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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

List Price: $9.99
Your Price: $9.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: what a surprise.
Review: Well, i was going to point out all of the flaws of the game, but it appears to have already been done multiple times. Also, it's only the first book of the game...which i guess i dont actually remember the names of the books now (read them 3 or 4 years ago) but i was expecting the whole story...so just a warning if you are too lazy to look up which book is which like me. and as near as i can remember..theres a lot of inconsistancies with the book...it doesnt seem to really follow the story like ver well at all. and skips through big portions of the book. basically..it appears to be totaly worthless. i guess the movies came out and they just threw together a game real fast without bothering to worry about gameplay issues.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Game Enjoyed, but, problems exist
Review: The game play is quite nice and the story is fun, but problems persist.While inside a building, control is fine, graphics are nice and commands are met. But outside in the land, contol is slow, commands are slow, graphics on the ground are bad. I have windows XP, so be careful.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: instructions not clear
Review: I found that the instructions are not as clear as could be... It took me a while to find the true navagation and I do not really have it now.
I found that the "rebate offer" was a bit deceiving also, I bought thinking that it would be free after rebate, I did not see or realize that I had to buy a "Turbo Tax" product to get the rebate. I have the Turbo Tax already, so I am inelegible for the rebate.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: An Utter Disgrace to Tolkien
Review: The people from Vivendi Universal should be shot. They should be shot before they disgrace Lord of the Rings further by actualy making games of The Two Towers and Return of the King.

This is a game that had limitless potential, in fact half of the work on the game was already done by JRR Tolkien. Story line, setting, plot, characters (good and evil). This is a game that had so much potential that you could do anything with. The story behing warcraft is just a crude copy of Tolkien (men, elves, and orcs cmon guess who created them.) I'll bet you the at Blizzard or any other game studio would have killed to have the licence to Middle Earth

Vivendi Universal has only taken advantage of JRR Tolkiens fans, by luring them into a false sense of security telling us that its officialy Tolkien Enterprises and then stealing our money.

To round things off i would like to say that the moment you install that game you will experience problems with your ENTIRE computer (first they rob us then sabbotage us! maybe they hoped that if crashed our computer we couldnt play game and realize how bad it is.) Honestly, from the moment that cd went into the cd-rom drive i have hd nothing but problems. I uninstall the game and its like my pc recovers instantly from the black plague. Honestly!


Rating: 2 stars
Summary: ...Not worthy of being associated Tolkein
Review: .... The graphics are decent but the gameplay was terrible. First they send you around the shire doing dumb little jobs. Not a very exciting way to start a video game. Then you have to escape from a black rider. This is really stupid because you have to stay like 25 feet away from him but the game places you about 5 feet away from him. Then you run around fighting enemies that are just too easy. Most of the levels are extremely pointless. In one level they actually have you finding lillies.(I'm serious) All in all a very forgettable game....

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It is the Best!!!
Review: I heard that this game was no good. But I am a Big Lord of the Ring [fan] so I thought I would buy it just to see... It is the most fun game. It goes along the book more then the movie which I liked alot. The only thing I did not like about the game was the characters look nothing like the people in the movie and the game is a little to short. That is why I gave it 4 stars. But other then that, it is a really fun game. I am soooo glad I got it. (A hint...it is the same type of game Zelda is.)

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not Enough Freedom
Review: With the simply massive world of Middle-Earth, one would expect that any games based in that world would give you at least SOME freedom or nonlinear gameplay opportunities. Unfortunately, this game goes against such expectations. There are quite literally only 1-2 paths for every segment of the game. Sometimes you can not even climb some hills or walk beyond a certain point in a grass field, the boundaries are so restrictive. The content remains fairly weak as well. Graphics are decent, but nowhere near jaw-dropping. Sound is not even worth noting. Fighting with Frodo grows dull, and fighting with Gandalf's magic is too gimped. The various fights while playing Aragorn are, in my opinion, the only pluses of the entire game. Nontheless, that bumps my rating to a 2.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Lord of the Rings:The fellowship of the rings
Review: Hated this game. Even after you download the Patch there are a lot of bugs in this game. There is no plot to this game, just a lot of shooting. I was stuck in one part of the game (the willow tree) for over two hours because when you use a mouse the movements are too jerky to shoot your target. The game is just running and shooting. What happened to good adventure games?

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: a great game true to JRR
Review: This is a really good game. I am a huge jrr tolkien fan and I wasnt let down by this game like I was the other hack n slash lotr game. This game stays true to the lotr franchiose. GOod graphics and great gameplay! Pick it up!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: HELP
Review: Im stuck in Moria after I have climbed the ladders and gotten to the other side to pull the lever to let Gimli across...there's the door that he pointed out earlier...but what do you do now?
it won't seem to open? could someone please write back and tell me what to do? I'm a very amatuer game player...

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