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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Waste of Money!
Review: Honestly I am not jut being extreme...this is one of the worst games I have ever played! How can the people who made this sleep at night. I don't own very many games and don't play often but it only took me a little over five hours to beat this game and I only had to continue once or twice. The only part that took long at all was an annoying labryinth forest sequence where you have to navigate you way through an endless bore of woods. Honestly I had a feeling this game was going to be low-budget but I had no idea how bad it could be.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Utter garbage
Review: Reviewed on a 1GHz, PIII with ATI Rage Pro 128, 256M RAM.

This is a joke, right? We're not seriously expected to pay for this program which would have been considered unimpressive five years ago. The graphics are mundane, the character movement is crude and awkward, it doesn't play full-screen (it's always in a window). The cut scenes are played by 3rd rate amateur hacks with video/audio synchronization like a dubbed martial-arts movie. The third person view constantly blocks the objects your looking for and you can't change the view to be more overhead.

The graphics are so crude the program should run smoothly on a 333MHz box but its really sluggish on my 1GHz. What's it doing with all the cpu time? Looking for extraterrestrial intelligence? If Tolkein were alive this dross wouldn't bear the name of the Lord of the Rings!

I expect more from Vivendi - much more!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is AWESOME!!
Review: This is an awesome game. I was very surprised how true this is to the book. I love playing as all three characters. It is fun to snipe down people as Aragorn and to hack them up with your sword. It is really fun to be Frodo and watch bewildered orcs get hurt while not seeing you with the ring on. It is extremely fun to see five guys get electracuted by Gandalf's lightning. In all this is a fun game and it is challenging and fun. I recommend this game to anyone who likes The Lord of the Rings. One more note. Save your game often and don't get discouraged when you get caught by the Nazgul.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game!
Review: It's a little hard to get things going but once you do, it takes off quickly from there! If you're a Lord of the Rings fan and you like games, you'll love this one !!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Better than expected
Review: Let me preface this by saying that this is my first PS2 game ever, so my perspective is limited.

After reading horrible reviews I was actually pleasantly surprised by this game. It follows the book more closely than the P. Jackson movie, but still veers from the book's plot on occasion (especially at the end). It was fun to see Tom Bombadil and other episodes left out of the movie. I thought the landscapes were quite stunning at times, and I often wished I had more time to just look around and enjoy the view. But, unlike the book, the game throws endless hordes of spiders, orcs, and other beasties at our heroes in order to keep things exciting. In some places I thought the game did an even better job than the movie in its recreation of Middle-earth. I particularly liked the Mines of Moria and Lothlorien. The game also included singing, which is an essential part of the book that the movie ignores. On the other hand, the tunes to which the songs were sung were arguably worse than the sad attempts at music my own brain makes when reading the book.

Playing the three characters (Frodo, Aragorn, and Gandalf) provided variety. Frodo has to sneak around a lot (or run like hell). He can whack things with a walking stick (and eventually with Sting) and throw rocks, but he's not very powerful in combat (as expected). He does have the ring, however. I actually found it useful once or twice, although it can't be worn for very long.

Aragorn is pure combat. He fights with a sword or a bow (and once with a torch), and can also kick. I found it sort of pathetic when the heir of Isildur kept getting killed by some ruffians in Bree. Eventually, however, I honed my button-tapping skills and was able to defeat (at the expense of my carpal tunnel) two trolls, three wolves and some orcs who had cornered me near the end.

Gandalf was the most fun to play. He can fight with both his sword and with magic. He also uses his staff to go in for the kill. He is certainly the most powerful of the three (again as expected -- he is a Maiar, for heaven's sake!). His battle with the Balrog is probably the most challenging part of the game.

(One gripe I had was with the various cliffs and bridges. Some you can fall off and die, others you can't. There's no way to know this except experimentation. Gandalf's fight with the Balrog found me tiptoeing around the bridge trying to evade fireballs and get close to the beast. I only realized after a good long while that he couldn't fall off even if he tried.)

In the end, this game is worth playing if you like Tolkien (but aren't a die-hard purist) and third-person action games. Once again, it was my first PS2 game, so I probably enjoyed it more than an experienced and jaded gamer.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Great Story, Graphics, etc...but no gameplay = NO FUN
Review: I was one of those people who saw and loved "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring!", the classic movie. I thought the video game would be much of the same. Fun, great story, good graphics and overall just something to spend time playing. Well, I was wrong. This game is nothing like the movie, and in my opinion was a very over-hyped game. "Why?"

1. The gameplay: It's just boring. You start off spending an hour in the Shire, trying to do various tasks, which are rewarded very lightly. For example, you have to give the lady who's buying your house a letter, which takes 15 minutes to find (usually more). There is no map of the Shire, no hints of what to do. Everything has to be figured out by yourself. So after you find the little paper or letter, you walk back to give it to her. But nooooooooo wait, you have to find another item without any help and ring a bell because she believe there are "Wolves" in the shire. That's another 15 minutes if your lucky, 30-45 minutes if your not. You also have to complete close to a dozen tasks to get your "Corruption" rating up. If you become to corrupted (it's a second bar above your health), you just die. I had to start over several times because of that. So say that somehow you do get all this done, get stocked with supplies, talk to everyone, and are ready to go in less than 2 hours, you must escape the black riders. I did this, and it is extremely difficult, and yet in parts so easy it's stupid. There is always a certain area you can go where the black riders can't get u. And yet at the end, u must make a run for it. No where to go, no where to hide. And the black rider you must at the end escape from, is on a horse. Well, if you get past all that in 3 hours, without dieing, your lucky. Most people don't. And the whole process is just boring. No excitement, no real rewards. I hated the first part.

Well, once your out of the Shire, you head into a forest. The forest is full of creatures, which are all so easy to kill. You must find your 3 companions who came with u, who somehow get lost in 4 different parts of the forest. This alone took another hour, and if your not lucky, you'll get lost forever (literally). Once past that, you are caught by a willow tree, when u are suddenly saved by a fat, short man named "Tom Bambaldi" or something like that. You must then find 15 lilies, which takes another 30 minutes. At this point, I had died 5 times, had not found anything I liked, was bored, and was just sick of the repetitiveness of the game. That was my wonderful experience playing this game (luckily I rented, and returned the next day).

Graphics: This would get probably 4 stars. The graphics are pretty goood, but are PS2 graphics. It wasn't what it could have been. For example: The black riders are in total 3D, and look really cool. But their capes for some reason are flat and are in 2D. Very dumb. You can't go in the water, which once again, looks very bad. The leaves you can quote "Run through" you can only run through once. And they are very rare, only a few for each part of the level. But in many aspects, the game was good. You can break many things, and that's always fun as they fully destruct. The Shire is brought to life well, and in many ways, this game was fun to look at. But with the horrible gameplay, this game could not be saved.

3. Sound / Lasting Appeal: Well, the voice acting was fantastic, and the one point where this game was 5 stars. It was always fun to listen to people talk, and the cut scenes are very well done. Unfortunantly, this was the only fun part of the game. As for the lasting appeal, none. It takes 5 hours just to get a chapter into the story, and the whole thing, I'm afraid, just bored me.

If you think you can stand all this, then this is the game for u. Persounally, I think a game should start out easy and become challenging later on, and let u do something cool and interesting within the first hour. Some may like this game, but I sure didn't. Over-hyped, and over-bought, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring for the XBOX, PS2, and PC was a disapointment in my mind.

Hope this helped, and I prevented those who would have hated this game from making a VERY tragic decision.


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome Game
Review: Oh my gosh! This game is the best that ive ever played. I am an unbielievable tolkien fan, and listen to me. If you are any tolkien fan you WILL love this game. First of all, all those other people complaining about their computers not working with the game aren't seeing the picture. YOUR COMPUTER DOESN'T MEET THE REQIREMENTS. For those who have a good com, and love a good story, action, and adventure, this game is most definately for you. There isn't one thing i dont like about it. The action is unbielievable, with dark riders, scores of orcs and uruk-hai, barrow down dead, the balrog, trolls, and wolves. I got stuck once and it seemed like the game ... up. But thats just because you have to JUMP out of the place that your stuck in, or move. You get to be Aragorn, which is what I like most about the game. And Gandalf and Frodo. you can use weapons like Sting, Glamdring,a Westernesse sword, sticks, rocks, and cool magic.
A great Game for a true Tolkien and action-loving fan.
It's destined to be a classic. It's definatly my favorite, for its hard puzzles, superb gameplay, beautiful landscapes and nonstop hoardes of action. I loved it!!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Too easy, too quick to the end and not worth the cost!
Review: I do not play RPG's that often. In point of fact, this game was the first I have bought in almost 2 years. Anyway, I got through it in about 5 hours total playing time. It was fun for the Tolkien fan in me while it lasted, but I was shocked when the credits started to roll. Honestly, I started on a Friday night, played about 5 hours total though the weekend an finished with the Nazgul duel on the top of the mountain at 1:00pm Sunday! Not worth the price! Although Moria and the Balrog battle was kinda cool. I did enjoy being Gandalf and using the spells on people. And, if you are having trouble getting out of the Shire, just keep trying! Hint: rocks are good decoys for the dump wraiths in this game!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Don't Get this!! Get the BOOKS!!
Review: I haven't really played that much of the game but the graphics are Terrible! For a game made from the books it's pretty acuret as far as the story-line but it could be MUCH better.
If all you want is a computer game look at the books it doesn't seem that bad but your missing tons of cool stuff that's in the books.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: lame in every sense of the word
Review: First, this game is ridiculously short. I've played demos for longer than it took me to finish this game. In addition to being short it has no replayability value because the action is entirely linear. The "labyrinth" of Moria is laughable, since there is basically only one way you can go 90% of the time! Outdoor levels have steep hills and trees everywhere so you are pretty much forced to follow obvious paths through much of the game. Fighting enemies involves clicking the mouse button while standing in front of them (moving around increases your effectiveness, but is not really necessary). The AI is practically prehistoric. There are a few puzzles in the game, but they are not imaginative enough to spark much interest. Anyone over the age of 5 should be able to figure them out in short order, especially with the on screen hints that pop up. The dialogue written for the cutscenes is horrible, and generally poorly delivered. The graphics are generally adequete, but they are ruined by a poor execution of the third-person view which goes completely wacky in any type of close quarters. Half of the fighting in Moria involves just blindly clicking the mouse button while the graphics on the screen go haywire. (of course, blindly clicking still dispatches of all the bad guys). Adding the the problem is the characters are incapable of looking up or down beyond a fairly limited angle. In other words, you can't look very far up at the sky or down into a valley. This is immensely frustrating on the mountainous levels and particularly on a certain level that involves fighting a flying beast.

Even if you are a fan of the books or movies, don't waste your money on this pathetic excuse for a game.

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