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EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: a kid who knows his games
Review: If you like fantasy role-playing games than i recommend Everquest for you. It has everything a gamer wants. Action, weapons, adventure, and most of all FUN. Now Everquest might be a really fun game, but what takes some of the fun out is the fact that you can get robbed of all of your hard worked money and items. If someone kills you, then they deserve to get your possesions, but when you die by starving and you can't find your body to get your items, you're pretty much...... But, if you're good enough, in time you will regain everything all over again. And that feels good.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Still the Leader in Online RPGs
Review: One of the first graphic RPGs of its kind, EverQuest remains the king. Constantly changing and updating, EQ's community and involved gameplay is mind-warping. I myself was not a huge gamer before my friend told me to try it out less than a year ago.

If you've ever played Dungeons and Dragons or similar, or have ever wanted to see what the big deal is, you need to try EverQuest.

Ruins of Kunark is the best upgrade so far. This winter, stay tuned for Shadows of Luclin that will take EQ to the next level graphically.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Totally depends on you
Review: I've heard people say it's addicting and boring. Well, I play about 2 to 3 hours every week. I'm not addicted, I enjoy it however I'm still low level. I'm just saying that if you let it addict you it will, if you don't, it won't. What's all this talk about too expensive? I have a great system. My brother and I split the money to pay because we both play. However, you can get addicted if you let it. My brother is addicted, just don't let it happen to you! I love this game but I don't let it take over me. This is a great game because it isn't boring if your a spellcaster in my opinion. If you're considering buying this game, think about yourself. If you're playing with someone else, the price won't be bad, solo however it will be. Low levels have fun however. I'm having a blast with my level 3! It's you who makes the decision. Just go out and have some fun. Oh, by the way, it doesn't take away your social life if you let it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best I've seen
Review: I play alot of games, and I always get bored with them. With this game you can Literaly quest for ever. I think its the best out there. I've been playing it for about a year now.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I own Eq: The Ruins of Kunark. EQ is the greatest roleplaying game that there will ever be, and on top of that, it is very addicting....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everquest isn't everything but it's right up there with oxgn
Review: Everquest is the best game there is, no question about it. I have only had this game for about three months, but I think that it is better then all those other games (ie, starcraft, red alert, Asheron's Call). With over 375,000 subscribed users, two expansions (Scars of Velious and Ruins of Khunark), and a third one (Shadows of Lucin) coming out, Everquest is always growing. Usually on a busy night (Friday or Saturday night) there are 90,000 players on at once playing on 30 (or 40) different servers. The most appealing aspect of this game is the ability to interact with ther players form around the globe. Usually when you play a game, you are sitting there playing by yourself against the computer. In Everquest, if you want to have to a fun time, it is always in your best interest to find other players to play with. When I first bought this game, I didn't think it was that good. Why? Because the world of Everquest is HUGE! It can take like 10 hours to trek from one side of the world the the other without stopping. After a while, you can really get into this game.

Kaioshin <Knights of the Dark Exile> ... 13th season (and darn proud of it) Long Live Brell Serilis!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: EverCrack
Review: I've been playing video games for many years now. Considering Atari came out when I was 7. The main discussion with my friends would be, 'I can't wait until video games become more realistic'. Well, now it's happened. 90% of the people in EQ are real people. You can talk and interact with people who have opinions. (Beat that PONG) Everthing about your character is customizable. From what they wear, to their alchohol tolerence. (Yes, you can get wasted in EQ) The more you level, the stronger you become. But to level, you will more then likely have to team, or (group) with other players. Each class of people have thier own duties. Warriors are the brute strength, and Clerics are the healers, Wizards are casters. (this is very a very basic description) If you're healer isn't healing...you die. If you're Wizard isn't wizzing...you die. ETC... You work as a group and if you don't work well together then....you guessed it....you die. That's when you start to bond with other players. When you slay a dragon with a party of you're buddies, you'll know what I mean. And this game is not only for guys....(thank god). I was very suprised to see how many women play this game. My girlfriend for instance used to watch me play, and always said 'How can you play that for so long'. Now I have to pry her off of her LVL 5 Cleric so I can play. This game is beautiful, but don't expect it to be too detailed. By having it at slightly lower resolution, the game runs REALLY fast. But once you see a sunset or sunrise, you'll realise that the graphics are BUTTER. The items you can get for you're characters,(i.e long robes, shields, jewelry) look great too. And they set you apart from everyone else. And as for quests, there are TONS of them. They make up the game. But they don't just pop out at you everytime you play. You'll talk to someone, another player or a store clerk or a merchant. The more you inquire the more quests you will find. And players on-line develope thier own quests which makes it really easy to gain experience, different items and spells. There are many ways you can label this game, it has no set motive. You can make it a chatroom, where you can move your character around and change the appearance of your body. Or you can use this game as a hack 'n slash where you get all your agression out on some nasty looking beasts....OR you can do what I and many other players out in EQland do. Roleplay. Strive to be the most powerfull Wizard, or the strongest Warrior on the planet. Slay dragons and befriend unicorns. Be the true person you are inside, and that makes the game fun. Graphics in some areas are lacking, (very few) and there are some bug problems. But the community and the possibilities for the game are endless. There are some characters in the game that haven't even been fought with since the development of the game!!! The scale is huge. But if you don't like this game...that's cool. This game is what you make of it. But if you don't have imagination, then you shouldn't be playing a roleplaying game anyway....>83D)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BUY IT NOW
Review: This game has got to be the best ever made. The new expansion adding a lizard like Iksar, and the all new continent, Kunark, just makes it better. When I got this game for my birthday I thought that it would be good, but not too good. I was totally wrong. Not only is this game fun, but also VERY adictive....Want to lose all your free time? BUY IT! The graphics are not bad. Could be a little bit better, but the the gameplay is better than Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and GoldenEye combined! Only real bad thing is that you have to pay a $10 a month fee, which really isn't too bad. Trust me if you like fantasy and role playing games, this is the BEST ever made. And, if you dont like it....go see a doctor. There's something wrong with you head.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Game Ever Made
Review: This is the most incredible game I have ever seen! Although I admit I hated it at first, it started to grow on me. I will be honest with you all, starting a new character ... It really does ... You are poor, weak and nobody wants to help you. The game is extremely difficult so get used to dying over and over again. What I think is great about it is the fact the the game is what you make it. It's not like other Role Playing games where the story unfolds for you and there are no real choices on where to go (eg. Final Fantasy).

The game in enormous in size and fun to explore. I believe that there are many areas that haven't even been explored fully yet.

If repetition bothers you, you shouldn't be playing role playing games anyways. Half the fun is levelling your character, things don't just happen for you, it is a lot of work.

Find a friend to play with you and you will have so much fun. The game is not designed for solo play and has teamwork as the number 1 priority.

If you love RPG's and are looking for the one game that you will never get sick of, Everquest IS your game. If you are someone who wants to follow a story and finish a game in a week or two Everquest is NOT your game.

See ya, and have fun with it!

Apokk level 19 Wizard Xev Server

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun, addictive, at times boring, infuriating
Review: Very addictive once you get your character up to a certain level and learn the language and oddities of Everquest. If you want, you can seek out good items and sell them in an in-game auction. Or you can take your meager self with cloth armor and kill things to gain experience and power. Interacting with people and forming groups and guilds can be fun and can also try your patience. You can go solo too, but eventually you will need to be grouped to enjoy the game and get the good stuff.

The downside is it does get very repetitive killing something over and over again until you end up watching TV while playing the game. There are quests and places to explore but eventually you must return to very repetative fighting. Advancement is very slow but when you do make it up to level 50 or higher you know you have earned it and you will have nice magic items and probably some handy spells such as those that make you run faster or make you see in the dark, or teleport you instantly to another land. Some classes even get pets to command and fight with them. The world is well made if simply designed. You wont see as much detail like birds flying overhead or little bushes and a lot of buildings and skeletons for example are reused graphics. There are a lot of re-used graphics in this game but the world is HUGE. You can't even explore all of it unless you have several months and a large group of friends with you since some areas are extremely dangerous, even to high level players. There are thousands of spells and items. The items vary from the very difficult and rare Epic Weapons to the simple and worthless. Unfortuantly, to keep items rare, one must sit for hours on end and try to get something while others are 'camping' the same item. My advice is to not get too caught up in items and enjoy the game. You can usually buy what you want with in game money too. Although money is rare too. The world is well designed with the sun rising and setting and it does get very dark at night. There are oceans which can only be crossed by boats, which are huge and automated. It can take 30 min to cross an ocean if you include waiting time for the boat and travel time. You need time to play this game, I'd say at least an hour per sitting.

The game is difficult and dangerous which makes it all the more fun. An easy game where you can run from monsters is not very exciting to me. You do die in this game, but the penalty for death isn't too bad. You have to return to where you died and get your stuff. You lose some experience points but not much. Game balance is good and the whole game is designed to make people group together. For example a cleric can heal another player or himself, but cant fight well. A fighter can fight well but will die without help. A wizard can blast with spells but dies very easily. A well balanced group of 6 players can do wonders. Experience and usually loot is shared among the group. You will make friends with people who likely live in another state. Like real life, you will make enemies too.


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