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EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Everquest: ruins of kunark
Review: Everquest: The ruins of kunark is an action packed massivly online game for all types of gamers. if you liked ultima then you'll like Everquest. The good stuff about this game is that you can have your thirst for graphics unleashed and filled up with the Awesome graphics. if you think your getting a bit tired of ultima 1, 2, or 3 try this.... and still if your getting tired of the futuristic actions like halflife, or Daikatana play this one, to get a taste of some magic and old old times. This game has still alot of action, alot of questing, and alot of playing! The reason i gave this 4 stars, is that it focuses too much on graphics, 50% of the time they have to be fixing the game when i try to get on, if they had worried more about the game in the future other than the graphics(trying to probably boost technology with some graphics... reaaally good graphics) the game would be no dout a 5 star and would have earned it. so basicly this game is really good and you should play it whenever you can!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best game I ever played
Review: I am not going to tell you that Everquest does not have its faults, but until I got Everquest, I never played a game for more than a few months before tiring of it and moving on to the next game. 1 1/2 years later, I still almost exclusively play everquest. When you play everquest, you truly enter into a different world, with its own rules, cliques, foibles, dangers and rewards. This is the closest thing you can get to truly being part of a fantasy world. The fact that the characters you are meeting are real people and not just computer generated facades, pre-programmed to respond to you, is what makes this game special. The world is huge. I have still not seen everything there is to see in the game, and I have played it for hundreds of hours.

Yet, it may not be for everyone. It is difficult, although not impossible, to play solo in the game. If you are a loner, or only have limited time to play, this can be frustrating. Of course, it is the grouping with friends and strangers that makes the game so interesting, and it is usually easy to get into a group. You will find you prefer getting into a group whenever you can as much for the company as the increased playing ability. The game is also very time consuming. I personally have no difficulty going days without playing the game, but I know people who spend way too much time playing it. You can get caught up in trying to get that extra level or cool item and lose track of the rest of your life. And it takes a long time to level in the game. If you are driven to beat a game by taking a character to the top level, be prepared to spend hundreds of hours to do so.

I highly recommend this game for anyone who enjoys role playing games. If you are not sure of the game, I would suggest that you go look up some of the numerous websites out there that give information on the game. Probably no other game is so well covered by fan sites. Check Yahoo's or Google's catagories for a list. My personal recommendation is http://everquest.allakhazam.com , which covers everything you need to know about the game, and includes a nice newbie guide to get you started.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: How EQ brainwashed the public into liking graphics over play
Review: Ugh. What is the world coming to when we value graphics over gameplay? Daikatana was 3-D too, and guess what? It sucked. Bad. REAL bad. Companies don't seem to realize if you put a piece of crap in a box and render the crap in full 3-D with real-time lighting and weather effects, it's still a piece of crap. This game is slow, combat is repetitive, and it's waaay to hard to start a new character. Everybody oohs and aahs at the graphics but I for one think the graphics suck. They look like some very bad "3-D" game from the 80's. If you want a good Online RPG, play Ultima Online, it's a lot better.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: EQ RULES

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: EQ Great Game
Review: I have been playing EQ for quite a while and have had a great time. My suggestion to new players just starting is stay away from the "care bear" servers and go Player vs. Player. It adds a whole new dimension to the game and they are much less crowded. You won't have the lag problems you get with the other servers and to be part of a guild actually means something in the PvP world. Everyone talks about camping well there is "camping" in just about every massively multi-player game I have played in. Sure it would be nice to have your own guild house like in UO or be able to ride a horse, but for the 1st Massively multi-player 1st person game out there I would say it is pretty good. For those who have got tired of it in a relatively short time probably played on a daily basis much more than I ever do...everything in moderation.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Adventures, Nice Effects
Review: After spending over 4 cumulative days playing Everquest I can definitely say I have enjoyed the game; visually, it's one of the nicer games I've played; mechanically, it's one of the easier games to master with it's controls. Overall, EQ is a good gaming experience with many options for player characters and truly interesting places on Norrath to play.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Evercamp
Review: I've played this game for quite some time, although it has all the right hooks to get you started, Evercamp has problems for high level playing. The world is static, monsters drop the same thing time after time (if you can get it to drop). Alot of the items are on creatures that spawn once 8 hours or more, so if you ever want to get an item...either have 3 full days of playing time without sleep, or buy it from another player who spent 3 full days repeatedly killing the creature. Downtime from regenerating health and mana starts at a tolerable level...a couple minutes, but after you get a few levels it increasingly gets worse (in excess of 15 minutes in some situatations after each kill). Fights generally take a minute...definately not a fast pace game. If you want to solo, this is not your game, one is forced to group with others at higher levels. Poor customer service, practically no quests, and overcrowded servers make this game totally worthless.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: As good as it gets
Review: I agree with the majority of the other reviews here. This game is the best I have ever played in my life. (Since Space Invaders). I have been playing basically non-stop since Beta 3. The game has evolved so much in that time. With this expansion, you get the entire Original game (70+ zones) and the Kunark expansion (20+ zones). The Kunark zones are the best ever made, and you can clearly see that the Development team at Verant is hard at work.

What's great about this game, is there is no cheating, they update and modify dungeons and zones that become less used. They constantly strive to make the game better, and they succeed. This game is actually way ahead of its time, so if you want to be part of the future of gaming order it now! You wont regret it. It is simply amazing.

Ashrons call (As mentioned by the above poster) is a joke, but if you want to play a toned down "Easy" rip-off made by Microsoft then by all means. AC is not a game that could hold my attention like EQ has.

Everquest: Ruins of Kunark is the game to get. Its more then a game, its an adventure.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: PLAY ME
Review: Hey, let me start off by saying:I LOVE THE GAME BUT I AM ONLY GIVING IT 3 STARS. The expression time flys when your having fun, should now be Time flys when you are playing everquest. Oh, about all you people who say that the loading is horrible, well it only takes about 5o sec with a 56K modem (which is just about the time it takes me to run from the computer to the fridge for a soda!). If you dont have a 56k modem than get one b/c my grandma can run a mile in the time it takes a webpage to load with a 26k modem! I mean, it only takes the equvlient of a simple webpage to download to load into other zones! I admit, the game is addicting. But if you have any will power what so ever (also called a parent) you WILL get offline when things need to be done. Now if I say the game is all good, why am I giving it 3 stars? Simply because I share the computer with 2 other EQ players and I can't level (lvl for EQ players) my lvl 10 MONK FAST ENOUGH! This game is awesome, and there maybe some flaws (like some of the crabby people who have been waiting for someone to show up for a dragon raid for the past 12 hours, SORRY, he is drooling on his keyboard from lack of sleep!) but you meet new people.Now, this is probably the safest online game to play from us 13 year olds becuase everyone only knows each other by their characters name! (I mean,who names there kid Aeelyonaia) Also, it is a great game becauase you get to chose special things like what you look like, hair color, do you cast spells or use your hands? Are you good at swiming? So I say, buy the game, but be prepared! (PS the $10 fee isn't that bad, its only .34 cents a day!) The money you spend on it is worth it. Like in day one I learned that Toll Booth is called a Road Stop in england! How interesting!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's about community
Review: This is not a single-player game - going "solo" can be doneand there are times when that's appropriate (exploring, doing "quests," working on trade skills, testing your mettle, etc.), but the fun is in the hunting groups that you become a part of.

If you like being part of an online community made up of not just kids, give this game a try. The whole concept revolves around meeting and playing with new people all the time. I don't know anyone else in "real life" who plays, but I've made tons of casual friends and even a few really good friends just from meeting them through the course of the game.

The range of players is from 12 to 80 (probably some even younger and older!), with the majority seeming to fall into the twenty- and thirty-somethings. While you will invariably meet up with some immature kids - and I have to admit, some immature adults - you'll find that the majority of players are fun-loving, kind, helpful, and generous - often to a fault. If you play the game like a regular joe and not a moron, you'll have all the help and support you need from this gaming community.

The developers have done a good job of providing you with lots of choices in play type. To play every race and class combination possible would keep you busy for a very long time. As would getting to every "zone" and hunting every type of creature, or completing every quest. You can create characters to your heart's content without paying an additional penny (only one character can be in-game at a time however). You can play to kill other players (there are three servers dedicated to that), or you can play like the majority and not kill each other (about 28 servers so far for that). But even on non-PvP servers you can duel to the death (if both players agree) either to defend your honor or just show your buddy who's boss!

Unlike some others who posted reviews here, I've found the online GMs helpful and supportive. Same with Verant Tech Support. I've had occassion to ask for help from the GMs and Tech Support on a number of occassions. Like any other human beings, treat them with respect and you'll get respectful help back.

I've not experienced the connection or lag problems that others seem to have suffered. Though it is true that the game has some stiff hardware requirements. You can play with the minimum system requirements, but more power (especially RAM and a good 3D card) will allow you to enjoy the game much more.

And the online community supports the players with forums and web sites filled with helpful information and advice, so you can get as much or as little help as you want to have a good time and progress your character.

Does the game have bugs? Yah. It's software, afterall. I've yet to run any game or program that didn't have bugs. The serious bugs get addressed and fixed in a timely manner. In seven months of play I don't personally know anyone who couldn't play because of a bug. Most bugs are on a schedule for fixing and get fixed eventually, and some will probably never, ever, be fixed. In my experience that's no different from any other software company.

All in all, what more could you want...?

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