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EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Great potential but...
Review: The whole game centers around collecting items by sitting and waiting 8-10 hours at a time in line with other players who want the same item from a rare creature that may appear once in a week.

The game has lots of potential but this focus of the game ruins any potetntial for roleplaying or strategy. It consists of lots of boring sitting and waitin for rare creatures to spawn and squabling with other players so you can get your character the best items. There dont seem to be any other goals in the game.

It could be a lot of fun if a comapany that had half a clue about gameplay and fun took over management of the game.This will never happen so it will never be.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Great game...
Review: thats right... gre..at?..game. See?: You get into the game and get all excited in the character creation screen. Just then you realize that there is only about five faces per race... WTF?! It's horrible, thousands of people play this game and they all look the same! It's like Nazi Germany Verant-style! So anyway, then you get into the game and start in your home-maze err umm city yeah city (maze!) and spend hours trying to find your guildhouse. Sure the nice people from the guildhouse give you a note for directions, but can you follow these instructions?: Go north from Jackpotty's Inn then go west and POW there it is... isn't it obvious? NO!! What they don't tell you is that all the buildings look the same and who knows where the heck Jackpotty Inn is? Huh?! Once you've found your guild, you get to turn in those great directions and you recieve your guild-potato-sack-shirt. Yeah lets go battle evil now! Time to leave the maze (another hour wasted looking for the exit), but don't worry you know your way around now don't you? NO!!! (Just think, you get to find your guild again after you gain a level to train! Fun!). Now its time to go battle evil... or rats as it is. Ok now you've found your target (a large rat), you click on it and hit "A". Now its time for the entertaining part... you get to see yourself get beat by a rat. Oh no, you don't have to do a thing, just hit "A" and sit back and relax (if possible, but the feeling only lasts a few seconds after you realize that you will die and you must run from the rat, but the rat can out-run you, too bad). You've probably died now. You are reborn in a strange neck of the woods that you've never been to in your life. Time to find your corpse (disturbing isn't it?) so you can retrieve your precious, precious items. Having fun yet? Good. Anyway, after four levels of rats and the occasional snake, you get to move on to bigger and better things... ok they aren't really bigger or better. Just about then things get hard. After dying, you no longer get your items back automatically so if you lose your corpse (eww) you're done for because it's impossible to get items back in this game. Now its time to start a new character or in my case cancel your account (this will be the best thing you will ever do). Basically this game is not fun, its all about greedy people who want more and more items. It's all about the items. As far as gameplay, its EXTREMELY REPETITIVE!!! The only thing I found mildly entertaining was PvP combat, but since there is no skill involved in fighting, it wasn't too fun. Never heard a whiner before? Well there's about 10000 whiners in this game! Wahhhh you stole my rusted burnt broken effriti mask of the land (what the heck is that?!). One more thing, watch out for EQ loyalists. I could go on and on, but I'll stop, besides you've probably stopped reading this by now =P.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: *sigh*
Review: I am a causal gamer. I started playing this game when it first came out. Initaily, I loved it despite all of the glitches it has. But as time wore on, I found my self increasingly unstaisfied.I though "Gee, guess I'll try another class." and I did and found I like playing...then I took a break from it for about 6 months. After that long span of time I started playing again. Still though, I was unsatified. tried to play more combonations and different classes. About a year later I gave up. No other game has truly proven to be as tedious as this one, no other game has ever had such terrible users support and help, and finally, no aspect of this game gives any sort of accomplishment. All you do is run around killing things. There is no thinking involved, unless you are an enchanter, but that is one tough class to play at times. It is also exclusivly tailored to what are called mega or farm guilds. They sit around tough mobs and kill them, geting the loot so that they can sell. Can anyone imagine anything more ludicrious than that?! It a damn game! Anyhow, I'm going to try AC. From what I hear, that is more my sort of game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A "holodeck" precursor
Review: Well, I'm 65+ yrs old, been addicted to SciFi/Fantasy since I could read and I am AMAZED and heartened by the whole concept and implementation of this "game". My title says it for me. My son, a player calls me a "junkie". The possibilities for role playing, advancement etc. can be whatever suits your personality/playing style etc. I think a lot of "seniors", shut-ins etc. would really get off on this if they could overcome the 'kid's thing' idea. Only problem I have is logging off. Always have 1 or 2 things more I want to do. Does 50 or so hrs/wk make one a "junkie"? Probably, but what the hey. Probably wont live long enough to 'play' holodeck but I can really get immersed in EQ.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun but...
Review: The great thing about Everquest is the fact that you can comonicate with others, and make partys. EQ has a great amount of races and occupations that you can be, and many contanents to explore.It also has an original attack system. So why only 4 stars? First of all this is an expansive game in which you pay a monthly fee. Second, by now the graphics are very last year. And finally, many people call this the most addictive gamme ever, I personally get very bord after playing for an hour. Do not get me wrong this game is fun. But I just do not think it is worth the price.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WARNING
Review: This game is the MOST addicting game ever made. They give you the first month free so you can get through the first "What is going on stage" and get straight to the addiction. But the game IS worth the 10$ a month!!! You will not mind the time is takes to get the levels to move forword because you will love every second.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Why am I writing a review? I could be playing EQ!
Review: I'm not sure what I expected to get out of "EverQuest," having heard some opinions from people who are much more hardcore gamers than I am, but here's what I got out of it:

"EverQuest" is not a regular computer game. You don't pop it into your computer, go whack a certain number monsters on the head, win, and then deinstall it. Those games are a lot of fun, but once you've, say, killed Diablo several times with different character types in "Diablo II," you're not exactly rushing to do it the 300th time. Not by any means. (Great game, "Diablo II," but a different sort of animal altogether.) Those that see "EverQuest" as a big online "Quake" game seem to get very frustrated with many aspects of the game, including other players, and the feeling is usually mutual.

That's because, instead of "Diablo," "EverQuest" is more akin to a huge themed chat room interwoven with a game. Sure, you can and do play by yourself sometime, but you have to hunt far and wide across the game world of Norrath to find a place where you won't be interacting with someone else. (For the record, you can find it: Go to the Tox Forest south of Erudin, and swim west from the docks. The Kerra Isle zone is almost always empty, and it's especially so inside, if you choose not to hunt the native cat people, but instead do the quests for them. The quiet is a nice change from the sometimes deafening roar that pervades most EQ zones.)

In fact, the game is designed to more or less force you to work with other players: After getting your character (selected from either sex, multiple fantasy races and about as many fantasy hero/villain careers) up a few levels whacking the more mundane monsters and animals, you pretty quickly run into a wall where it becomes much harder to go at it alone. Jack may have been a giant-killer in the fairy tale, but if you want to kill giants in EQ, you're going to need friends. And that's what makes EQ a killer app: Interaction. You may think you aren't interested in making a bunch of online friends, but you'll soon find yourself laughing with, cursing with and adventuring with strangers from around the globe. I have no idea who some of the people I play with are beyond the vaguest details, but it doesn't matter. I get to jump into this fantasy world and I've got brave friends who have my back as I have theirs, ready and waiting.

Hardcore gamers, as I alluded to earlier, will quibble about some of EQ's technical specifications. First off, I've had very few technical problems. I can almost always connect within 30 seconds, have been kicked off line only twice in over six weeks of play, and the dreaded "lag" where the game continues by the connection between server and home computer can't keep up, has rarely been a problem. It occurs, but it's not very problematic, and even the harshest EQ critics acknowledge that it's getting better all the time.

There's also some talk that the graphics, especially in the original section of EQ (the continents of Antonica and Faydwer, and the island of Odus) aren't up to par, but I don't get the argument. Setting the game at maximum resolution (because I've got a late model computer), the graphics are gorgeous, and I haven't even explored the prettier (and more graphics-intensive) continent of Kunark yet.

For fantasy fans, EQ strikes a good balance between the familiar and the new. Many players want to play traditional elves and dwarves, and those areas of Faydwer are packed to the gills (particularly the elvish areas of the Faydark forest). You can help a sickly unicorn, slay dragons, play as a hobbit-like halfling and battle fierce orcs. Or, if you need another Tolkein-inspired fantasy game like you need a hole in the head, you can be an Erudite magician from far-off Odus (EQ has included a fantasy race of color, the Erudites, with a lightly African-themed look to them, and has made them the preeminent masters of all sorts of magic, good and evil, in the world of Norrath), exploring the deadly continent of Kunark and battling the native lizard peoples, the Iksar, there. (The Iksar are also a playable race, for those looking for an extremely distinctive character type.)

There's more to this game than can be covered in this review -- characters can develop skills beyond the ability to kill each other; my gnome wizard is an accomplished linguist, for instance, meaning that I've had to sit down with more than a dozen player-controlled characters of non-gnomish descent and share language lessons -- as EQ is a rich, deep, surprisingly immersive game.

Everything they say is true: EQ is addictive. And there's lots of good reasons why. A terrific game, and my household has two copies, one for me, and one for my wife.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Game but...
Review: I think EQ is an amazing game. I've played it at my friends house a lot of times. The replay value is good and the different classes ad to the gameplay. At first I was sitting there with my friend for half an hour trying to figure out who I wanted to be (I wanted to make sure I had the best for my type of play). When I finally did I almots went crazy (but in a good way) about the fact, that I still had to pick a religion. I loved the game so much I decided to buy it right away. Before I did I luckily found out that one has to pay a monthly fee. There is no way I'm going to pay a monthly fee! I want to buy other games too. Like Diablo II. So I have to say if there were no monthly fee I would immediatly buy the game. But there is!

I do however recommend this game to anyone who can live with a monthly fee.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Looking for an RPG? Look elsewhere
Review: Everquest is extremely tedious and boring. It is perhaps the greatest waste of time ever concieved. Role Playing is virtually non existant. It just doesn't happen. It takes hundreds if not thousands of hours in the game to reach maximum levels, it takes a few hundred hours just to get to a high enough level to begin having fun. The instruction manual for the game is so inadequate they shouldn't have wasted the paper to publish it. You will need to buy a book about the game if you have any hope of successfully having any fun whatsoever. It is very difficult to figure out how to play, and you are pretty much on your own since nobody cares much for showing newbies the ropes. Mainly because it would take enough rope to reach the moon. Don't bother with this one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Just Fantastic!!!!!
Review: My Daughter begged for months for me to let her have this and I was very nervious about a roleplay game on line. I didnt want her to get to involved with it and for get the rest of the would. We got it for her and started watching her play it. You get the first month free for hooking up. The more I watched the more I got interested in what she was doing. So She helped me start a char on her account. You can have up to 8 char per Server and there are a bunch of servers you can hook up with so hence you could have unlimited char if you choose. Now mind you im not a young kid Im a 43 year old mom. From the first time i went out in the snow at everfrost i was addicted, Its a challange and makes you think all the time. Its up to you what you want your char to hunt or if you want to do a quest ( i have done a few now) or if you want to start a trade. You can group with people (recomeneded in some areas of hunting when you are lower). The graphics are just fantastic real sun sets and sun rises. There are deserts and swamp lands forests and dark lands. The creatures all look as they should ie lions look like lions and so on. There are fantasy creatures and then there are the very strange creatures like flying dragons and a thing that looks like a chicken that was from a bad experiment. As you move threw the different Zones there will be new challanges to meet. As you live in your city you will level up as you hunt animals or creatures. you will have to move on to new lands. You can be be ported and bound by enchanters or wizards. Each Class gets many many spells to learn how to use. I you dont want to be a caster you can be a warrior. We need tanks during grouping. The interaction with out game players is totaly fantastic. Its like you are there togeather and they can be half way around the world from you. Oh ya back to my daughter she had very bad typing abilty and spelling before everquest now she types faster than me and her spelling has improved greatly. and that had nothing to do wiht school. It teaches corroperation wiht others and kindness to others also. The rules of everquest are very good. and upheld. I would give this game a higher rateing than 5 if they had it. There is so much to this game, and may ways to go with it. I could go on for ever with the praise of this game. But you will have to find out for your self. Good luck, besafe. (Tantiana half elf druid, Taradana barbarian shaman, Tyhanna human enchanter)

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