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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is going to be a good game
Review: Hey, we all have to admit the movie was at least kind of good. So,with this game following the book's storyline even more, it has to be better. I mean, come on, yo can play as Frodo, ARAGORN (in all caps because he is tied for coolest with Legolas), or Gandalf. This has to be tight. With Gandalf you could cast spells while slashing up orcs with Glamdring (his sword). With Frodo you should have the option of putting on the Ring and becoming Almighty in power. Then you can use Sting to chop up people and orcs and stuff. CHOP CHOP CHOP! Did I scare you? I'm sorry. Anyway, with Aragorn you should (you notice I put SHOULD instead of CAN.)be able to have the option of using the re-forged sword Narsil or use a bow and arrow like in Moria in the movie. You should battle orcs, Uruk-Hai (stronger orcs), the cave troll, the Balrog, the Black Riders, and have the option of chopping up the rest of the Fellowship. Ha ha ha. That would be funny. I can just imagine Sam saying, "What do we do now?" in Bree then I use Sting (even though Frodo does not have Sting at Bree) to chop his head off. Ooo, how that would be funny. Anyway, this should be a very good game since it's follwing the book even more than the movie and you get the coolest(tied) person to play, and you get to see Tom Bombadil who wasn't in the movie. I wonder what he's going to look like. This is going to be an awesome game for the PC.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Who knows?
Review: Unless you are a beta tester for this game, you should be careful in your review of it. While I agree that the Lord of the Rings is a fantastic movie, don't let your gaming judgement be clouded. Look to Computer Gaming World or PC Gamer for honest, up-front, and biased reviews. These people are professional gamers who test games like this all the time. Having said all this, I have no doubt that this will be a great game, but be careful and look to others who have actually played this game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Lord of the Rings
Review: Well, it's the Lord of the the Rings... what can we say not good about him/it ? ;)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Must Buy For All Tolkien Fans!
Review: I've been following this game closely ever since I heard it was being made. It looks like it will be an EXCELLENT game for any Lord of the Rings fan. The game is based on the book, as opposed to the movie - so you'll be able to play parts of the book that weren't included in the film. You'll be able to have control of Frodo, Aragorn, and Gandalf in certain parts of the game. Bottom line: The people at Universal Interactive have been working their butts off making this an incredible game, faithful to the book, but also action-packed. I can't wait until it comes out. Pre-order this game today!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Lord of the Rings
Review: This looks like a great game.. You can play as Frodo, Aragorn, or Gandalf..it takes place in the shire i think.. im not sure yet..the only erason this game gets 4 stars is cuz you cant play as legolas gimli (the dwarf) or Boromir

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Difficult
Review: This game was quite difficult for me to solve. I think what this game lacks is a few clues (hints) to get through to the next stage of the quest. The Balrog scene, for example, is a complete mystery to me. How do you kill this creature??? I've tried everything ... all Gandalfs tricks, nothing works!!! I think a lot of people will get so frustrated and dispondent from this challenge that they'll just give up. Also, the treebeard scene with Tom Bomberdil, I think his name is, was very diffucult and frustrating. God, I almost through the towel in, but I thought I'd persevere a little longer and it was just by luck that I got through!!

Ok, could you please tell me how to get through to the next stage of the Balrog scene. Gandalf has run out of ideas and his friends on the side-line are getting tired ...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Point of view
Review: This game is fun, and is faithful to the book It is great to actually play as a character in Middle Earth, and wander in the Shire, etc. This is really the first PC game I have ever bought with the exception of Age of Mythology, and Buck Rogers about a million years ago on a PC in the Age of The Dinosaurs, so it is fun learning to play. I do have several problems with this game. The first is the white flashing when it starts, and also in the "movies" that occur from time to time. I do not like that you cannot choose which character you play, and are limited to Frodo, Aragorn, and Gandalf. I also have problems with the point of view of the character that you are playing. Sometimes it is impossible to see what is going on, or the character gets "stuck" in a wall or something. Movement is often limited down a predetermined path. This gets quite annoying at times. I am not finished playing ( I am to Moria) so I will see how the rest of the game goes, but all in all it has been fun so far.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: More adventure than action, different from the other games
Review: I played the PC version but it's also available on the PS2 and XBOX.

The Fellowship of the Ring is a fun, if short, romp through the first book in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is not related to either The Hobbit (by Sierra) or the Return of the King or The Two Towers (both by EA Games). It is a pretty straightforward action adventure with simple quests and relatively easy-to-defeat foes.

What to expect:
•On the "action to adventure" scale, this game is heavier on the adventure side with simple puzzles and quests. There is definitely some combat and stealth involved, but you will find nothing like the endless hordes of foes that you'd encounter in the other Rings titles. (I love those games, by the way, this is just a very different experience.)
•This is a 3D action adventure that uses typical navigation: Move the mouse to look around, click the mouse buttons to perform actions and fight, use the keyboard to move.
•You'll get to play as a number of different characters in sequences that more or less parallel the first book in the Rings trilogy.
•If you're familiar with Tolkien's books, you'll find that this game is often more faithful to the source material than the recent films, and you'll meet some characters that the film left out.

What's good:
•The general production of the game (graphics, music, acting, cutscenes) is rather high quality. Some of the environs are very pretty while still being stylistically distinct from the films. It was very cool to casually wander around Bag End and Hobbiton.
•While the diverse gameplay may be distressing to some, I rather enjoyed it. At one moment you might be doing a simple search-and-deliver quest, at another moment you might be attempting to sneak by enemies or neighbors unnoticed. The combat sequences present their own challenges, depending on which character you're playing, or the specific weaknesses of your foes.
•All dialog is voiced, and it's done pretty well.

What's bad:
•It's actually unfortunate that the levels in this game are so attractive and interesting, because there are a lot of "invisible barriers" that will keep you from exploring them very thoroughly. Usually you can only run down a specific path and are prevented from jumping fences or running through fields. I would have really loved to be able to roam more freely throughout the games various areas.
•Companion AI is somewhat spotty. There are different times when you are accompanied by important figures from the story, but your friends have a tendency to fall behind, and they don't always fight back when attacked.
•It's too short. It's funny, because when I think back about the game, there are a LOT of locations and neat things to do. I guess it was just so easy that it didn't take long to accomplish all the goals. So, the game doesn't take very long to play, but you'll do a whole lot of stuff along the way.
•There's a stealth sequence involving the Nazgul (the ringwraiths) that's easily the most difficult portion of the game- unfortunately, it happens very early on and might threaten to dissuade the casual gamer from continuing. My advice: Find a walkthrough perhaps, or just try a lot of different hiding spots- there are a number of ways to get past this part. It'll get easier and less frustrating soon after.

Difficulty (from Very Easy to Very Hard): Easy

My rating (from Very Bad to Very Good): Good

You will probably like this game if you liked these: The Hobbit, Zanzarah: The Hidden Portal

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Lost interest
Review: This game was too difficult and too slow to maintain my interest. The plus side is that it is fun just to explore Middle Earth. If you have read the books, you'll enjoy seeing the written story protrayed in 3D. However, if you get stuck on problem-solving then you'll just stay in one area and quickly lose interest in playing.

Perhaps different levels of play (easy, difficult, expert) would allow inexperienced players like myself to enjoy the game.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Difficult
Review: I have played other LOTR games before, including The Hobbit for Gamecube, but I couldn't enjoy this game.
The first disadvantage is when you first start the game. A long ctscene plays, and every two to three seconds, the screen flashes white, which causes splitting headaches for people with eye problems.
You also must use a keyboard to play, which is extremely difficult; I can't even get out of Hobbiton without falling off a bridge. The game doesn't support gamepads (special controllers that you can plug in to your computer to play a game), and if it had, the gaming experience would be easier.
The graphics are choppy, which also tend to hurt your eyes occasionally. Sometimes, when you're walking around, it's hard to tell where you're going as trees and such sort of flash by.
There are two advantages, however, for this game. One is that it doesn't take as long as other PC/Mac games to install, and the other is that this game is purely based on the LOTR books, not the movies, so that you feel like you are playing the original adventure.
Overrall, get this game if you are a die-hard Tolkien fan, but keep in mind that there are more disadvantages than advantages to playing it.

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