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EverQuest 2

EverQuest 2

List Price: $49.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: What are you bashing? The game or the company?
Review: I've seen a lot of folks on here that have rated this game one star simply becasue it is made by Sony. Judge Sony how you like, but I feel this is a fantastic game.

Some positives:

-Customizeable character: Not quite as customizeable as City of Heroes, but years better than the original EQ.

- New grouping system: If you're signing up for EQII and planning on having one of your uber-high-level buddies login and powerlevel you, you're in for a shock. You get to group with players six levels up or six levels below you. Anything more and NONE of your encounters give experience.

- New looting system: Lotto! Need I say more?

- The graphics: Are the most incredible I've ever seen for a MMORPG. Which brings me to my one negative...

-The Graphics. I run an AMD Athlon 2600 with 512MB of RAM and a GeForce 4 Ti vid card with 128MB. Outside the cities, I can leave the settings on balanced, which still provides for some stunning graphics. Unfortunately, inside the cities a much lower setting is required to compensate for the lag. I've also noticed the longer you stay on line, the worse the lag gets.

To sum this up, I wholeheartedly recommend this game to people who have a lot of time on their hands they need to get rid of. On the other hand, if you have a problem hunting the same prey over and over again, perhaps you should try some other game.

Oh, and for the kiddie who whined about not getting his time back after the EQ servers were down in January, you may want to check your statement. Sony gave 3 DAYS free to every player, and jacked up the XP for all players as well for a full week. I have also ahd no server crashes since, with the exception of the daily server reset, which happens with every MMORPG.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Evercrack
Review: If you want to have a life, stay away....far away

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Graohucs != Good Game
Review: Im sure EQ2 will have plenty of pretty graphics, but the fact remains that SOE will still be the business behind the game, which means crappy support, lots of bugs, and many upgrades that you must pay for to support their company.

I played EQ for 5 years, and will count myself out of this one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: EverQuest is for certian people
Review: Jeese, why do so many people have bad things to say about everquest, and how dumb the new EQ will be? If you ask me this is a great game for many differant types of people. EQ1 was a great game, i have playe dit for over a year now, but its not like it is my life.

Some good things about the upcoming EQ2 is that there is no experiance bars, or certian hit points. Everything is within the game. There are no stats accept general things like good strangth, or good intelligance. This provides the player with a more relistic view of the game. Also there is a new way to distinguish your class. As you go through the levels you will begin to make decisions tward a certian class, that will fit you the best. There is no guessing in the begining what class you will like or not like. durring the game if you are killing somthing, there is no way to know how many hit points the mob your killing has, or how many you have, because face it, there is nothing of the sort in real life anyways. Another feature is that items can be broken if you dont have the proper training to use them, or they just get old.

There is a new zoning experiance too. If you accedently get a mob on you and maybe a entire train, if u keep runing they will acually give up on you and leave, this gets rid of the "zone" idea. Also Im, not positive but, i think that mobs can and will follow you through a zone, so you no longer have a zone to save you, as you dont in real life either.

In conclusion I would say this will be the best online role playing game to hit the market. Although many will disagree, its just not their thing, because everyone is differant. So dont take advice from the people who hate it, because they are not you, so they will not know if u hate it or not. Thanks for time, and i hope like it ), /bow and i cant wait myself.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: EQ2 - dont just jump to conclusions
Review: Just beacuase SOE now uses EQ which is old as a money machine does not mean that EQ2 will also suck.If you research it on eqlounge.com you will find alot of info and great stuff. SOE put effort into this one in order to defend their company against Blizzard's upcomming World of Warcraft

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good game but WoW is much better
Review: Lets stick with the basics.

Making a character: fun and with a large variety of of custimization and races.

Gameplay:Can be EXTREMLY boring at times (The most a the beggining)and quests somtimes feel like your a mediviel pizza delivery boy or they can be just as bad as grinding.

Graghics/interface: Great graghics and interface allows you to almost completly remake your screen.

Other:Can only make 4 character without paying an extra $1 per month.

Over all this is a good game but if your short on cash then get WoW.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not Interested in Verant
Review: My daughter and I played EQ loyally for a year and a half. It was awesome, an escape into a fantasy world of dungeons and dragons and marvellous elves. The expansion packs were nice until EQ went to the moon. I never bought an expansion after that.

In the old days, all the classes had purpose. My wizard was a remarkable traveller and I used to make a few plat porting people people around. My guild had fun banding together for raids and hunts too. But then it became so easy to port anywhere. Why bother playing a basically weak druid or wizard?! Then cat people started running around, and lizards on their heals. Sigh, how I missed the Tolkienish feel of the old EQ.

I finally quit EQ when DAC came out. I left EQ on one of our computers for a few months more for my daughter. But one day when she entered the wrong password while logging in, they locked her out of her account. I called them and they were very arrogant and refused to fix it. Nevermind they had just cut off a 9 yr old child from her favorite winter passtime. They were very arrogant and clearly implied that they owned the MMOLRPG market, so we could play be their rules or rot. Instead, I introduced my daughter then and there to DAC. There are a dozen good MMOLRPGs out there now that have beaten EQ hands down. As long as Verant runs it, I'll never go back.

EQ has always had lousy customer service. The game was a good RPG but turned into a videogame. I doubt EQ2 will be an improvement.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good As Gold
Review: Never mind what other people say. Everquest is a great game. But most people need to realize that EQ is just that. A game. Have fun playing it but dont let it run your life.

The people who say that it is the devil and adictive just dont have any self control. But anyway EQ2 is going to rock if they hold up to all that they say. You get a free month of playing when you buy it so if you dont like it just dont subscribe to it anymore.

Bottom line, if you liked EQ1 or Role playing games in general. This is a must buy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Scary for some
Review: Ok picture this .Your walking in a dungeon all the sudden 5 zombies pop out.Ok with the new 3D engines in this game its gonna emurse more of us to join the life of everquest.I say the more a game scares me the more i get into the game.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: Okay, I played everquest for over a year, but was constantly bored by the very slow leveling and nothing to do but kill monsters regardless of your class. The tradeskill system in everquest is one of the worst I have ever seen, if verant had not left SOE this could be a good game. Tradeskills are boring, unrealistic, tedious, and none of the items made with tradeskills are usefull to a player over about level 30 anyway. I would recommend either Horizons:empire of Istaria, or Dark age of camelot instead of this game. I know your thinking "how can you say that everyone likes eq" wrong. Eq is probably the worst MMORPG I have ever played, and I was a very active player too, raiding with my guild and beta testing expansions, but Eq will have you bored in a month, and if it won't work but you are paying anyway, SOE's tech support people don't care, and are very unhelpful. bottom line, DO NOT BUY THIS GAME, YOU WILL REGRET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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