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Ultima Online Renaissance (Jewel Case)

Ultima Online Renaissance (Jewel Case)

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: To the Top of the Electonic world.. and Beyond
Review: I grabbed the UO box 5 years ago before the man could get it on the shelf, and today, still after 5 years, and can still remember the look on his face, when I violently grabbed the box, from that day, I have been hooked. Now, to get some things out of the way 1, I do not spend ALL DAY AND NIGHT on the game, I work full time, have a band, and a wife, so UO is something I play about 21 hours a week (3 hours a day MAX), and with that amount of time I have made some of the best heard of Characters on UO. This new expansion has been talked about for ages, and OSI couldn't of even imagined the pre orders it got. Osi is a great place to work, and a great place to play computer games. heheh.. I was delievered the game this morning, and ONCE AGAIN the UPS man's face turned red as I grabbed the box from his hands, REFUSED to sign the paper and shut the door in his face!! After 4 hours on the game as of right now, I am as hooked as the first time I saw the game 5 years ago. But like most things, I don't think this addiction is ever going to fade, There is just to much to do. PLUS, I just want to let all you know I OFFICIALLY laid the first house down on AOS, SO HA HA HA HA HA JK.. take care guys

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Playing UO for 5 years and going to play forever!
Review: I've been playing UO for 5 years. I was hooked on this game in the first 1/2 hour of play. It's been my passion ever since. UO is a fantasy life, with adventure, challenge and deep friendships.

Each new expansion and each new publish brings improvements to the game. There are constantly new things to do and accomplish. Or, if you'd rather....just stand around and joke with your UO friends.

There is no game that offers a player the unique customization that UO does. You make your character your own, what your character looks like, what skills they have, what "role" they play. And you can change your character if/when you want. Not only is your character as unique as you want to make it, so is your home.

Come join us!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not worth the time, effort or money
Review: My initial experiences in the UO world were poor, as I found people unfriendly and downright rude, unwilling to help new players. After searching I finally found someone wiling to show me the ropes, but to really learn necessary parts of this game players are forced to visit third party websites.

Once you start playing the game you will also be forced to deal with an usually large number of "griefers". These are people whose sole mission in the game is to make your playing experience less enjoyable. Despite the fact that the game has a supposed strict "no harassment" policy, don't expect any help. You will get the answer that they must witness the harassment in person, which is putting the cart before the horse as the moment a GM (game master) shows up to witness the event, the harassment stops.

Game play is highly repetitive and dull. All of the "craft" characters (blacksmith, tailor, alchemist, scribe, tinker, carpenter, etc..) involve a boring series of repetitive keystroking to master. (You click on the sewing kit, choose the item to make, repeat until mastered) (click on smith hammer, choose the item to make, repeat until mastered). There isn't anything interesting in the game by way of quests, or missions or anything really fun. Basically you just camp your character near a place where a monster appears, kill it, repeat until bored stiff.

The last obstacle for most people is crossing into the land of Felucca (the game is divided into 4 worlds... in Trammel, Malas and Ilshenear you can only play PvM (player vs monster), but in Felucca, you can play PvP (player v player) to try and get some of the "power scrolls" which allow you to build your character stronger. Once in Felucca you are forced to deal with a force worse than griefers (PKers and Thieves). These are other players who get their kicks out of killing your character and/or stealing your items. This latest expansion makes this problem even worse, taking away the few deterrents there were to this behavior.

Unless you are willing to spend more money on a legal third party program (such as UO Assist) or are willing to risk your account by cheating, you will not be able to advance in the PvP world.

After a few months you find yourself wondering why you are still playing and paying a monthly fee for it. You end up rationalizing that "Well, I already put in all this money and time into the game, I might as well play some more. Each month you add another $.. to the total "invested" in the game and feel as if quitting the game would be "wasting" all that time and money you put in. I've spoken with many veteran players who never play the game anymore, but still pay their monthly fee because they feel canceling their account would be "wasting" all the time, money and effort they put in.

The nature of the game is such that there is no ending... no completion... no feeling of actual accomplishment. You always feel as if you are reaching for a goal, but are not sure what that goal is or why you are reaching for it.

Overall, if you are a fan of D&D and/or RPG games, this game will not keep you entertained very long and will ultimately leave you feeling as if you wasted tons of time and money.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Still the best...
Review: Despite having taken a large hit in gameplay over the last two years with dumbing down combat, AOS promises to revitalize skill and PvP along with many other features.

Everyone is placing their bets on what hopes to be the expansion that brings UO, the only true MMORPG back to glory.

Giving it four stars at it's current state, the expansion will either kill the game or revive it :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: So Addictive
Review: I have been playing UO for 8 months now, and I am completely addicted. It is so involved that if you cant play more than twice a week, then dont even bother. There is so much to do that you will never tire of this game. Even if gaining in a particular skill becomes tedious, you can move on and do something else until youre ready again, because there is just so much to do. The fact that you can own your own house is great. Its well worth the money. I would recommend this game to anyone anyday.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game
Review: Greatest game ever in a series or great games!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Another add-on to 1997 technology.
Review: Another add-on to the 100.000+ fans that are still subscribers (i.e, not necessarily playing) this title, to keep them chopping lumber and having virtual escapades in a fake three-dimentional landscape with ancient graphics and sound.

Ultima Online was at one time the best MMORPG on the market, and it had the potential to be that way for many years to come, as it allowed users nearly unlimited possibilities in terms of which professions, looks and reputation they cared for. You could be a evil playerkiller that added danger to the game, or a good Paladin fighting to protect the innocent new players in the land (those that did not mouth off against you, and then got your account banned by people bordering to the 1940s German Secret Police).

But, face it people: This is 2003, it is time to play something else. Try a free subscription for Asherons Call, try Earth And BEyond, Asherons Call 2 (its like diablo - only with neat graphics - and a 13$ subscription - if you live in the region that allows you to play it), or any other more -RECENT- MMORPG.

Ultima ONline, and the company that spawned it, are dying. Save your money and buy something else. (Wheel of Time for example).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ultimate online
Review: I have been playing UO since the first release 5 years ago.How many other online games can claim that kind of track record?
The people at EA strive to bring us the very best in our little RPG world. From being able to own your own home to the constantly changing varity of creatures, some so powerful you need to bring a "LOT" of friends with you to help you kill it. Carrying your own vendors and using your craftsmen charactors, you can amass a small/large fortune, trade with other players, start or join a guild.
Age of Shadows is the latest upgrade in this fantastic series, with two new charactor types and a whole new land mass to explore, along with all the older lands, that seem to hold hold more suprises each time I log-on.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Boring, repetitive, pointless RPG
Review: This is, by far, one of the worst MMORPG's... ever. First off, the graphics are ridiculously bland--and any animation that isn't part of the 'walking' sprite sequence looks horrible. The battle animations are slow as molasses. The background music is comprised of poorly timed midi files that play sporatically. Sure, this may just be the look and feel of the game, and you may think that you can ignore that and enjoy what may appear to be a perfectly good RPG, but there's more to it...

The battle system is just as bad. There is no EXP. Every time you use a skill, there's a chance of randomly increasing its power as well--as the intensity corresponding stat (There are three: Strength, Speed/Endurance/Dexterity, and Intelligence.) If you want to play as a mage, know that this game won't be that fun. The magic spells don't bring any fun to the battlefield (all of them are simple 2-or-3-frame animations that lack excitement, and they tend to fizzle when you need them the most--there's nothing more annoying than trying to cast a spell and failing continuously.) You have to pay for spell components (which makes it hard to make much of a profit), and the spells that you cast deal insignificant damage at a very high cost of mana. I've had to run away from enemies--even in the newbie dungeon when my magic stats were high--because I didn't have enough mana to finish them off. Even when your stats are at their highest, it is clear that spellcasting is more intended for support and healing rather than offense--which makes it very hard to play as a dark mage, especially since all others can learn magic too. The easiest way to gain mana and raise your INT is to click on a horse again and again and again--a boring, painstaking sequence. There are other similar ways of non-combat 'levelbusting', but all of them just prove that the game is a complete waste of time.

There are a lot of other skills out there, too. Many of which are completely useless and serve no purpose in the game.

You can play on a free private server if you stumble across one of them, but the fact that it's free doesn't make the game any better. I'd rather pay and be entertained than to bask in redundance for free.

All in all, this game has very little to offer. I got sick of it after a few days, and now see no reason in ever playing it again. Don't waste your money--there are far better games out there than this one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Rolepalying
Review: Ultima Online Rennaissance may be a little graphicly outdated for some of todays games, but that really doesn't matter. This game offers a more versitile and sentual world than any I have yet seen. You have more character options, continuously new patches and in game missions are being given, always making a dull day iteresting. Oh about the graphics, don't worry about it because you can always upgrade to Blackthorns Revenge or newer versions without loosing your characters or anything.

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