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Ultima Online Renaissance (Jewel Case)

Ultima Online Renaissance (Jewel Case)

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Orgin Not Ready For Prime Time
Review: I ordered this update to Ultima Online, but when it arrived it had no upgrade code, so i cannot upgrade to the new version. Since I waited quite a while, this is disappointing. Moreover, the game has huge lag problems now and is basically unplayable. I am going to wait a month and see if Origin can get its act together. I would skip uo until the lag issues are resolved. You can't really go adventuring when there is a big lag problem.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Utterly Pathetic
Review: I been playing UO for just about 2 years now and this expansion is the worst gaming experience I have ever had.

OSI seems to not care a damn for quality and this expansion has seen 6 patches in the last 2 weeks. There are about 100 known bugs in it to date. If you need help, don't expect any, or expect to wait 5 to 6 hours for it. And you keep getting this terribly worn out "We are sorry for any incontinence this has caused you" line. I've seen that so many times since I AoS was published.

The system crashes at least twice a day, and if you want to play in the evening(est), forget it. Unless you don't mind trying to log in 50 times to get in.

The games latency has been horrid. The lag is so bad that it makes the game unplayable.

This expansion's new world "malas" is nothing more than a giant housing project. Yet another way for certain people to profit financially from the game once more. Like it has been said before the new monsters. What is new about them ? They look different, but they are the same thing over & over time and again.

Save yourself some stress and [$$], dont even buy this, I wish I didn't. Now I want a refund. Like I will ever be able to pry a refund from OSI's greedy hands.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Would not recommend Ultima Online Age of Shadows
Review: Age of Shadows is very bugged to say the least. I've been very disappointed with game play. There is almost constant lag and disconnects due to server overloads because of lack of preparation by company. Its very difficult for a new player to start. You may spend a couple hours to develop a new character only to have the server crash and set you back to the beginning again. This has been a very frustrating experience. I would definitely not recommend this product to anyone at the current time.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: 10 bucks a month for servers that are crashed half the time?
Review: I used to be a fan of UO but now its just not worth it, the gameplay still keeps its goodness and that's why I gave it 2 starts and not 1. But the servers are getting worse and worse, and now it's just not worth paying 10 bucks a month for a game that is laggier than Diablo 2. Don't get me wrong this is a good game with good gameplay and great fun but the lag is destroying it. If they decide to fix the servers I will bring my review up to a 5. If they make the game free but keep the laggy servers then I will only change it to a 3 because that would prove that Electronic Arts are just too lazy and don't care enough about the players enjoyment of the game to fix anything and they would have basically just give up on the game.

If you want a free online RPG with less lag then get Diablo 2.
If you want an MMORPG with little lag then get Asheerons Call, Asherons Call 2, or Dark Age of Camelot.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: hooded shroud
Review: i was supposed to get a number for an in game bonus if i ordered by 2/11/03. i didnt get a valid number.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: 1 Star is the last shread of optimism
Review: The reason I give this expansion 1 star is because I have some optimism for it--but not much as you can see.
AOS was supposed to bring about land and 2 new professions.
THERE IS NO MORE LAND-despite what leaders in the UO community have said about land being "available" to build on, it is my belief that this land does not exist!! As far as the new professions go, Necromancy is a bunch of shape shifting not to mention the spells fail nearly 80% of the time (same for mages) and Paladin spells [arent that great]! The effects of nearly all the new spells don't last longer than a few secs. Many changes to old spells that are definately not good changes (para only para's for approximately 2-3 seconds if that) I think OSI totally nerfed alot of this game..

LOOT is terrible, MONSTERS hit harder (purposely done says ORIGIN), MONSTERS take less damage, and tamed animals are weak and take huge stat losses...these are only a few of the game changes that have changed the way Ultima Online now plays.

UO's ECONOMOY and player trading are a joke. The economy is in shambles because of recent decrease in monster loot. The economy and player trading have been impacted due to recent item changes and their unuser friendly qualities. The previous makes it difficult to put fair market prices on things. AND real estate is in shambles with the "house rush" (for land in MALAS) and the coming of the long overdue "PHASE 3" of housing which won't even be started until after AOS bull is figured out!

The LAG is terrible and you get disconnected from the game with every step you take. BUGS BUGS AND MORE BUGS!!!

NO INGAME HELP!! Customer service is beyond non-existant (like being in a test shard). UO does not take customer support issues by email.

IF you pay for this expansion, you're basically paying for a code to play a beta test. This expansion was released prematurely...don't WASTE your TIME, EFFORT, or MONEY in ULTIMA ONLINE.
Goodbye UO, AOS is truly an "Age of Shadows" for you.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Wish it could be zero stars
Review: I have been a UO user on and off for about 5 years. Kind of fun to go back to every once in a while at least until I play a while and remember why I left.

I loaded this game, was able to patch it but was never able to log in. I kept getting a "client.exe encountered trouble" message.

The UO site was the same as I remember - no help at all. The EA support site was also useless. The two sites even contradicted each other. Then I called the EA tech support number and all they did was send me an email that appeared to have been written soley to deal with Win95 and 98 yet I CLEARLY told the guy multiple times that I was running Windows XP. As shown below my system exceeds the even the recommended setup on the box.
P4 2.4Ghz
512Meg ram
Soundblaster Live
nVidia GeForce4 Ti4200

If your setup is anything like mine DON'T waste your money. You will get next to NO technical support or recommendations for fixing the problem.

As a side note, I would NEVER, EVER buy anything from Electroniques Boutique. Not only would they not refund the purchase price for the game but they also would not refund my money for the UO strategy guide that I purchased at the same time as the game. Like I can really use that book at all.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Ultima Offline
Review: Up until this upgrade of the UO, things have been great. Since this update on 2/11, logging onto the server has been very slow if at all. If you are lucky enough to get logged on, then you have to put up with all the lag, either because of all the custom houses on the server now, or because UO was not ready for an influx of people, either way, it makes for a lousy time. The new world Malas is too small, and does not really add to the game at all. I hope they can fix these problems, but if not, then I will be looking for a new online game.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not Enough Space
Review: UO 's New expantion Just is not big enough as usual when it came out all the housing space was filled with in a day or 2 so any one that had delayed shipping lost out on a new house .
The new area also is getting some severe Lag time even for pl with DSL and Cable .

UO would have done better to make the house planting area 3x the size they did.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: It's called a testing phase.
Review: People, I've been playing this game for over a year and I don't know why I continue to put myself through this torture. The game is very addicting however, extremely frustrating because they continually make changes however, they neglect to test their changes sufficiently before they implement them. If you are thinking about playing this game, do not bother for at least another month until they have managed to work out the kinks.

Not only is this game buggy, but the customer service is virtually non-existant. If you try calling via telephone you get put on hold for hours or in my case, get hung up on. If you try to "page" a GM (online customer service person) in the game, you'll be waiting in a queue for a full day or longer, assuming you don't get booted because the servers are constantly shutting down, losing your place within the queue. And the support e-mail address they provide returns my e-mails indicating that it is no longer in use. I have yet to try snail mail however, I suspect that it might be a futile process.

Save your money, wait for Star Wars Galaxy and hope they've got it together.

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