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Dark Age of Camelot: Trials of Atlantis Expansion Pack

Dark Age of Camelot: Trials of Atlantis Expansion Pack

List Price: $29.99
Your Price: $29.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Wow. I paid $30 for a graphics upgrade.
Review: That's all I got out of it, a graphics upgrade. Great for PvE... if you roll deep with 15 friends. If Mythic spent half the time they spent on creating this crap on RvR, maybe we could actually balance some classes for once.

If you buy this you're an idiot, so come flock to Palomides where the rest of us suckers are.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Dissapointing at best
Review: Trials of Atlantis is dissapointing at the best if you are looking for game content. I have been playing for two years now and left the realms of norrath in everquest to search for a better game; I thought I had found it in DAOC but with Trials of atlantis it has become everquest revisited. here are a few reasons why.

1.) The jump in system requirements for the graphics engine. Yes this game has better graphics, beautiful. But, it uses up so many system resources its not funny compared to DAOC.
The original everquest was a nice game with decent graphics, but each succesive expansion pack the programmers at verant were determined to show their skill with code, and made this beautiful world, you would have to upgrade your system with every release jsut to keep pace.

2.) What made DAOC a truly distinctive game was the concept of realm vs realm. All the classes were generally balanced in the beginning makeing it viable to compete on any level. With the advent of Trails of Atlantis it reminds me soo much of Dragon raids among others from Everquest its not even funny. At least verant made its expansion packs scaleable to level with new releases. TOA has failed miserably in this aspec as you need large groups of lvl 40 + charactres to complete a master level. On a further note, there are several long standing issues with the classes that have severly unbalenced the concept of r v r. Everything from buffbots(which is not in the spirit of the game) yet mythic allows, to spel crafting system, toindividual class/pathing issues. Trials of Atlantis threatens to further blow this imbalance out of proportion. Well assumeing that it doesnt take poeple the next 4 to 6 months to complete the master levels, compleely disreguarding the new people that come to the game.

In everquest there was no realm vs realm it was just who had the biggest baddest gear to kill slay the beast.

3.) A point similar to the above two. If I wanted to do a strictly player vs environment game I would have never left Everquest in the first place. This game has started to kill the very base that people switched from everquest in the first place.

The only real reason for me to stay in the game right now is to hang with the few friends I have in DAOC who have not closed or sold thier acounts. Its my sincerest hope that either this game gets back to the heart from which it was formed or something similar but better comes out. Its also my hope that with all of the recent patches with Trials of Atlantis tha have come out, that for the next release that Mythic be more comprehensive with its Software quality assurance program, lest players pay for its mistakes.

One last note, there is a post on DAOC Catacombs in the necromancer section saying "Help they are trying to Ruin TOA". Reguardless of the suggestion of the sugesstion in the post. I have to be totally honest on this one based off my own expereinces as well as my experiences of my friends in this game. Have a great day and think twice about bying this one.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Death of my Pass time
Review: I have been playing DAoC since the day it was released. I've never jumped servers or realms. Always played the same character and have one of the top guilds in the DAoC world. DAoC was due for a change. It needed something to shake up the game and add a new facet to it. Whether it was Mythic's intention or not, DAoC has become a RvR focused game. Everyone drudges through the PvE as fast as they can so that they can partake in the RvR environment. Well, Mythic delivered a great looking flop. True, the graphics are beautiful, that is when you can see them through all the lag. I run a top end machine with a top end graphics card and I still have serious lag issues since installing ToA. Mythic has created a huge PvE environment and has tried to correct some of its time issues by adding port stones, but in the end, I have not come across a single person who is having fun playing the expansion. Everyone is just trying to get through it as quickly as possible so they can get back to the RvR, and they have to do it like it or not, because if they don't they will no longer be competative in RvR. Mythic should have expanded on it's RvR environment and left the PvE nightmare for another game. Many, many long time DAoC players are calling it quits. Mythic may have cut their own throats with this one I'm afraid. I for one will be moving on to other forums.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Dark Age of Camp-a-lot
Review: This expansion is an enormous, unimaginative PvE timesink. Clearly, Mythic is trying to copy Verant's formula for success -- long respawn times, long travel times, long "farming", long XP treadmills, and lots of raid-scale encounters. The idea is to make PvE "challenging" so that it takes players many months (of 12.95$) to complete. I say "challenging," but the truth of the matter is that ToA will not test your skill, only your patience.

For anyone who plays DAoC for RvR, Trials of Atlantis is a crushing disappointment. Not only is it entirely PvE-oriented, but it introduces a multitude of new (untested) abilities and equipment. Early indications are that many of these new abilities/items are "must-haves" if you want to remain competitive in the RvR end-game. So unless you are willing to buy the xp, spend hundreds of hours on mindless PvE treadmills, and wait months and months for patches to fix all the bugs & balance issues, you might be best off cancelling your DAoC subscription now! World of Warcraft looks pretty nice!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Add on that changed a game
Review: This really changed the game from something fun for most
gamers into something only for the diehards who puts in
hundreds of hours each month.
Now the game is NOT for the more casual gamer, if you come
without the latest skills and Artifacts you will be steamrolled
by those who have them, and you cant get these skills and
artifacts alone or even with a handful of friends, no you need
up to 30+ people for days on end ..real time.

After 2 years with DAoC Im now done with it - as are so many others.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Dark Age of Camelot is officially dead as a doornail
Review: Lots of other reviewers have already pointed out this expansion's bugs & problems...& they are not exaggerating in the slightest.

After two years of playing DAoC, this expansion, combined with Mythic's unwillingness & inability to fix long standing existing bugs/balance issues, finally caused us to cancel our family's three accounts...& it was probably long overdue.

Avoid DAoC at all costs, as most of the players left in the game still hanging on are the least desirable elements left in the online gaming community (powergamers, ... kiddies, etc). Almost everyone with any sense has already jumped ship...& await upcoming MMORPG game releases that will hopefully be treated better by their creators than Mythic has treated poor DAoC. Trust me, ToA is only one of many reasons to now avoid DAoC.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A different kind of DAoC
Review: The expansion works differently than the original game and first expansions. It is almost exclusively strictly PvE (Player versus Environment). However, the Master Level Skills you learn are designed to help you in RvR combat with enhanced skills, new spell abilities and more.

There is more of an experimental approach to the game, with players being required to discover how to complete quests, instead of the A to B to C approach of the first two games. In my opinion, this keeps the game from become boring or predictable.

The game requires single, group and battlegroup (multiple group) participation in order to complete the various aspects of the Master Level quests.

It is recommended that one not play the game with anything less than a 1.5gb machine, a high end graphics card (the GeForce TI and FX series come to mind) and plenty of memory.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Worst expansion ever
Review: Let me start with the good part. The graphics engine update is nice looking.

Now the negative:
1) New graphics engine is a memory and processor pig, and may impact your playing experience.
2) Requires high level characters to do anything. You need to be level 40 to even bother loading the expansion.
3) Don't expect to do anything solo. This expansion is all about finding lots of other players to perform the same tasks. Group delays are mind boggling (hours in many cases)
4) Quests (and MLs) are hard and often very frustrating.

Over all, if you have money to burn and want the better graphics, then buy the expansion. Just don't expect the same fun experience in the module as previous offerings from Mythic.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: They Could Have Messed Up More....Maybe...
Review: This is not so much an expansion as it is a replacement for the previously existing game. Although they said originally that it would not have a huge effect on RvR, Mythic did not tell the truth on that note. If you want to stay competitive in RvR you will NEED to buy this game and invest about the same amount of time you invested in levelling your first lvl50 character. To say that its booring at points would be an understatement. There are 9 "master levels" to complete that give you new abilities. At the end of master levels 2-9 there is what they call a "smell the roses" component where you must go out into the non-expansion world and endlessly kill creatures you've fought a thousand times before for "master level experience"
As another reviewer pointed out, if you intend to get this you'd better be level 50 already and you'd better get in now because there are sections of the master levels that require upwards of 30 people (on my server we have a hard time getting 15 due to lack of population) to complete, so if you don't get in with the initial rush you'll have a very hard time completing them. I've found that instead of gaming I've turned into a project manager... spend two hours just organizing people and times so you can attempt one trial, which by the way, some of them take more than 3 hours. We have reports of one small guild finishing one of the ml2 trials in 5 hours. I spent a week doing this before I cancelled all three of my accounts. Oh! And as a bonus you get to spend five and ten minutes on a boat every time you want to get to a new island in the expansion. fun fun fun! I have to admit that the graphics are fantastic though as long as you've got a great machine, so if you're the site seeing type of gamer go ahead and buy it. Its also a great buy if you don't work a full time job and you have huge amounts of time to spend.
All I have to say is that I know just over 15 people personally who have cancelled thier accounts so far so make sure you know what you're getting into before you blow your hard earned money on this.
Good luck everybody!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: How to ruin a game
Review: It's beyond my comprehension how anyone can shill this abomination unless they are a mythic employee.

You've already seen the complaints, let me assure you they are not ill founded. Mythic is totally out of touch with its player base. For two years I played this (formerly great) game, had 50's in all realms, and tried to get my friends involved.

Now I'm telling everyone to run, not walk, away from this game.

DAOC is nothing but an exercise in futility now. Wait for World of Warcraft and save yourself a lot of time, money and unnecessary pain.

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