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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

List Price: $9.99
Your Price: $9.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Disappointed - Bad Install drivers and bugs running the game
Review: Even on fully loaded, fast processing computers this game is riddled with installation and run-time problems. I have tried installing and playing this game on a new laptop computer with Windows XP, my home computer with Windows 2000, and another home PC that has handled running over 50 games. I have never yet had such problems trying to run a game on a PC. I realize that the Software Company provides a game patch for many of the bugs in this game, but I don't know if they considered that most customers don't have super-computers with the latest model video cards. I am very disappointed and am anticipating EA releasing a better version in the next year.
The game looked great. What a disappointment this game has been.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: No way! One reviewer must be playing a different game
Review: ... I've just got to say, avoid this game. Short and buggy gameplay. Definately needs a patch and 10-15 expansion packs to be a reasonable game... ... i think i'll just drop the game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The same game??
Review: I have to wonder if I am playing the same game as the people who are tearing it apart on here. I have had no trouble whatsoever running it on my HP Pavillion 1 gig processor w/256 megs of RAM and Nvidia Tnt 2 pro card.. I guess you people who are complaining about problems running it must not have a quality computer in the first place. But anyway, I am trying to make sense of the harsh reviews on here. I have only played the demo so far, but hope to get the actual game soon. But contrary to the bad reviews on here, so far it's a truly incredible game. The voices are the actual cast members from the movie I believe so they are done very well. The graphics are cutting edge in this game cutscenes and otherwise. As far as movement, it's a new engine and takes getting used to but in first person mode, the movement is fine. But Middle Earth Comes to life in this game and it's a must have for TRUE FPS fans and especially LOTR fans. As for people saying they finished it in 4 hours, they had to be cheating their butts off to do so. You people need to think before you write such bad reviews for games, because apparently none of the people who rated this game badly have an inkling of what a truly good game is. One last thing, I read a review where someone actually said the movie was bad? NOT!! The movie was phenominal and was robbed of the best picture oscar it truly deserved by the bias of the academy of films against Sci-fi genre movies, the same reason StarWars didn't win the year it came out. Enjoy the game folks, it''s well worth the money so far. Don't take these harsh reviews to heart before actually trying the game itself. You'll find the harsh reviews don't hold water in the end.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: AHHHHHHHHHH.......Dementia
Review: Ges I don't really play that many games but I'm not that bad at it. The only thing this game has suceeded in is wrecking my head, I think I may need some serious help after it....What's the story, there are way too many boundries and hey if Froda can't run up a bloody hill then how in God's name is he going to get the ring destroyed. And what about that bloody TREE, I feel like putting my hand through the screen and killing OLD MAN WILLOW myself cos Froda has no hope.... Overall the worst game I've ever tried to play

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Good Play
Review: Some of the people that wrote a review about this game don't have a clue what they're talking about. First of all one reviewer complained about the camera angles; he said that he often got killed because they were sooo bad. The camera angles are in fact not bad, simply because you (the player) control the camera. You can make it face any way you want. But, at times you will have to rotate the camera to see what you're fighting, and the most that will happen is that you'll take a few hits. You will certainly not be killed! I do have to agree that the game has some bad qualities such as: Long movies; A Boss at the end that has nothing to do with the book/movie what so ever; It was a little short, I think it should've taken me longer than 8 hours to beat it; and finally i think you should've been able to play as Legolas also (his character has become VERY famous since the movie). But, all in all Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, is a good game and i would recommend it to action lovers.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: True to story, but weak game play
Review: If you are looking for a game that is true to the story (minus certain points that are also absent from the movie), you will find this game to be a true adaptation. If you are looking for a game that is smooth to play and extremely enjoyable, regardless of your love of Tolkein, or lack there of, look elsewhere.
Overall, there's the rub. This game is primarily aimed for an audience who loves the Lord of the Rings and is looking to play it out on his PC.
The game is cinematic, which distinguishes it from most adventure games on the market, which are aimed at hack and slash. You have a series of quests to complete, and they are played out, primarily, through the interaction with NPCs in the game.
One of my biggest beefs, as a PC game, is you have to work with a variety of key strokes to get anywhere. Hooking the game up to the strategic commander made things easier, but there are far too many different elements to program to make this an easy bout. I can see where this game plays out much better on different types of consoles (Playstation, XBox, et al).
The graphics are fairly standard for games these days, but standard falls far short of games like Dungeon Siege, which makes this game a hard sell for non-Tolkien lovers.
I am an avid fan of Tolkein, and I really enjoyed playing out his world on my computer. But, I cannot give this game a great rating and hold onto my conscience.

Graphics: 6
Story: 8
Playability: 5
Controls: 2

Overall: 4

If you are a real Tolkien fan, this game may well warrant the price. If not, there is much better fare on the market.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Believe me, it is really bad
Review: This game is really bad... i finished it in about 40 minutes! It is completly linear, you cant go out of a guided path, and u dont even need to fight... u can pass the whole game (except some "bosses") RUNING! Trust me it is so boring u will be angry about the LOTR name being used in such a bad game!
I think Vivendi Universal should trust no1 but Blizzard to develope their games!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Very Disapointing
Review: This is the worst game i have ever played. It has major probloms installing on XP. It took me an hour before i could even play. The controls are insane. You will often get stuck in the corner of a room. In the begining you must complete pointless quests to get useless items. I looked for a lost kid for half and hour and what is my reward. A mushroom!! I tried to explore the shire but whenever you take a few steps off the path there is an invisible wall. fighting is cheasy. you go through confusing mazes and hit spiders with sticks. no mater what haptens to your allies the will never die. All they seem to do is get lost. while in moria you can barely even see what your fighting. The voices are cheesy. The balrog is barely taller than gandalf and is easy to kill. The boss of the game is a ringwrath on a bird. While on the ground it does not even try to huryt you when it is in the air shoot it three times and the game is over. anyone who bought this game should return it like me.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun game!
Review: Maybe not a game for "hardcore gamers", but I found completely enjoyable from start to finish. It took me about 8 hours to complete. If you're a fan of the books, you'll enjoy it!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: fun ok way to short
Review: this game was ok but it freaken short. I would suggest not buying it if you dont like short games

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