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Ultima Online Renaissance (Jewel Case)

Ultima Online Renaissance (Jewel Case)

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Tryied them all and keep coming back to UO...
Review: I'm a huge gamer so every time a new MMORPG comes out i give it a shot. I usually end up playing for a month or so and get bored....There's just not enough content to most of these games. I guess they spend so much time making it look pretty that they don't have time to add the depth.

There are just so many different things you can do in UO i never seem to get bored.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Mixed Feelings
Review: Ultima Online is a fun game but I have mixed feelings about this latest version. I've spent countless hours playing this game over the past three years. However, this latest version just doesn't have the same feel. The new character classes are great and I think they accomplish what a lot of players have tried to do over the years but, don't get sold on the custom housing feature. It's a really neat feature but, you will probably have to spend even more money online to buy a house before you will get to use that feature. If you are a veteran upgrading you will probably find this to be a whole new game. If you are new to Ultima Online you will find plenty to excite you and keep you entertained for a long time.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Absolute Junk
Review: This expansion pack drove me away from the game after 3 years of playing. UO has a history of bad launches, as do most MMORPG's, but in the past they have uploaded "test servers" which basically allows the entire playing population to Beta test. No such thing was done with AoS. They claimed it was to keep up the suspense and excitement for the "never before seen" new features, but in truth it was to prevent the player base from learning about how dramatically they were changing the game. This expansion totally changes the basic framework of the game to mimic many of its more modern competitors, yet fails to implement those systems half as well as its competition, not to mention they conflict with the legacy system that had been working for 5 years. Lets also not forget (for you ole skool gamers out there) that with every expansion that Ulitima Online becomes a little less "Ultima" as Richard Gariott envisioned it, and more generic boaring rpg. This game should be renamed "Ultima Diablo Quest." If that idea appeals to you, then i hope you enjoy.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Getting better, but not there yet...
Review: UO is a great game. A lot of the complaints people have with it stem from their playstyle, not the game. There is a lot to do, if you go beyond just bashing monsters (magic item crafting, pvp, being a merchant). With a huge skill list (swords, magery, and other typical fantasy skill, many types of crafting, and odd skills like detect hidden), the number of possible characters is endless. With the skill system, a perfect maxed out character isn't always needed (one of my favorites doesn't have a single Grand Master skill).

As for the complaint on the dialup, OSI is working to fix that. One true complaint about UO is there are always bugs, but that is true with any game that is constantly getting new content. Some of this new content often upsets people (their character isn't a god anymore), but often this new content does add depth to the game.

UO has improved a lot over the last 5 years. Its not perfect, and its certainly not for every player (what game is?). However, as a veteran of the game, I can say that the ability to do pretty much anything makes it worth playing.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not for DIAL-UP!!! Don't buy it if you are on dial-up..
Review: I've played Ultima Online for years on Dial-Up and now I can't play it at all. I'm not alone either. Check out the Ultima Online message boards. Everyone on Dial-Up either can not play at all or can do nothing but sit in an empty town and do crafts.
Not worth the money!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best
Review: I have been playing UO for going on six years now and AOS has made the game fun again. This is the first and only expansion that has been worth buying. Age of Shadows is ten times better than Lord Blackthorn's Revenge and Third Dawn. If any of you play UO and have found that it has lost its luster, buy this and all of that will change.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Fun Doesn't Last Forever
Review: I purchased ultima online a while ago and bought hte new expantion. The game is fun but once you do the basics fr each charcter it gets boring. The game is alot of repition and is very hard to get a good character.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: Imagine a game with NO BETA TESTING, [weak]/NO IN-GAME and OUTSIDE GAME SUPPORT, issues/problems with the game is TOTALLY IGNORED BY EA/OSI/Game Developers and their Greed etc (Your worst NIGHMARE). ... Veteran players use their advantage (wealth/exclusive information etc) to place multiple houses and sell it in eBay ...; while new players dont get a chance to do anything.

Entire game are full of bugs such as instant disconnect when logging in(BLACKHOLE ISSUE), EXTREME LAG, items missing when it was kept in a secure place, cheats and exploits.

Graphic and sound are same as the original version in 1997...

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Moving Backwards
Review: I'm not sure what they were thinking. The changes that went into this game should have been saved for a different game entirely. I've been playing Ultima Online since September of 1997 and after upgrading to this new release its possible that the game is at its worst. For new players I suppose they wouldn't know the difference. For older players? I've got a mage who can't leave the house without dying anymore because they thought it would be clever to change the magic resisance rules. As far as the advertisment of building your own house? I've been in the game for over five years and the friend that I have that does have a house bought his on Ebay. I upgraded figuring I'd be able to buy a house in the new lands. ..... I've found Dark Age Of Camelot to be not nearly as deep a game but the people are FAR more polite and the game has infinitely superior graphics.

Thanks and good luck to you all.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I had really hoped for the best, but this is what I got...
Review: I have been playing for 3 years now, and not once have I seen an expansion that was so earth shattering or confusing. Nor have I had one that so totally damaged my ability to enjoy the game.

The item-based combat is their biggest mistake in my opinion. Because UOs combat was more geared toward skill-based combat than item-based is the main reason I liked it. The game always used items...what is a swordsman without his sword? Without his armor? What is a mage without his reagents? Of course we relied on items as our tools to fight with, but now they are becoming more than tools, they are becoming the total basis and soul source of our abilities. No longer was that mage bested because that warrior's slowly and deftly trained resistance to spells kept him from taking as much damage as he normally would. No longer will there be the breathtaking and skillfull duels that we could all watch for hours, now they will only last 5 seconds. No longer does the man who can tame the mighty dragons hold any respect, now anyone can do it with a few + skill items. (This is not restricted to taming either, this applies to all skills.)

In short this game has gone from where your abilities meant everything to where your items mean everything and anything in combat.

This is why I rate this game poorly, I once loved it, but now it drives me away, see you all in Shadowbane or Dragon Empires if either ever hits the market :) but I most defenitely wont see you in UO.

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