get into the same zone with them..so sorry!
This addition and the relative decimating of older zones in the game by the additions of higher levels, overbalanced players and spells, and bad experience modifiers has cause this game to become even more elitist than it previously was. Add to that the rediculous twinking and destruction of game balance in general through overpowered drops useable by anyone, and rampant exploits/powerleveling and you have a wonderful game to be enjoyed by any 10 year old haxxor who has no regard for others.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Don't listen to some of these
Review: Whoever said that you can't go into POK before 50, is lying. Flat out lying. You can get into pok at level 1. Plane of tranquility is at level 46, and as of a month ago, Plane of nightmare, innovation, disease, justice, can be accesed at 46. Valor, Storms, Decay, Torment can be accesed at 55. HoH and bastion of thunder are accesed at 62. If you don't have a level 46 plus character, buy this expansion solely for the ease of travel. No more taking the boat from butcherblock to freeport !

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The end of EQI is at hand...
Review: With the introduction of SoL and many accompanying features introduced to the game, we're now seeing the end of the game as we know it. EverQuest II is due to be released at the end of '03 and there's no doubt that Sony will want everyone to switch over.

But why? Weren't we all happy with EQ I? Yes, but they'll apparently be able to make more money off EQII. And so, they've got to compromise this edition of the game in many crucial ways so as to ensure we'll all make the conversion.

The first way was to introduce the KEI spell. Now, anyone with this cast on themselves can dramatically increase the amount of killing they can do, thus level much, much faster. As a result, high level characters aren't as meaningful as they once were.

And now with PoK, traveling the world with a level one character is entirely doable. In the old days you had to walk or hitch a ride off a Druid or Wizz. This forced you to learn the land--the ins and outs--for youself. It also taught you to get to know people and learn to interact with those that were in a position to help you. The world was much larger in they way players percieved it. Now there's no sense of vastness to the lands at all. Erudin is as easy to get to as Ak'Anon. Just hit a PoK book and off you go.

EQ has created a number of ridiculous expansions but this one takes the cake. I'm still an avid EQ fan, and I'm sure I'll be first in line to try EQII but I see what's happening and I don't like it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This game is only fo certain people
Review: You have to understand that Everquest is a world (+moon and other dimensions) that is completeley center around fantasy roleplaying. I have owned the game since it has come out (almost 3 years) and I still enjoy it. However, if you are lazy and uncommitted to what you're doing, you probably wont enjoy it. If you are coming into the game new, I'd suggest only buy the trilogy (first and next 2 expansions). If you get to at least 30 and still like the game, go for Shadows of Luclin (Expansion4, but make sure your computer can handle all the new requirements, because lag is no fun. Planes of Power (Expansion5) for the most part will not do you any good until you are level 46 or higher, except to make traveling the whole world a little faster, and you usually don't do that too often. In all, if you are looking for a game with magic, swords, dragons, and other people who like magic, swords, dragons (and more often than not Monty Python), EverQuest is a very entertaining game...

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