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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

List Price: $9.99
Your Price: $9.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Please Don't Be fooled!!!!!!
Review: This game is not the Movie Official Video Game, it is a gamed based on the book by J.R.R. Tolkien, it will never be as good as the offical game of the movie "THE TWO TOWERS" one, check it out and compare.

Don't be fooled and never ever waste your money in a worthless game, unless you are a trully LOTR fan and don't complain if the game is boring and really bad.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: WOW
Review: When I bought this game, I expected it to be a cheap imitation of a book series (a la Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone). Quite on the contrary I was suprised.

This game is extremely impressive. I presumed that it would primarily follow the plot of the movie. However, this game is extremely true to the book. Unlike the movie, it contains characters like the Sackville Bagginses and Tom Bombadil. The story line is very good; as Frodo, Aragorn or Gandalf you must complete various tasks, each task taking you closer to Mount Doom.

The graphics are also very impressive. I'm running this game on a Dell 2ghz Celeron with 256 mb ram and 3D acceleration and it runs quite smoothly and hasn't yet caused a problem.

The only thing that bothered me about this game is the movement, which is the reason I gave it four stars. You are required to go along certain paths, so the game is quite linear. If only the designers could have taken a card out of Nintendo's hat and designed it in a Legend of Zelda style. Also, the controls are HORRIBLE you are required to push many different buttons as well as integrate the mouse into your game. Unless you have a strategy-type programmable keyboard, you are in for a run until you learn the controls.

However, if you are a devote Lord of the Rings fan, this game is a MUST have. You will love how close to the book it is!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A great disappointment
Review: When I first tried this game, I was impressed by the nice graphics, sound and atmosphere.
I had no problem with the installation or running, exept for that it crashed two times during the gameplay.
The cutscenes, though, was quite bad. The dialouges and editing was bad.
This game is also very different from the book and the movie, but it was good that they included Tom Bombadil. The gameplay is very straightforward. Only running and killing. An original hack-and-slash game indeed.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Sending it back
Review: I installed the game. When I double-clicked to run it, nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. No error messages. Nothing. Their "24/7" technical support said to download a 26 Megabyte patch!! I have downloaded it four times (2.5 hours each time), and the patch executable won't even run. I told them about this problem, and they have yet to even acknowledge that they received my email. I recommend you avoid this one.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: better than THEY say
Review: ... THIS GAME IS NOT THAT BAD! I know you can run by it fast, but that takes all the fun out of it. I mean COME ON! If you are a tolkien fan you'll stop to enjoy the scenery. It follows the story, and the controls are very straightfoward. ...If you consider yourself a gamer, you need to have this game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty good
Review: I thought this is a pretty good game. They did a good job of re-creating the characters, and the scenery. It's not that long of a game, but it's challenging. You could spend an hour trying to figure out how to get past something that could only take two minutes. It's more based on the book than the movie, which is why Tom Bombadil is in it. If you're a Lord of the Rings fan, you'll love it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not for the light hearted - but excellent!
Review: ... I've been on it all day, and still havn't got bored of it! The graphics are brilliant, the story line is almost exactly the same as the JRR Tolkien books which I thought was immpresive. You start off as Frodo Baggins and explore the Shire, making friends and running errands - this sounds tedious, but I assure you tis fun. This is the basic get to know the controls part of the adventure, but it starts to get more exciting when you meet the Nazgul. Sneeking past them and meeting up with Sam, Merry and Pippin in farmer Maggots garden.
After you go through the Shire, you have to find your way through a labirynth of forests and other such things. The only thing I wasnt too happy about was the fact that the characters didn't look or sound like the people in the film...but it was based on the book not the film, so I suppose its not a problem.
When you meet Aragorn, I found that the fun really began! You get to kill tonnsa orcs n wargs n collect things as you go. I was the edge of my seat all the way through, the tension is high! Its not that bloody, but the sounds the orcs make are impressive, lol, ok, i just like seeing them die! *evil cackle*
I'm actually stuck in Moria so I'm gonna go back and play the game now, but I HIGHLY reccomend it, and the budding LOTR fans will not be disappointed!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not great, not terrible.
Review: this game isn't terrible like people say it is. It has good voice acting (too much, though), mediocre graphics, and ok gameplay with [bad] weapons. The main problem is that once you beat it (which is very easy, theres nothing to the puzzles - and it's short) is that it has NO replayability. Single-Player only, and there is no way to vary the game if played over again. Also they messed up many things in the story - such as the ending. I don;t see how they'll be able to go on to "the Two Towers" (the game of which will be entitled "the Treason of Isengard" to avoid confusion with the movie's fighting game). ... Its worth checking out, though.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Is it action, or is it adventure??
Review: It looks like lots of lord of the rings stuffs are coming out and here we have a game. It looks real cool on the outside but inside is a different dimension.
The biggest problem of the game is that this game has no main dish. What it means is that it's kind of hard to tell what this game's real genre is.
It's looks like action(beating up monsters) but there aren't any real attack combos or sword tricks or any intense moves. And the other one is that battles and sword fights are just too simple. When you meet some scary looking monsters on your way you just place your character facing that monster and just keep clicking the mouse with not much thinking until that monster hits it's face one the ground.
And there are simple range attacks so if you have time you just need to shoot and feed those monsters with arrows while they're coming to get you and when they get close you just do that simple sword excersice I mentioned.
And there are magic attacks but most of them are not so effective so you only use one or two for battle.
And the bad camera view really adds furstration to the game(the characters keep blocking your way so it's sometimes hard to see where you're going).
Oh, lost your health during the last battle, then you can find some healing stuff lying around somewhere. And you can find some more after few battles later and some more after battles and some more after battles and more and more and more...............
(that means the game's not much challenging)

And it looks like an adventure game if look at it at a different angle(because of the weak action). But it just don't look like one because there ain't no challenging puzzles or path finding or anything.

And level designs, just not done with much creativity.

Finally the violence part. This game is not very violentive(ok, it's violentive sometimes) and has some blood but not very real looking(only few big blood drops goes flying in the air)

Overall, not the kind of game that makes up to it's name.
But the short movies in the game and charaters talking in games are GOOD, but gameplay is not that fun. So wait for Two Towers, it should be better.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: One game the suckest of them all.
Review: I am a realy big fan of the lord of the rings, but I found the game to be borring and hard to controle. I did not like ANYTHING about this Game.

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