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Ultima Online Renaissance (Jewel Case)

Ultima Online Renaissance (Jewel Case)

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Some bugs, but getting better
Review: What happened with the Age of Shadows launch surprised everybody. The login and registration servers got hammered. Why? Because more people ordered AoS than anybody had a right to expect. What does that mean? People still want to play UO.

There are a lot of changes in AoS, and change scares people. MOST of the changes are decent, keeping the game fresh, which is a challenge for a 5 year old title. When you do massive changes to a title, your bound to get bugs. The Development team is working 7 days a week working on fixing the problems. Age of Shadows is a must have upgrade, but be warned - there are some major bugs still. Give it a month and things will definatly be much better.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Relax!
Review: I am a semi-devoted 2 year UO vet, and I am here to tell you that every expansion pack goes through the same "dead" period at the beginning. I purchased UO: Third Dawn when it first came out, installed it, and found it to be horribly laggy and bugged. About a month later, I decided to try it again on my new computer, and it works perfectly. The thing you have to understand is that for the first month or two, it has to "get settled in". After that very buggy stage, the game will work superbly. Therefore, I recommend that you wait about a month, until prices go down, then purchase this game. This will allow you to miss this horrific stage of its lifespan, and come in when it is reaching its peak. I know a lot of you are angry with the housing issue, but you need to get over it. I'm sure that, sooner or later, they will find a way to make a TON more space for housing. Perhaps an alternate universe? To review the gameplay, the adding of two new professions (the necromancer and the paladin) is excellent. I am glad to have magic without having to carry around those regs. And the new item properties are very nice. In the end, you can buy now, and suffer through the buggy part (which isn't too bad), or wait a month and miss the first-settler advantages (but not have to go through the 'new expansion pack' start). Either way, this is a great game.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: ultima Online:Age of shadows
Review: I really disliked this version over the previous, its really a waste of money. In my personal opinion I'd rather play Avalon-rpg.com if i have to pay a monthly fee to play a game anyways. Its more diverse with better roleplaying and killing.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: UO: R.I.P.
Review: I'm ashamed to say that after being one of the elite few that have stuck with this game since day one, (1997), I'm canceling all connections with UO. UO started out as being one of the best games I'd ever played, and because of such I paid the monthly fee every month to keep going. I know feel, with the changes that have taken place in the past few updates and expansions, UO has cut its own throat. The game play has done nothing but go down hill. I feel that this new expansion was a far fetched and desperate attempt by OSI to recharge an already dieing world. Dont waist your time or money. Its not worth it. You'll find nothing but let downs and discouragements from a game that started out great but has definitely run its course. There is no longer any customer appreciation or support and it seems that EA has found themselves to busy to service the people that pay their bills. They'd do better to cancel the UO world than to continue trying to milk every dime they can out of the fed up players.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: No Hooded Shroud of Shadows
Review: Don't order from here if you expect to get it. They give you the run around and you never end up with it. Other than the fact that you miss out on this item it is fun, but order it from somewhere where you can really get the Hooded Shroud of Shadows.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Complete garbage
Review: After almost 3 years of playing Ultima Online, and loving every minute of it, they release this Age of Shadows.
They've reduced a wonderful, exciting game to a shadow of its former self. Before this expansion, your character relied on his/her skills to carry them forward. Now, it's all about the items you own. Their new "item insurance" feature ensures that if you have the gold, you will never lose an item, taking away the risk factor for almost every encounter, whether it be fighting monsters, or fighting other players.
If you want a game that is a race to see who has the best items, by all means buy it. If you want a world filled with wonder and challenges at every turn, you missed the boat.
Thumbs down...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: UO Rocks
Review: Ultima Online is still the best online game out. I have been playing for 4 solid years. Ultima is going through some growing pains and changes , some people whine at anything. Things will settle down and people will adapt their comfort zone to again embrace their favorite game.

Come get Pk'ed on Atlantic!!

Don't litsen to the crying Ultima Online is awesome!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Very Disappointed
Review: constant struggle to connect to servers; constant lag when you do connect during peak hours; poor customer service through game/website/telephone calls; 90% of game play time is spent dealing with continuous bugs

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Put this game on hold for a few months!!
Review: I'm not new to online gaming but am to the Ultima experience and have found the game to be very enjoyable to play (more on that later). If you played AD&D while growing up and liked it then you'll love this game. Currently there is a major problem with instability with the servers used to play that Origin blames on not enough server memory. They state no more memory can be added to the current servers so now we have a major problem. Constant server crashes and more often than not, major lag becomes a huge factor making the game nearly unplayable at the current time. The features and gameplay are fantastic WHEN you can get on and play for a while. My suggestion would be to wait until summer before spending your money on this game. Maybe then they'll have there end working. A quick comment on in game support, I'm writing this review while waiting on it (6 hours and counting).

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: THIS IS A BETA!
Review: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT buy this game yet. This game basically amounts to EA charging you to beta test their bug-ridden expansion.
You will barely be able to log in.
You will not be able to place a house.
Lag will make you crazy.
The servers crash constantly.
If, by some stroke of luck you do manage to play, OSI will discover another bug in their code and be forced to do a revert, wiping everything you gained.
Oh yeah, and you will not be able to get through to customer service.
This could be a great game if they get their act together, but right now it is a waste of money. Wait a month or two until they fix the problems. By then they may even be offering incentives to bring back all of the people this release drove away.

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