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Everquest: Shadows Of Luclin With Free Book "Tome of Lore"

Everquest: Shadows Of Luclin With Free Book "Tome of Lore"

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I wish I hadn't.....
Review: This was a big waste of money. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing Luclin is good for, is teleporting.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Luclin is inessential
Review: There is nothing to rate about an expansion pack for an MMORPG. You either like the MMORPG or not. What, don't want the new graphics? Don't want to play the new race? Don't want to explore the new continent?

If you don't want do do that stuff, don't get this.

If you do want that stuff, Luclin delivers. The zones are interesting, new items to get, new spawns to learn, etc. etc. etc. If your comp can handle it the graphics are simply worth it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Love it
Review: I really like this expansion. The upgraded textures to all existing areas and the new character models look fantastic. Right now you need a powerhouse computer to play with all the details enabled but as time goes on most people will have the caliber of PC that this game needs to run smoothly at max detail.

The new lands are beautiful and fun to adventure in.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: bit of a let down
Review: I quit playing EQ even before this expansion came out just because it wasnt worth the time and money. This came out and thered been a bunch of hype like its gonna blow every thing away heh not quite. I wasted my money on this i used to be fine even when i was in that laggy Tunnel in east common lands with 180 people in the zone now i lag out in zones with 20. The graphics while a huge improvment aren't really that good if you consider other new games out all in all this game made me put EQ down for good.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Sluggish compare to DAOC
Review: This was a highly anticipated expansion for the most successful MMPOG ever made. However, the magic is not there any more. The expansion is SLOW, I meant slow for a P1.7 with 512 RAM, GeForce 3 video card, and ADSL connection with average ping under 40, Windows 98 SR2. It runs fine on my XP machine with P3 933 and 256 RAM, GeForce 2, however. Once I restore everything back to pre-Luclin (copy back the original EQ directory), everything is fast again. DO NOT install this thing without backing up your current EQ directory.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Warning for those considering Everquest
Review: I have been an active player of EQ for 2 years. The game is alot of fun and very addictive. However, I, along with many others, was forced to leave EQ due to the requirements for the newest expansion. I simply wasn't going to spend alot of money to upgrade my computer for a simple game.
I would like to warn those of you who have yet to buy EQ and are considering making the purchase. Although it is alot of fun, I simply wouldn't get involved with it. The game is very time consumming, plus Verant Interactive's customer support is pretty much non existant. The company has become very arrogant after EQ became one of the top selling computer games on the market and they constantly ignore customer inquiries. I have e-mailed their customer support at least 5 times during the 2 years I played to get help with different problems I experienced with EQ and NEVER received any response. I have worked in customer service for 6 years and if I was to treat my customers the way Verant does theirs, I would have been canned. Once they get their customers addicted, they know they'll find it hard to leave, so therefore they pretty much blow you off.
So if you are thinking about buying EQ, I strongly recommend you reconsider. If I can save someone from getting addicted to EQ, then I've pretty much done my good deed for the day.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't buy this game!!
Review: Hello, I would have to say that on the order of 1-5 id give this game a neg 10. Why? Because it is unplayable. I own a mid range system, well over 1/2 GIG of ram, voodoo5 with 64megs. I found that swiming through molassas would be faster than trying to play in the new zones. Ive never seen such terriable frame rate/lag in 20 years of gameing on a puter. And for the record, Ive been a loyal EQ fan for 3+ years, paying in beta, and throught ever expansion release. Ive never seen such horrible performace. Sony/Verant has really done a backslide on their ability to present a playable module. Some might say it runs great on a P<whatever> with a 1 gig+ processor, well to you i say, if you need a 1 gig proc, to run an app that is not server or DB related, somethings wrong... If you feel you have some twisted desire to own this module, send me an email, ill sell you mine.....

retired 53 cleric
(and others)
CT server...

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good game, graphics are .. ok
Review: Hey, this game is fun.. but the graphics are only 'ok'. The main problem i have with the graphics is that you cant see any atmosphere or sky effects. There is an option for '3d sky' but it only works in one zone that i've seen so far and it is just random cloud patterns. Also, you cant see very far into the distance. If you've played Operation Flashpoint and you like the sky/horrizon effects, you will be dissapointed. Also, the various avatars are not very accurate. sometimes they game looses track of NPCs and players and they appear out of no where and disappear.. Apparently it is lag related but i've played many multiplayer games like Unreal tournament and i've never seen anything this bad.. except duke 3D back in 1995.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great if you have an ounce of patience
Review: Over all, I LOVE the changes. I have a great computer, and have heard of most I know being able to run the expansion on VARIOUS systems, even if they barely meet the specs.

Yes, this was a HUGE upgrade, therefore, many bugs to work out. There are patches nearly everyday to fix the problems that may still be occuring for some. Many users don't understand the programming of this game is so extensive, OF COURSE there are several bugs, and yes, many system requirements to be met.

The graphics are wonderful. Lag is no different, but then I never had a problem with that to begin with. It is very exciting to know I have many new places to explore.

Overall Everquest is an incredible game, that has thousands upon thousands addicted, even after having issues to work through.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Dark side of Sony
Review: Oh, boy! I couldn't wait to get my hands on this baby! I'm a 46 year old gamer who has played video and PC games for nearly 22 years now and I've never been this excited for a title release (OK, FFVII had me nuts till I finished it). December 4th I had to go to three stores till I found one that hadn't sold out. Got home about 1:00pm, installed the game then had to wait for the servers to come back up for some last minute fixing. I can honestly say I was not able to patch and play until after midnight the next day (Dec. 5th). Massive frustration was setting in but I understood there would be many others trying to patch just like me.
Well, after all the subsequent patches EQ/SoL still stutters on my computer. I have 512RAM, GeForce 3, 1 ghz. Nothing else is running on my computer except my internet security. All the silky smooth play that I once had is now gone...even when I turn off all the character models.
I see people posting reviews here about whiney people that know nothing about computers, get a life and so on. If it works fine on your computer, great! Those of us with the problems need help and we're not getting it from Sony/Verant.
I truly feel sorry for all those with Win95 that can no longer play this game ( a last minute decision on Sony/Verants's part, so be warned even though it says Win 95 on the box).
In all, I can play but it's still buggy. I spent hours killing Rockhoppers for their claws for a quest and when I turned them in I wasn't given any quest reward. Two weeks later, I'm still petitioning for my quest item. Good luck to all who dare to venture here. I'll go back to Dark Age of Camelot...the best mmorpg on the market where the water may not move but oh those silky smooth graphics!

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