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EverQuest 2

EverQuest 2

List Price: $49.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Man, not again
Review: Everquest was a fun game, but no great shakes. I have a level 50 on eq, and umm no im not going to start over again. Well im sure that after all of the ranting and raving that verant hears that they will invoke some sort of transfer service of EQ 1 characters to EQ 2, well that is just a guess, and charge oh, i would say about ($$$) to transfer...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A new Start.
Review: Everquest was a world shaker, it rocked the foundation of RPG's and introduced MMORPG to an international scale like no other. I loved the original everquest but for me the level up attitude has gotten old.

Everquest 2 offers a new start. A chance for an actual Role Playing Game thats also massively multiplayer. A game where your not driven by leveling but are able to stop and smell the roses? Or stop and build a new sword that you would actually use for your character. I would love the chance to be able to take time off from leveling to direct my attentions toward other pursuits and dare I say "Stop and smell the roses"? Sure in the original you got this chance at the higher levels when you and your guild started slaying dragons. But what about the rest of the world? What about tradeskills? Thats one place where EQ1 left off and thats where EQ2 is going to pickup and take off.

I think most already know of the new system for leveling in a more realistic fashion which is going to be fantastic. No more exp bar, no more "Well i only have 86 in Strength"!. You can say my strength is "Good". I think it's things like this that will allow those willing to emmerse themselves in the new Everquest and create a character from their own imagination that they want to play out and enjoy.

Hope I helped...

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: This has potential to not become another SWG
Review: First and foremost, I would like to reply to "a gamer" from San Diego who wrote this:
> I played EQ from first day of launch for over 3 years, and am beta testing EQ2, and it's gonna suck.

All right, let's look at hard facts. Your review was dated Oct 4th, 2003. As of 15 October, SOE STILL is not accepting applications for beta, and in fact, rumor has it that the EQ2 engine still isn't even complete, which *gasp* would make it a little difficult even to call it an alpha version. But you just make up your own facts, so I guess you don't care about all that "software development lingo," do you?

Second... EQ only forces you to group if you want to go to the planes (or LDoN, but by the sound of you, you can probably live without the expansion). If you want to solo so badly, make a necro, druid, or mage, and stop whining. Necros and druids can survive just fine without pets, and therefore escape the 50% experience hit which one takes upon being outdamaged by his pet.

Third... I've never had a problem with Sony's in-game customer service. Granted, there are going to be a few idiots out there, but in my experience they are by far the minority, as word travels quickly. Before you whine about favoritism and corruption, try doing your part and reporting the jackass. Or is that too much work? By the sound of you, you'd rather sit in the corner and pine about how much your life sucks and listen to endlessly whining emo.

Fourth... This is the EQ _2_ reviews page. Let's get back on topic. That said...

EQ2 looks like it has a lot of promise. Granted, the same could be said for Star Wars Galaxies the fall before IT was released, but at least Sony/Verant has taken a few steps to ensure they aren't charging players to beta test what they call the final production version 6 months after its official release. Graphics look outstanding for an MMORPG -- you'd better bust out at *least* a RADEON 9500 for this one. I'm hoping my own 9700 Pro will do the job -- but who knows what kind of video card benchmarks will be the run of the mill by next spring and summer.

I find it a little odd that the game practically requires a high end gaming machine... Granted, the preliminary specs simply say "a 1.0 GHz or faster processor and DirectX 9 compatible video card," but that pretty much translates to "Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or equivalent and Radeon 9700 / Geforce4 5600 if you want more than 10 frames per second."

I'm personally not thrilled about the new class system. It's essentially the same concept as Star Wars Galaxies -- you have a finite number of "skill points" to be divided amongst your character's personal abilities, and the placement of points determines your class. Limited skills, unlimited class archetypes. Meaning, your high-level enchanter can't be a tradeskill god AND be halfway tolerable in combat. I think I liked the sound of the limited class archetypes with unlimited miscellaneous skills.

However, the new "trader" class sounds interesting -- but I've heard from many Star Wars players who say the SWG version essentially consists of spending up to a half an hour clicking buttons just to make one lousy item. Oh, but you get experience for it. Then if you want to turn around and master an actual combat class after spending half your points on non-combat abilities, you have to transfer them over to combat skills. Bleah.

As I said earlier, EQ2 has promise. I may well be one of the first in line at my local GameStop store when it comes out, but that's quite possibly because only 15 people in the whole town will even care... Many diehards insist they will still swear by the original EQ by the time EQ2 sees the light of day. I'm not sure where I stand on that one. We'll see next spring/summer.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Could be better than EQ1...Should give it a shot.
Review: First of all i would like to say that ive tried EQ once and when you start on DAoC as your first MMO, it's hard to find a game that can compare. But when i saw the movies for this game (EQ2), it looks much different than EQ, with graphics that seem to be just as good or even better than the graphics than SWG. Although, it's not as if it's all about graphics... But good graphics help a lot (Reminder of a game in which graphics became a problem for me... Shadowbane lol)
Anyways, since we all haven't played this game yet, theres nothing i can say as in the gameplay but as i saw in the vids that were released, it looks as if this game will be much better than the first EQ.
The styles and skills are COMPLETELY changed, can't compare with EQ1's style/skill system.
Also something to think about, You can't say this game will be horrible and suck because CSR's and how they treated people in the first EQ... You don't know if they are going to have to hire other CSR's. There's no reason to give this game a 1 star because of personal experiance with a rule you broke because i broke a rule before on DAoC and if you just listen to them and don't get angry with them, you might not have to suffer harsh consequences like suspension of account.
If people want to find out more, take a look at ign.com or any site based on EQ2 to check for changes.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: long live eq
Review: first, let me start off with the purpose of just having 2 cities in eq 2, it does not take away the cultural aspects, each city wld prbbly have its own segregated districts, like elves living in one area where prbbly the people like u and give u better prices, and im sure the city will be easy enough to navigate, and if not, it will be fun getting lost somewhere in the city, and finding your way, also the cities will not be abandoned, since the city will be the meeting place for everyone looking for anything, training, groups etc, so it will always be a hubbub instead of many people stretched out in many cities across Norrath. Point blank, eq set the standard of mmorpg's and any game u see, whether or not you think it is better it is a copy/spin off from eq, and eq takes finesse, skills, strategy and brains to play, and it is far from boring, tedious at times yes, but its designed to give u more things than u cld possibly do so that it keeps you coming back for more, and separates those that play alot and those who dont, some people want a reward for their dedication, some people choose to throw frisbees, others choose to throw guild parties, whatever floats your boat, i and others consider eq a form of entertainment like watching tv, or just hanging, if u choose to throw a frisbee great, if you choose to wath tv great,
all in all, i cannot wait until eq 2 comes out, the world will be massive the things to do spectacular, and i look forward to being in a place where u can never really visit all the zones/areas, ive never ever played a game that can scare the dog crap out of me, make me laugh out in excitment, or even make me angry,
they are not perfect no, but nothing is, and i suspect that the first reviewer did not tell us the whole story about the password, and if you hate eq, well then eq hates you too!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: EQ, but *NOT* EQ.
Review: First, the good side:

) Nice graphics.

Second, the bad side:

) Nice graphics. Unless you're rich, and can afford a Geforce 6800 256MB PCI-E card on a P4 3.8GHz machine with 2GB of DDR2 RAM, this game will lag to death.

) XP Debt. For some reason, no one at Sony has been listening to the thousands of complaints about XP Debt for the last few years. Now, when you die, everyone pays for it. What the hell?!

) Want to solo? Forget it.

I'd like to smack the person who makes the rules at Sony. Apparently, he/she's never played an MMORPG. Until they get smart, I'm moving to WoW.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Game Is Designed For You To Waste More Time Than Ever
Review: For all the idiots that bash WoW because it is too easy, please take note that every aspect of EQ is so it takes you two years to max out your charactor. Two years of you paying them every month. EQ is designed not for fun. The game is designed so you spend endless months trying to level. The longer it takes for you to reach the max level the more money in Sony's pocket.All that pride you take in having a high level EQ charactor is a joke. The people at Sony are laughing at you right now. Every design : the loading between zones, the complicated city's to travel through, the quests that have you running from zone to zone for hours, are all designed to keep you logged in and paying that monthly fee for as long as they can squeeze it out of you. What the team at Sony didn't count on was a alternative game like WoW that people could jump ship over to and enjoy. They thought it was going to be like EQ1 and people would have no choice but to stick with them. Well they were wrong and I am very happy that this game, that is designed to rip you off, is failing. So go ahead and bash people for enjoying other games but your the fool who keeps running in the maze created to take your money.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: People Are Ignorant
Review: Group work, coordination, when and what spells to cast, positioning, when to attack, who attacks what. Those are all part of the battle. Being smart and strategic is what keeps you alive half the time. Second of all, SOE said they WILL continue thier service for the original EQ so stop whining. If you want to play that, then keep playing. They have stated that they will keep making quests and adding to it. It is a parallel world to EQ 2, EQ 2 isn't a sequal, just a different world to game in. Also, why is everyone complaining about the game not being original? Sure its not a completely different game but its not supposed to be! These games, especially EQ are all about immersion into a fantasy world. The goal of EQ should be to make it as realistic as possible, not to play as a dragon. So don't rag on EQ for doing what its supposed to do. SOE is also taking out all the mind numbing things wrong with EQ like corpse recovery, and like everyone has been saying, they are taking out all the stats and exp bars which will make it much more realistic. So hopefully this review showed you the truth to these people ranting about nothing. EQ 2 will be an amazing experience for people who want to live and fight in a fantasy world.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Pass on EQ2
Review: Have to disagree with the previous poster.

What relates to EQ and SWG as far as SOE game philosophy and operations will apply to EQ2 and therefore be on topic. The guy from San Diego was right, EQ2 will suck.

Also there are people beta(alpha) testing EQ2 already, it's just not a public beta yet.

I played EQ for a long time but found it to be more focused on grouping with each expansion and thus more and more content was denied to casual gamers. We don't all live at home with mommy in order to be a powergamer in a hardcore grouping guild.

The amount of corruption and favoritism with player guides and renegade godlike GMs in EQ was out of control. It's laughable to suggest you can just report them when they are the ones screening the reports.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: Here is how entering the Everquest world evolves :

1. You are a newbie. The game seems amazing and fun . You play for hours and hours leveling, joining groups, and enjoying new experiences. You go to amazon.com and write a killer review of the game.

2. You are around lvl 20 now. You can finally defeat those monsters you thought were untouchable and you can go places you thought you could never go. Your pretty much sick of grouping because grouping becomes unbearable after a while. So now you solo most of the time. You never play any other games because Everquest time is the only time you want to spend playing anything..

3. You are around lvl 30 now. Your finding the game harder and harder to enjoy due to the lack of areas and monsters for your lvl of char. to adventure in. Your too strong for most areas, but not strong enough for most others. In order to go into the higher lvls you will need to group. You shun any one who wants to group, do to grouping being completley unbearable at this point. Human nature adhores grouping. But you already put so many hours and dollars into the game you are appauled by the idea of quitting.

4. Now your lvl 35 and it's been about three months since you last leveled or have done any thing exciting. You hate the game but keep playing due to the fact that you have put so much of your life and money into it, you feel you have to get something worthwhile out of it.

5. Your charecter repeatdly dies and your down to lvl 34 again. You discontinue your account out of frustration and despair.

6. You reactivate your account two months later for fear of losing your character and hard earned items after three months of account inactivity (You lose everthing after three months). You play some more and find little or no enjoyment after another month or so of playing.

7. You decide to finally deactivate your account for good this time ( your girlfriend , freinds and family are estatic about the decision ) . You pull the plug and watch hundreds of hours and hundreds of dollars go down the drain of your so called life.....

So, any one who decides they want to write a review for Everquest had better play it for at least a year before they tell others how great a game it is. In my opinion it is a terrible waste of money and time!!!!

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