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Ultima Online Renaissance (Jewel Case)

Ultima Online Renaissance (Jewel Case)

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Review: this is by far the worst upgrade in the history of online gaming. those of use that have played this game religiously for the past 5 years are supremely disappointed and we are leaving UO in droves. if you have never played UO dont even bother to start now. for you veterans.. lets hope star wars galaxies rocks.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't Buy This Game Yet
Review: UO is a very good game, but they are having A LOT of problems with this release. If you buy it now, you will hate it. If you manage to log on at all, you will suffer from so much lag in the servers, you will not want to play. Most nights you won't be able to log on anyway. Even if you do get on, the servers crash many times a night.

Wait awhile, check the websites, and pick this game up once they correct the problems.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The Final Nail in the UO Coffin
Review: I was first exposed to UO over 4 years ago, shortly after the Second Age expansion had come out, and was completely blown away by it. I still look back at how it was and wonder how Origin (now EA) could destroy such a simple, beautiful concept, but they did. The UO:Renaissance and Lord Blackthorn's Revenge were downright terrible, but they did have one or two redeeming values to offset the horror of how they bastardized the game.

Age of Shadows is a completely different issue. If you are able to log on to the game (which you pay $10 a month for), you are in store for jerky, time-delayed actions/movement which would make a Commodore 64 seem state of the art. Add to that the fact that EA has completely turned the previous ranking system (which was simple and precise) on its head and made it to where no one understands the value of anything.

Last but not least, lets not forget the bugs. This "upgrade" looks like it was written by a first semester student from the DeVry Institute, I bet even Bill Gates is laughing at this thing. Note to Origin: Lets at least get something 50% finished before we release it.

I guess not all is lost, I bet I can get a ton of cash on eBay for my 52 month account with all its vet rewards.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome... no other way to express it
Review: This game is awesome. Ignore what others may think or say.

This expansion includes over 40,000 more house spots, so even more people can get a house! The Necromancer and the Paladin both totally rock.

The graphics are outdated, yes, but the depth of this game is unreal. You can do ANYTHING you want. Wake up and boot it up and decide you want to learn how to craft a new bow and arrow. The next day after work you decide to go hunting and kill a dragon. The next day you decide to hang out in towns and help new players, or go deep into dungeons and rez people for free!

This game is so huge, you can do anything you want. All it takes is hard work and you got it.

Get this game. Play this game. Be this game!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Outdated gameplay
Review: You would think that a mmorpg game ,backed by a large gaming company like EA, would revamp this game to keep up with modern game play. In it's time, UO was an awesome game. But now games like Neverwinter Nights have left this game behind in the past where it belongs. I quit playing UO in disgust waiting for phase 3 of the Housing to kick in over six months ago. Checking the UO website I have found to date they still have not started phase 3 . The quest,(yes singular)were drawn out and you had to wait for the next part of the quest to be activated, what a joke. The expansion pack will be more of the same. Don't waste your money on this game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Could have done better.
Review: Well, to start off with, I've played this game for sometime.. around 4 years. From all the games I have played , it is by far the most addicting. Age Of Shadows is a fairly good expansion to UO. It has been totally refreshed with completely new rules for combat and pvp, along with new customizable housing. Well they could have done a lot better with the game, but to think of it from "OSI's" point of view, they have to make the game so they please everyone, instead of a certain group of people < PvPers and Role Players>. Age of Shadows is nothing but new as compared to the other expansions. I couldn't give Age of Shadows a full 5 stars for a few reasons. They released it far too soon without going in debt with it. They still have many bugs to fix, and many details to give out to the players who have missed out on some. They lacked the information. Still, it is very very awesome game. Ehe, if you preordered it, I think you'll enjoy it. Until of course, another expansion. : /

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Electronic Arts dropped the ball on this one.
Review: This game was released 5 days ago and it still is un-playable. Origin systems, the designer, failed to test the game properly before introducing it. It was sold on a pre-release basis with added extras. Massive problems have arisen since the release ... Buyer beware! ...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best gets better
Review: I have been playing UO for about 3 years now, and got bored with it as of late.

Since the introduction of AoS, the fun factor has been totally renewed. The two new character bases (Necromancer and Paladin) are truly awesome, and have power all their own.

I would highly recommend this game for anyone who is looking to explore their first MMORPG.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: No housing left
Review: very frustrating to get connected and find out that there is no land left to build a house... not to mention what land is available can't be built on. The bugs are endless and the shards have been up and down - though mostly down for 2 days... very disappointing.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: 1 star only because there's no zero.
Review: As a longtime Ultima Online player (3 1/2 years) I cant even begin to describe how angry and upset I am at what EA has done to this once great game with the release of Age of Shadows.
They've changed Ultima Online from a fun, easy to understand game to a complicated, irritating headache. It's not even the same game anymore! It's a poorly thought out clone of Diablo2 and that was a loser of a game and Age of Shadows is no different.
Couple this with EA's poor to nonexistant customer service I strongly urge anyone who's considering buying Age of Shadows to save themselves the [money] for the game and the $... a month to play it. Not to mention saving yourself the hassle of dealing with EA's poor excuse for customer service.
I'm going to cancel my Ultima Online account right after posting this review. If a 3 1/2 year Ultima Online player doing that dos'nt say it all about Age of Shadows I dont know what will.

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