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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

List Price: $9.99
Your Price: $9.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: One of the worst games I've ever played
Review: There aren't enough adjectives in the english language to explain how bad this game is. First of all, it's apparent right away that this game was rushed into production. On occasion, the game simply shuts down for no reason. God forbid you should try to alt+tab to another program w/ the game paused...it shuts itself down to be safe. The feedback in your speakers from the poor sound quality gets old fast. But, the worst part is, the game is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too easy and way too short. I couldn't believe the game was over after about 8 hours of play. This game takes full advantage of the hype surrounding both of the LOTR movies and borrows on that hype to get people to buy the game. Unfortunately, the game just plain ...[very very not nice].

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Well, it wasn't as much as I had hoped for...
Review: Well, I recieved this game for Christmas, and I had high expectations. Since I had a new computer, the game was easy to install and it ran fairly well. As it has been said- the game was kind-of easy and the plot was slightly warped in a few places. However, my brother and I (who beat the game in a day) found the game amusing and we liked playing it while it lasted. However, dispite the fact it was an okay game (not great, but okay), it still wasn't worth the money my relatives paid for it. The game had several glitches- and my brother and I found some very amusing. For example- when all of you enemies suddenly freeze, as if they don't know you're there and they don't recognize you as an enemy. Well, sure- we knew this wasn't suppose to happen, but you have to admit that it was slightly entertaining seeing how many arrows could be lodged in their heads (they wouldn't die, either). Also- we found that if we were on MSN Messenger, and someone messeges us while we were playing the game, the game would shut down and have an error- losing your spot in the game unless you had saved. Overall, this game was alright, but it didn't quite live up to my expectations.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Skip this turkey
Review: This game isn't worth reviewing, but when I saw it had cumulative rating or 2.5 stars I had to chime in. THIS IS A ZERO STAR GAME. It belongs in the five dollar bin next to "Babbar and the Math Monkey". I have no idea what the people giving it high star ratings are comparing it to, but it's not the top sellers most gamers play. The developers are banking on the popularity of the movie to sell this joke of a game which, by the way, doesn't take much longer to finish than watching the movie.

Vote with your wallet and get a "Fellowship of the Ring" DVD instead--or any other Peter Jackson-based product. Then maybe we'll have more great movies and fewer [bad] games.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: How Sad
Review: This is the worst game i have ever played. I would rather play pong or space invaders on atari. Even after downloading the patch the sound still dosen't work right and it still freezes on the mines of moria. I think the challenge is not playing the game but figureing out how to make it work. I am an experianced gamer so i have a very good comp and have never had problems with any other game.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: what the....
Review: This game was not what i suspected and that was a bad thing. Game is like nothing of the book and or movie. this game almost put me a sleep. Only good thing mentioning is the graphics there good but everything els could and should be remade or fixed. For god shakes put legolas in!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: It really is that bad
Review: Please save your money and do not buy this game. If you want a good LOTR game buy the two towers for any platform. First off I had problems with sound (I have sb live plat 5.1) so if it doesn't work well for sound blaster what does it work well for. The graphics are okay, but being as how the gameplay is LAME and the quests you get are lame.. do not buy this. They took a good story and went off in the wrong direction. I ended up returning this after giving it a decent chance (even with the sound problems)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Easy, too easy
Review: I bought this game with high expectations, for a game that claims to be the "official" game based on J. R. R. Tolkein's The Fellowship of the Ring. To start with, this game is relatively short compared to the GBA version;however,this game can be beaten in one day, without cheat codes!(it doesn't have them)With a annoying plot twist at towards the end, this game ceases to appeal to non-movie tolkein fans. The gameplay is pretty simple, providing you can take the annoying archers and Frodo's lack of fighting advantage. Only buy this game if your willing to take anything related to Tolkein or want to see a original design other than Peter Jackson's vision of Middle-Earth.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good Game but Not worth the Price.
Review: This Game is pretty fun very cool graphics - BUT SUPER SHORT - you could beat this game in a night with no problem. And for 50.00 bucks there should be multiplayer - but there is not. The Functionallity of the character is weak too IE; Some can't jump - some can't kick - there are only a few moves. - this could have been A lot better - BOTTOM LINE - Wait till the price drops to 20.00 - it is worth about that.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: hmmmmmmmm........
Review: this gameis very simple i think to much like an rpg but it is still good

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Weak Game Play.. Buy the DVD instead of watching video clips
Review: Weak game. They are simply making money off of the name. If you are looking for a good RPG game, this isn't it. I am also getting the blue screen of death while playing this game. Buy something else like Dungeon Siege which was GREAT!!!

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