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EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game-Very addictive
Review: When I brought this game home I had doubts about whether I would like it. The box was not very descriptive. Then, when I downloaded and tried to play, I found out there was a fee. I decided to pay because I should at least try it. So, I started the game. At first it was confusing, but once you learn the basics its really fun. I was addicted and I had only played it once. Many times on the weekends I'll play it the whole day. You might have to try a bunch of different types of characters to get used to the game before you choose one you want to stick with. Also, the stragety guide really helped me. After I got it, I went up 4 levels in one day, and before I got it I played for two days and stayed on level 1! I think this is a great game for people of all ages. I've grouped with people aging from 11 up!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not impressive graphicly, definitely addictive
Review: We all got that one right, it's yet another highly addictive online game. That's the primer that everybody knows. The question that remains is why since there are many reasons NOT to be addicted to this game.

I bought Asheron's Call & EverQuest the same day. I wanted to make a fair review on both of them as well as finding out which one was more fun to play. Considering the amount of time we play on ONE online game, we usually can't afford to play 2 of them!

Gaming Experience: EverQuest
Team Play: EverQuest
Graphics: Asheron's Call
Quests: Asheron's Call

Bottom Line? Well, Asheron's Call has a much better environment, the graphics are nicer, the software is more thought out... But EverQuest is winning my contest since I couldn't get out of it (and still can't). Why if AC looks nicer? The people! Take 80,000 ppl (EQ) vs 20,000 (AC) on average nights and it's not even lagging. There is always newcomers and stronger people. The stronger people are always helping out the newbies, either in healing ppl or giving them money/items. The grouping features are nice and I had fun every nights with new people all the time.

Goodbye nights!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Game If You Have Time
Review: it is a great game, amazingly fun, and has thousands of quests to do. I love it, but it takes some time. It can be the funnest thing in your life, as it is as addictive as chocolate.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Lancefighter Strykestorm, Paladin of Karana ( Karana Server)
Review: This game lasted a very short time for me. It takes forever to Level at the higher levels. I am currently level 26 and quitting the game. There are 60 levels now with the addition of Kunark. At 26, it will take me 7hours of Real Life time to level up. And a friend of mine who is level 52 says it will take him weeks to level up and he is a constant gamer. If you really feel the need to waste time, this is your game. I highly recommend you find a faster, quicker game to play, since this game will take you over 50 days of play time, yes 1200 hours of play time to reach level 60 at the very least. Well, there you have the most time consuming waste of time. I am heavily dissapointed in the way this game turned. After 8 months of play ( I'm a student so i dont have too much time, but about 3hours a day ) i had two characters, level 26 and level 19. Let that do the talking

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: good but not great
Review: Everquest is one of the best rpg multiplayer games i have ever seen the only problem i have with it is that it can get very confusing to a first time player and the game is kinda difficult to understand, other than that i think its a great game. buy this if you know that you'll think you can understand it and put lots of time into it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 3D Roleplaying very similar to AD&D
Review: I started playing Everquest only weeks after I finished with Ultima:Online. Not bad I thought but nothing special. That was the first day. After a week I had discovered the true fun of the game. FIrst off the world is absolutley huge. I have been playing for over two months and have just managed to explore one continent (thats about 1/5 of the world and getting bigger), but only covered it, there is so much more to see and do just on that continent. The many different combinations of race, class, starting location and even your god that you worship can influence your character. The people you meet will all help you achieve your goal with their own unique skills and abilities. For example a simple Wizard could not hope to take on some of the tougher creatures of the land alone, but grouping with a fighter for example allows them both to work together doing what they do best, the fighter fights while the wizard stays out of damage and aids the warrior. The grouping system is focused on mainly but if you don't have any friends playing EQ (but you will find them) you can still solo easily. It is fun to play with or without friends and there is just so much to see and do and try out you will more than likely be playing posibly a year before you can say you have seen and done it all and with new expansions coming out all the time you may never stop.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The Truth about Everquest!
Review: The Game: As far as Graphics and Challenges well there is nothing better on the market! You can either Solo or Group play and there are also Trades to take up. Fletching, Smithing, Tailoring, Jewel Crafting, etc. This is probably one of the main failings of the game... The Trades are basically non factors, Except Jewel crafting and even that is negligible! EQ has no economy as does Ultima! Many players in Ultima spend their days Working in their chosen trades and many players are eager to buy their wares. If EQ had spent a little more time on the trades and made them truly useful to players a TRUE economy could have developed. Combat is tedious but Spellcasting is somewhat exciting... Classes are stock with little room for customizing your character save for weapon selection and clothing and armor! The Customer Service: Well if they have such a thing it is by accident! The so called GMs (Game Masters) Treat people with disdain in most cases, and out right contempt in others (The good experiences people have with GMS are the exception rather than the rule!) It is hard to describe these situations to non players but to give an idea how bad customer service is in EQ imagine going to restaurant and standing in line (for a very long time) to use the salad bar, getting your food, having a waiter knock your dish out of your hand (without as much as an "excuse me" from him) when you get back to your seat someone else is at your table and when you went to complain to the management their reaction is "can your prove this happened?" I am a middle-aged adult and own a business and am astonished how rude the top management is towards their customer base! This gives one an idea how powerful this game medium is and when the next step (The Future Game that will be better than Everquest) comes Customers will drop this game in droves!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This game is awesome!!
Review: This game is so much fun- I got it over a year ago, and I haven't been able to stop playing since. You meet lots of people from all over the world, and can explore a lot of different zones in the game. Really good graphics, new areas and items are being added all the time. Definately a 5 star game, Everquest is the best.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best thing since sliced bread.
Review: I am a true game addict and I know the good, from the bad, and from the ugly. This game I consider to be a good one. I say this because of the vast gameplay and the varieties of combinations you can choose to make your character. With 13 different races to choose from, (including Trolls, Ogres, Gnomes, etc..) 14 different classes to be, (including Wizards, Mages, Warriors, etc..) and 14 cities, the fun never ends. Weapons and armor can be bought to strengthen your character or just make him/her look beautiful and admired. This game was given a teen rating because of blood, gore, and animated violence. This so called blood and gore is not shown in EQ, the only blood in the game is hanging from the mouths of the evil ogres and whenever you are killed in the game, your corpse does not turn into a pile of rotting bones but just looks like someone curled up in a ball on the ground. This game does not just appeal to Americans only, there are also thousands of people from Germany to Russia. In short, this game is a must-have for anyone who is a true gamer and a game that should be kept away from people who want to spend any time with their families.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Check this game out
Review: If you have a social life (eg. girlfriend) I advise you to stay clear of this game. But if your parents and you want to keep your kids inside and out of trouble get them this...they wont leave the house, I know I dont go out as much. When you first start playing Everquest you think ^why did I buy this, its the dumbest game in the world^ but when you get further along, increasing stats ect you will undoubtably get hooked, jock or not.... Another good point about this game is that you get practically 0 lag no matter what your connection, and they keep adding expansions to it.

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