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EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Everquest is what you make it.
Review: This is a game that only you can really make or break. The population is widely diverse and conflicts and friendships can occur.

A large disparity between classes requires a mindset that is amiable to grouping with others although it is possible to play this as a solo game with some classes and determination.

If a new user to the game go into it slowly, testing the waters and not becoming overly attached. Much of the dissatisfaction older players experience was caused because of misinformation and misconceptions about what did what. Learn these things first before becoming truly committed as it will increase your enjoyment of the game immensly.

Also pick wisely where you start out in the game if not playing one of the Iskar. I would highly reccomend a Qeynos area class and Race since a more relaxed and friendly crowd seems to gravitate towards that area.

Powergaming or Roleplaying; both styles mesh well in this game as the you sit there waiting for that last little bit of experience that will push you into level and allow you to go to bed before work or school.

All in all Everquest is an addicting game with hours of enjoyment and frustration all piled into one. The main downfall was Verant's position on statistics and the players misconceptions gleaned from this that Verant has struggled to play catch up in a public relations manner.

Be sure to ask older experienced players for their advice and information and take everything with a grain of salt because evil as well as good exists in Norrath.

Winnd Shadowdancer - Tier'dal Rogue of Tarew Marr Server and satisfied Everquest Customer

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Possibly the most addictive game ever
Review: This is the most addictive game I have ever seen, and one of my all time favorites. The only things that I would change are overcrowding and the fact that it take a large quantity of time to do anything at higher levels. If you do not have 4-5 hour chunks of time to play a game, buy something else.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Poor Customer Service and Waste of time
Review: I have found that this game becomes a waste of time and very bid source of frustration. servers have been down just about everyday and they still have yet to fix some of the origanal problems in the Everquest but insist on releasing an expansion just to cause more problems. Thanks

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Is this a game for Role Players?
Review: I have been playing EverQuest for about 6 months off and on, and I have played almost every class to a certain point. All I can really say is that when I first got this game I would find abunch of roleplay, but that turned to disappointment being that almost 70% of the servers are filled with power gamers (Those that just hunt and don't roleplay). Sure I love this game, but if you want to find alot of roleplaying going on this is not the game for you.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: This was a game with great potential, but the company that runs it is a complete waste of a buisness licence!

Thier idea of customer service is " the players are always lieing, and trying to cheat, so never believe them!"

You think im joking? check out thiere web sights some time!

The game is EXTREEMLY static! nothing ever changes, and the same creature drops the same loot all the time! so everyone lines up to kill the monsters with the best loot, and you somtimes have to wait literslly DAYS to get somthing you are after!

The servers are overcrowded, and there are almost no differences between the player races beside the apperance! a gnome warrior hits just as hard as a troll warrior of the same lvl!

Grouping is FORCED at higher levels, and contrary to what the book says, soloing is NOT supported!

Wait for Neverwinter Nights, or Shadowsband. or better yet horizon! all of thiese games are due out in the next year or so, and when they hit the market, EQ will dry up like an stale loaf of bread!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: more of a same, brainnumbing
Review: Well I played EQ for a year. It was fun up till 2 months ago, when it became obvious its enormous waste of time camping for virtual greed on overpopulated servers to get a new item. People swear at you, it seems to be a crowded bus stop at times. Classes are unbalanced and their abilities are falsely described to you, so that I ended being a rogue where DEX and AGI play no role, traps and locks are NOT implemented at all, etc. Whereas mighty classes like Necros can hold whole dungeons themselves, second rate classes like almost all melee (!) and specially rogues, cannot play alone for fun and kill a monster that gives them experience.

No doubt, graphical features are wonderful, and even more so in Kunark, but the gameplay is very hollow, making you hunt same monsters over and over again ad infinitum. This becomes apparent after a set time, depending on your intelligence.

Time is better spent reading a good book or talking to your friends. Fun is barely present in this game, more sort of a virtual greed and strife. Watch your frustration rise when you have to deal with 14-yr old doods that ruin your gamefun, day for day in this virtual universe...

..and the in-game gamesmasters can't and dont DO anything about it.

Beware! You have been warned! Karlek the dissatisfied Rogue of EQ

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Everquest
Review: Everquest is a year old, its a online game with on average 1800 people on each of its 26 servers.

Its losely based on old school AD&D, it features flashy graphics, sounds, and pictures.

The gameplay is below average, long stretchs of time are spent killing the same things over and over again, as far as quests there are few of real value.

I would suggest if you new to the game, to make friends early, because you will need them to help keep the bordem down at high levels. Also play a caster class.

Salarn Crazyhands Monk of Fennin Ro

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everquest:Ruins of Kunark
Review: Everquest is the best online game out there, and with the new expansion players will get visually stunning grapihics, a whole new race, and a brand new continet.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everquest player
Review: I actually saw some of the new terrain at a game conference. It looks much better then Everquest itself, more realistic.For example, the trees sway in the wind instead of just stand there as if it was made of cardboard.The Iskar look incredible, it seems to me that they will be a good evil caster race (necromancers , shamans). I suppose this will give the evil side (where the caster race is only dark elves) more choice in casters like the good side has (Wood elf, High Elf).

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: EverLess
Review: EverQuest: ROK is a large, "open-ended" role-playing game immediately familiar to anyone who ever read Tolkien. EQ has developed a cult following on the Internet and serves as an alternative reality to some obsessive/compulsive players. ROK is an upgrade from the original EQ. It is an improvement, but it does place a heavier load on your PC.

How much you enjoy EQ depends largely on your tolerance level. A "massive" multi-player game, EQ can be a noisy, distracting place with players "shouting" an odd jibberish of acronyms. On a busy night, EQ can have the ambience of a busy foreign bus terminal. The heavy use periods also mean brutal lag times. This game is best enjoyed on an ultra fast system with a cable modem or DSL.

Tolerance helps in dealing with Sony/Verant and their customer circus department. S/V resides on a distant Mount Olympus where they nurture the scared "vision" of EQ. The Gods speak in the form of Gordon, a PR flack who provides routine updates that echo through the many EQ websites.

If you decide to play, read these sites. They provide a great deal of useful information and help make the gameplaying experience much more fun.

In terms of gameplay, EQ requires a tolerance for repetition. To move from one level to another takes hour after hour of gameplay. Much of this time is spent killing the same creatures at the same spawning points. Trade skills are raised by spending hours assembling and combining components. Some of the gameplay has all of the excitment of counting a large jar of pennies.

What saves EQ are the good players. On occasion, one can form a group of fun, intelligent people who bring the game close to its potential.

Unfortunately, the best players are not bored 13-year-olds on summer vacation camped on the computer for 14 hours a day. Most of us only can squeeze in a few hours every few evenings. This makes grouping tough. It often helps to join a guild. A good guild can provide a body of quality players of similar level.

The game itself is reasonably well executed. The classes and races are relatively balanced. The graphics are well rendered and the sound decent. The emphasis is more on equipment than character development so the servers can have a "swap meet" flavor to them. There are some quests and plots, but most are rather one-dimensional.

EQ is not a terrible game. It is an evolutionary step forward from Ultima Online, but it does not quite deliver. Buy it, enjoy it, but don't be surprised if you are bored in a couple of months.

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