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EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: AVOID!
Review: This game cannot be called an RPG. No one roleplays. The whole point of it is to kill and get stuff. There is no storyline at all. Period.

Oh yeah. As if it gets any worse, its addictive too.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Addictive!!
Review: As I write this my father is busy playing. He plays from the time he gets home until he goes to bed (1 hour off for Star Trek on Wendsday, this is the only thing he does on weekends. Many people are more obssessed (so he says, but is he trying to defend himself?). He plays on two computers at once!

If the user won't have addiction problems then this is a great game because it has a huge world to explore and it takes a long time to loose intrest (which is good due to the hefty price.)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Too good to bash
Review: This game is the best. Graphically stunning, visually beautiful and immerse. Never before has any game Ive played been the compelling. Thopusands of quests over 300,000 users online and never do I have problems moving around or slowing up. Sometimes there are problems, but it HAS to go with the territory. A game this incredible, with so much going on at one time has to have some bugs and the Sony team is constantly patching and making sure all is well. Id really suggest this to anyone who love fantasy roleplay and online games. My only suggestion is....have a machine which is very high spec-wise or you will run into problems. I played on a 200 Mhz and had many issues, and when I switched to my 800 Mhz, it runs so well, that Ive become an addict.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everquest is what you make of it
Review: Everyquest is the best online RPG there is in the market, and with the two expansions, it gets better. Incredible graphics, awesome worlds,races, class's to see, ...Everyquest is what you make of it. Lots of people do roleplay and you can if you choose to it only makes the game funner for you. There are tons of quests to do, plenty of land to explore, and new people to meet. There are some downpoints to EQ though...First off, it is HIGHLY ADDICTIVE. You will be consumed into the world of everquest playing long days and all night till morning untill you eyes are bleeding. EQ can be very laggy with mass amounts of people in the same area, movement is almost unbareable. Overcrowded servers are another problem...lots of places to gain EXP is over camped due to the large number of people on the server. I don't think the price is too unreasonable, could be a few dollars cheaper, but hey, if you are a real gamer it won't stop you. All in ALL EQ rocks. I would recomend it to the hardcore gamer...this is not a game for wimps. It involves long hours of game play to get anywhere..take it from someone who has a 58 cleric, 52 wizard, 31 sk and 17 rogue in the game :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ever-crack
Review: EQ is the best game i have played. i have played Ultima online, and Asherons call... they dont come close to the fun i have had in EQ. many of the bad reviews are from people that are burned out or out to ruin the reputation of EQ because they were banned for doing somthing they shouldent have been doing (harassing other people, exploiting bugs etc.) EQ is usually patched weekly, adding new aspects to the game as well as reducing bugs. in defence of verant GM's there are approx. 2500 people on each server and usually about 3-5 GM's. these guys are usually pretty cool if you dont push them to hurry up. every time i have called apon a GM, they have always been helpful. the only reasons someone should not play this game is if they are married and their spouse does not play also :) it will put an end to any relationships very quickly.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: do NOT buy this game as a gift!
Review: Don't buy this game (the orginal or any add-ons) as a gift to anyone you truly care about. This game is addictive and time-consuming, and it can destroy people's lives, relationships and careers. Ulimately it is an empty time-waster designed to make money at the expense of people's time, exploiting human tendencies to egoism and procrastination. Verant make money from monthly subscriptions to the game, so it is in their interests to make it compulsive. The game is designed so that you will not enjoy it unless you spend substantial amounts of time playing. There are people who play up to 18 hours a day 7 days a week, which doesn't leave much time for Real Life. You have been warned!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: GOOD, but not for EVERYONE.
Review: I like the game (that's why it gets 4 stars), but it's only fun for those who spend 12 hours a day on the damn thing. A casual player like myself plays maybe an hour or 2 a week. There are 2 problems with this. The game is huge and if you plan on being just a casual player you are going to get nowhere and whine because you get killed alot. Second, this game is really friggin' expensive so unless you play all day everday, you aren't getting your money's worth. Bottom line: unless you plan on being obsessed with this game, and forget everything else it's not for you.


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: If developers want to know what NOT to do, play this game.
Review: Why, the lag, steep system requirements, and bad gameplay, and the fact that the gameplay is outdated and uncomprimising, makeing you play in one way, and that way ain't good. What way is that? The sit and kill way. Thats all you do. Fans will argue that its deeper than that, but that isn't true. Thats all you do, theres no reason to roleplay or do anything usefull. Besides the crapy gameplay the game suffers alot of other problems, the lag is one, when I played it was really bad, nearly everywhere. I never had anyfun when my game was running at one frame per second! Anyways, if you want a good, solid roleplaying experiance play Ultima Online, if you want an outdated (by ten years!!) game masked by pretty graphics, go ahead get on the Everquest band wagon.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Evercrack is a great name for it...
Review: Roleplaying games had become too linear as of late, especially if you play game console RPG's. Now we have Everquest... As a roleplaying game, it is superior. With the wide range of cities, races, classes, quests, and guilds the game seems to have no boundaries. Kiss your free time goodbye!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This game will CONSUME you...
Review: I bought this game at the recommendation of a friend, and its been all uphill from there. This game is so satisfying that it leaves the player yearning for more not unlike the third book in an awesome trilogy. You simply cannot wait to enter new areas and sample new things in this near perfect online rpg. And, last but not least the people that you meet in this game are just like yourself (DOOMED TO AN EXISTANCE OF ONLINE RPG WORSHIP) they help one another and act in most ways like a team of people trying to forget about the stress and problems of life if only for a little while. Pick this one up, you WON"T be dissapointed.

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