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EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Online Fantasy
Review: I dont know why ppl are upset with this game. It's not the game that has ppl upset its the customer service or thier veiw of it. Sure they are having a few problems with some customer service issues, but they are dealing with them. Ive played this game over a year now and although i dont have a character over lvl 10 yet its because i have several characters on several servers that I am tring to keep up with. The point of this game is not really just killing this monster or that monster its getting to know new ppl and making friends and having fun with them. Those that are getting banned on the message board or from the game are banned because they could not keep to the agreement and keep foul language out of the experiance.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: It just lost it's appeal
Review: After the continual persistence of a good friend of mine, I decided to purchase "Everquest". Up to this point I had only heard good things about it, and did look interesting when I watched my friend play it. So I thought I would give it a try. In the end it got old, and I cancelled my account.

Let me start off first by listing the games good points. The graphics are very good, smooth, and crisp. It has very little lag, which is one of the main reasons I gave it two stars. Let me tell you, I play Ultima Online and it lags horrendously. On my pentium 233, 33.6 modem I wasn't expecting anything differnet when I started EQ. I was greatly surprised. The game ran smoothly, and only went choppy at times when there was a great crowd of people around me. I definently give credit to Verant for that. There are a lot of different races and classes provided which offers a lot of variety. There is the faction system. Evil players can't get into good towns because of bad faction with the guards, etc. Some people may tell you it's annoying, but I think it adds to the value. There are endless quests to keep you occupied, tons of items to get, and so many differnt places to go. Unfortunately, it's going to take you a LONG time to go to get to these places.

Now to the bad points. Character development is slow and tedious. Level ups don't come without hours of work. Just getting to level 12 took me over 24hours playing time. I played a Dark Elf Shadow Knight for those who are familiar with the game. The hardest class to get level ups in. As another reviewer made a point before, it gets boring. For the first month of playing I loved it, and then I slowly started to realize, that I kept doing the same thing over and over again. Go out, fight, sit down and heal, fight some more, and desperately try to get that level up. A lot of EQ players have a terrible attitude. Trying to roleplay will get other players sneering, and cussing you out. I'm sorry but I thought it was supposed to be a "role playing game"! I think a great number of players are just intolerant teenagers. In one instance, I was out fighting in a desert called North Ro. A dark elf npc named Dorn was there, and people were asking others to help kill it. I declined, because since I myself were Dark Elf, my faction would take a bad hit. One player responded saying "F--k your faction". I'm sorry, I just don't appreciate that in a video game. People take it far to seriously. After endlessly trying to get level ups, I got tired of it. The appeal was gone, and my account was cancelled soon after.

The game has it's high points, but it's value is brought down greatly with the mass of bad points. I've heard of a lot of people getting addicted to the game. Somehow struggling to get a level up, getting endlessly frusterated in the process, doesn't sound too exciting or addictive to me. If you find you're getting addicted, get off of it. Don't neglect your family because of it. How stupid can one get? As for me, I'll stick with my Ultima Online for now. And the friend who got me into the game? He's since quit, after reaching lvl 52 with his Shadow Knight, for the same reason I did.

Not Recommended!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Pros and cons.
Review: As many of my fellow EQers have stated, this game is VERY addicting. I personally go home on my lunch hour and play everquest for thirty to fourty minutes. For the most part, however, I dissagree with my collegues. Many of the cons mentioned, like poor interface, the $10 fee, credit card required, aren't that big a deal. The user interface problem dissapears within the first month if you stick with it. There was a game on the good ol console systems, the N64, called Perfect Dark. It's INCREDIBLY hard for a beginner to control. But you master it over time.

The only real cons I see are the need for a graphix accellerator. (which IS totally required.) I know a ton of people who really REALLY want EQROK, but can't because they have creative labs video cards. Voodoo 3 4 or 5 are preferable, but they have creative. Not a good situation.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: ...
Review: This game is terrible. The only oohs and ahhs are its graphics which are less than spectacular. There seems to be little interactions or quests or anything beyond killing monsters. I was rather bored with it in notime. ...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Stay away from this game!
Review: All this game is constant fight, med, fight, med, fight, med. You literally spend 90% of your time sitting doing absolutely nothing (mostly meditating to regain your health). You do the same thing over and over and over and over.

Verant also has VERY poor customer support. They do not listen to their customers, and they will literally ban you because you say something negative about them on their message board. I know because they have banned/suspended me because I said something negative about them.

Even the graphics of this game are outdated by todays standards. The game is literally a waste of time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Onlne RPG to date, hands down.
Review: If you like the idea of having one ever changing gigantic world with thousands of players online at the same time, then this is a game for you. However if you value your social life in any way, stay away! This game is extremely addicting, as you no longer care about anything in real life, only about getting that next level :) Has a variety of classes and races to play from an Ogre Warrior, High Elf Cleric or even a Gnomish Necromancer. Great game in all aspects, although very time consuming. Highly reccomended, A+!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Warning: Highly addictive gameplay
Review: EverQuest, the best MMRPG (massive multi-player role playing game) on the market at this time. First, this game is addictive, if you value anything in your REAL life like; relationships, work, school, health, or your pets... don't buy this game. It is extremely addictive, and I say that from experience. As for the actual game, the graphics are wonderful, not as good as say Quake 3 but better then any other Online RPG out there. The game play is good, combat can get a little boring and monotonous if you let it. The interface is not very user friendly, with a manual that is better tossed in the garbage then read, EverQuest is not a game for newbies. The game is good but not perfect, it has some serious balance issues, especially in the PVP (player vs player) department. And you will find your self using the ignore command often with all the immature kids who play. If you are looking for a real role playing game don't bother here. Very few people role play in EverQuest, which overall degrades the experience. The kunark expansion, adds a new race (Iksar) and a new continent to explore. The graphics have been improved on the new continent and realy add to the game. All in all it is a good game, and even better if you play it with real life friends.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everquest
Review: I have never been a lover of computer games. Even computers for that matter, however after watching a friend play and not hearing from him for days on end, I began to wonder what the big deal was. I created a character a little over a year ago and soon after bought the game. This is that best game I have ever played. But bewarned! This game is highly addictive. I would recomend this game to people of all ages. It is more than graphics and cool sounds, it is a whole world of it's own, where all your fantisies of dragons and wizzards come true. You develop relationships and friendships with other players. You join guilds and raid castles. Give it a try!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The most Addictive Game I've ever played
Review: Everquest is single most addictive game I've ever played. I've racked up over 1400 hours playing this game since last November. This game has more facets than the Hope Diamond! And its affect can be as disasterous to your social life. The game has scores of zones to explore. Hundreds of quests to resolve (some of which are Broken) Monsters to slay and loot to collect. There are on average 70,000 people playing this game on a nightly basis. Many of whom have been there a LOT longer than me. I can see how some would find it boring because nothing is as easy as it should be. This is a thinking man's game. The more you play it the more addicted you get. I see a lot of youngsters try it and leave quickly.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: More than just a game!
Review: If I never actually saw EverQuest, I wouldn't believe such a thing exists. It's more than a game, really, a virtual world would be a better way of describing it. In EverQuest, each player can create a character. (up to 8 characters, actually). The player needs to choose a race (more than a dozen races, Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Iksar - a lizardlike race, halfling, etc), and a class. Contrary to regular role playing games (well, at least those I played..), there are *many* classes, and many spell casting classes - and each has *so* many spells which are different. Every class gives you a different kind of game. The player can be an enchanter, a magician, a shaman - or play a warrior type class, such as a monk, a warrior, a Paladin, a shadowknight and much more. Once the player has a character, he is ready to be immersed in EverQuest. The setting is of a fantasy world, with thousands of people connected at any given moment, which gives it a feeling of realism. This is a well defined world, with maps, and different climates to different regions. It actually takes hours (real life) to get from one side of the world to the other! If you never played in such a game - try EverQuest, you won't regret it. (and even if you do, well, the first month is free, so you haven't lost anything).

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