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EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Same ole same ole
Review: The death of this game is the static world. Nothing in this game ever changes. People dont die, creatures are killed only to respawn minutes later, cities are present at the start and are from then on the exact same, ect...

Roleplaying in this environment is impossible and most players are dead against it (they will actually belittle you for it). If dark characters or races wish to destroy a good city they are unable. The guards are buffed to near invinsible status. It used to be that you could kill guards but now they had a magic resist increase so that noone in the game can touch them. These guards even if killed will just respawn 5 minutes later which means a evil force will never hold a city and will never be able to destroy it.

The world of Norath is completly untouchable and unchangable to the players. Trees in the game can not be chopped down, buildings cannot be created or destroyed and great creatures such as dragons are killed only to come alive 1 week later like they were never killed to begin with. The lack of changes and the lack of things to do other then exp and get KewL LeWt is the death of this game. A world such as this where the players have more control and where they could affect the environment and enact real changes would be somthing great but this game is the opposite.

This is not a MMORPG it is a MMOG there is no RP to this game at all. This basically is a game where you play to get tougher so you can get better stuff. After you have spent real months of your time finally trying to get tough you find that you are still weak and at level 60 (the highest you can get this will take 1000's of hours) you are still no match for the town guards with their magic imunity. There is no end to this game it is named well and there is no point.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: love to hate it, hate to love it
Review: For all of you who are trying to figure out why some of the reviewers are so insistent that Everquest is not worthwhile, here's the reason ...The low reviewers probably had to face the reality that they are addicts just like the rest of us. They came to a point in their life where they had to choose between 1. losing their job, losing their significant other, and losing their hold-on-reality, (not to mention being really sick of ordering take-out because they've been too busy to cook hehe) or 2. cancelling their EQ account. The game made them angry because they thought of nothing else for weeks on end. Or perhaps they baracaded themselves into their bedroom, and spent a WEEK camping a particular lore item, only to lose the roll for it to another player..hehe. This game is HIGHLY addictive, and despite the "bugs" (none of which have I encountered in the 4 months I've played ), is pretty incredible. I imagine if you are not into interacting with other intelligent beings, and more interested in an instant-gratification, shoot-em up game that takes little more than hand-eye-coordination to succeed at, you would not enjoy EQ. It does take a LONG time to build up a decent character. But there are endless quests, endless items to seek out, a huge universe, and the best part....other real, live characters to interact with on many levels. There is a TON of information on the net, including item information, skill-developing instructions, and maps of the EQ world. The experiences I've had with the GMs has been positive, and as one other reviewer stated, if you treat them with respect they will do the same for you. I highly recommend Everquest.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Based on other MMORPG's...
Review: Everquest is the best...of course there is room for improvement...and many people say Verant makes it unbearable to play the game, but if you wouldn't whine so much, Verant could do their jobs pertaining to programming the game, so much of even their programmers times are swallowed by customer service...

Regardless here are the pros and cons:

Pros: exceptional Class/Race selection Player interaction encouraged PVP optional Unique continents and cities MOBS unique to zones hunderds of zones, so if you are like me, and actually explore... the game doesn't have to be monatonous, it is only that way if you make it be... Exceptional tactics options based upon class and of whom your party is comprised

Cons: overcrowded servers/zones Campers, of course this isn't verant's fault, rather it is those who chose to do so, and those who do I will never understand...item camping is extremely boring Newbies (but they improve) visual options for characters limited till higher levels

Well, there it is...and my recomendation... Play and enjoy it, without complaining...and if you are to complain, quit playing, we don't want to hear you whine anyway

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: OK people so it has a few bugs
Review: This is a good expansion for everquest. I say good because it does limit the lower level characters for adventuring in it unless you are an Iksar and some do get some drag from video glitches but all in all for those that are high enough level it is a well needed expansion. It gives higher levels an added challenge that other games do not and it does not end so there is no "ok so I finished it, what now". Another aspect is it gives people a chance to meet other people from around the world without even going to the country they are in. Some may also say "What about the cost per month?" Ok, think about this. How much does it cost to go out on the town for ONE night a month? You can't do it for even $10.00 A NIGHT, let alone a month! The whole key to this game is to make friends and have fun. I recomend this game for people who want to save money and meet people from around the world ... not the power gamer types.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everquest: Ruins of Kunark
Review: Everquest: Ruins of Kunark is the best game I have ever played. It is such a great game because it is so large and won't get boring for a very long time, and they have so many characters to choose from. There are thousands and thousands of weapons of items making it the coolest game I have ever played.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Arrogant GM's, full of bugs and poor customer support.
Review: This game is full of bugs; so many that the server's go down once every week to have it fixed. If you don't mind waiting up to an hour (depending on the speed of your connection) to download the latest bug fix, then this area of concern should not be a problem for you. Then there is the customer support issue, you normally pay around ten dollars a month to play, this translates into little or no help from the customer support people in the game called GM's. The game is really tough, verant wants to make money so their not going to make the game easy. When you die because of a bug, then good luck to you. You will get the standard answer "I didn't see the bug so I can't help you." This is frustating because you lose about 3 to 5 hours worth of experience points each time you die. To give an example, my character died because of a bug, the game froze as soon as I zoned and I was getting whacked from a monster that I couldn't see and I couldn't do a thing. After I reset my computer and went back to get my character's dead body, it wasn't there in the spot where I died. After about an hour of trying to get a GM's attention I was told that the body was there. I went back to look again, but no body. Well, after several more attempts of trying to get the GM's attention again, he finally told me where the body was. I had to pull the information out of this guy, it turned out that the body was in another zone, completely different from the zone I died in, and I had to drag the information from him before he told me this! The GM wouldn't give me back my experience points so a I asked if he could atleast get my body back for me since I didn't know exactly where it was, he said no. I said fine, and after I colorfully told him what verant can do with this crappy game I deleted my account and quit. There is however another plan where you pay about $49 dollars a month which supposedly will give you better customer support, I laughed when I was offered this. This plan probably would have given me the right to be told that my body was in another zone without me having to drag it out from the GM's. Ontop of all this, the GM's get bored sometime and mess with the players. There are some monsters in the game that roam around and the GM's would take control of one of these monsters to kill players for the sheer fun of it or to get back at a player for putting them in their place. They can even go as far as altering your stats without you knowing it, which will make a significant differce in the game on whether you live or die; you can't win in a fight with a monster if you keep missing five or six times in a row while the monster's almost never miss. It's really sad to see you're character get whacked and all you see is "you have missed." All in all, the game is okay if you don't mind all the problems associated with it. NOT!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: E-Crack
Review: This game is a drug, pure and simple. It's horridly bad for you. It'll make you skip school, miss work, and generally become an unbalanced person. When you're playing it, all your problems are forgotten and you are oblivious to the outside world. When you stop playing it, you suddenly realize it's dark outside and you've gotten nothing done. It leads to excessive inactivity, both physical and mental, which can result in tiredness, forgetfulness, and irritability. The worse things become in your real life, the more you come to depend upon it, the more you need it to forget what you'll have to face eventually.

Then you have to pray that you have good friends and a loving family to pull you out of the whole mess. Even after a year of abstinence from direct contact, you still have a strong feeling of emptiness that did not exist before. EverQuest(or EverCrack as many of the players have come to call it) is like the devil: don't sign your name, or you'll lose your soul. Don't make the mistake I made. At least I learned something from my experience, and that is the danger of drugs, in whatever forms they might take.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This is the most addictive game ever. The graphics are wonderful, there are so many things do do and places to go in this game. My friends and I have lost so much sleep while playing this game, because you CANT STOP. However you need to pay a 10$ monthy fee with your credit card if you want to play. But, nonetheless this game is a MUST BUY.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Everquest may not be for everyone
Review: After reading the reviews hear I only have one thing to say...IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT PLAY IT...Griping aint going to change it. The folks that do enjoy it would probably enjoy it more if you weren't there anyway.

Now that I've got that out of the way.

Most games out there today are played and completed in a finite amount of time, and I believe thats what the complainers are complaining about. They want a game that they can see the end to. This isn't it. You can play for months and the end is no where in sight, if there is an end. If you get tired of it, walk away for a week or two or even longer, but you will be back making new friends and enemies.


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Correcction
Review: Sorry but I have to post this to defend myself after the lie spread by someone else here. I did not swear when Verant suspended my account, they just plain didn't like what I said, and thats the truth.

They will ban you for whatever they please.

I also see that she said her highest character is level 10... well Mine is level 44. So I do know what I'm talking about. This game is a total waste of time, literally.

PS: The higher the level you get in this game, the worse it gets. I will never buy a Verant created game again.

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