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EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: You will lose money on this game
Review: Good game, lots of potential, really bad customer service. This is not a role playing game. This game is a first person shooter.

I've been playing EQ for a year now and am seriously addicted to the group of online friends I made in game, much as one would get addicted to a chat board.

Verant and Sony seem to take a very perverse pleasure in torturing their customers. They constantly make the game far more difficult to play. If you didn't win the race to be the first level 50, the game became twice as hard. if you like to do things like roleplay, the game is far more difficult. If you want this game to be anything more than Quake, a first person shooter, you're looking at the wrong game. Power levelers and cool dudes are rewarded while role-players are consistantly punished.

These people sold the Kunark expansion pack to thousands of people online. They took money and sent no products, then lost many orders. They do not answer their customer service phone. It takes them at least 2 weeks to answer email. Then they don't give you answers. They respond by saying you didn't give them enough information and refer you to the telephone line that they don't answer. And they do not tell you what information is missing.

If this review board had a zero rating, that's what I'd give here.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everquest: A game thats either loved..... or hated
Review: Wecome to the world of Everquest. Prepare to enter a world of magical creatures and dangerous foes. The most dangerous foe of all....... the people who gave this game a bad review.

Face it. If you are at all like me you probably wouldn't want to buy this game after reading some of the low reviews this game has gotten on Amazon. If, though, you looked at the people who reviewed this game, you would soon notice they dont grasp the point. Yes if you look at the baisic part to the game it is this: Fight... fight some more... gain level... figt even more than before... still fight... gain another level and so on. But there is much more. In Everquest there are places to go, people to see, things to do. You create or join guilds... go on quests... explore foreign lands.

This game is either hated or loved. You either get a lot out of it or you dont. You have to understand what the game is really about. This is a game for lovers of fantasy, for people who read Dragonlance books or Forgotten Realms books, for people who play AD&D. This is NOT a game for people who do not like the Final Fantasy series of games, or people who do not like Diablo or Warcraft. I recommend this game to people who respect fantasy for what it is.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game! Great 3D World!
Review: I have found the game to be very fun. You can bash monsters, roleplay or just mess around with tradeskills like blacksmithing or fletching etc..

You get to pick your character, race, religion which creates your faction with the other races.

It is awsome.!

The only drawback to the entire game is, it is so popular, the servers a filling up with to many people. Verant needs to make more servers to accomodate more people.


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: When you buy a game...
Review: ...you in effect, buy the company behind it. And to be frank, these people seem to take great joy in abusing their customers. The game really has AMAZING potential, I just don't think it will ever realize that potential with the current crew at the helm. The friends you make online might keep you playing tho (which is what happened to many of us). If you don't already have EQ, I wouldn't spend the money on this expansion... wait a few months for some of the other MMORPG's that are coming down the pike. Verant has left such a bad taste in my mouth, that I won't be buying the Star Wars MMORPG that Lucas has teamed with them to make. NEVER another Verant game... EVER.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Game Fine Ruined by Poor Customer Service
Review: The game is nice. The potential enjoyment will be ruined by poor network service and absolutely horrendous Customer Service. You will get dumped regularly from the game servers. You will have billing problems. You will call for help and be endlessly referred to numbers no one answers. And if you are lucky, as I have been, you will be told "If you don't like our service, just quit the game. We are not making you stay!"

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A great crappy game.
Review: If and when you can play this game it is awesome. Plan to spend literally forever and all your time to even get anywhere in the game. Moving up levels take A LOT of time.

Despite how great the game is, it is an online game which you cannot play if you cannot connect to their servers. Their servers are down at least 1/3 of the time. That's about 8 hours in a 24 hour period. I've tried playing the game 7am, 10am, noon, 2-3pm, 6-9pm and never could connect because they are performing maintenance. Perhaps I have bad timing... but this was in a one week period. They have absolutely NO SENSE when to conduct maintenance and updates. I suppose their system is always up and running 3-4am in the morning for some of those 'unique' people.

If you don't want to waste your time playing the game and waiting to play the game, pass this and choose something else.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the most addictive Online games
Review: I have been playing EverQuest for over a year and have enjoyed it immensely. I have also played several other Massively online Role Playing Games and out of all the games currently available I always go back to EverQuest. I agree that Verant the game publisher does have issues with customer service however having to help and support over 200,000 players is not an easy task and they always improving at it. As far as the Individual that commented about Power Players who sole intension is to level up as fast as possible, let those players be in their own delusional world as it is up to you to be the Role Player and find other like you that enjoy the game and like to role it out. And you will be able to find more of these players then the Power Players.

If you have played EverQuest in the past or you are considering it now, purchase Ruins of Kunark as you will have the capability of starting new characters on new servers as well as the new continent as well as a new race, much like the game is having a re-birth and you will have the delight in participating in this. Look forward to venturing the new worlds and participating in Role Playing with you.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The most addictive game ever.
Review: I play Fnagaton Blazemaker on the Everquest server called Bristlebane. At least that's what I thought until I was totally sucked into this world. ;-) Since starting to play this game I have got to say it is the most addicative game I have ever played. I'm glad they are bringing out the expansion pack, it will only add to the enjoyment of an already great gane. You should but this at once! If you don't want to play games forever then avoid this like the plague. ;-)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A new challenge!
Review: I've been playing this game for 6 month, and it's always challenging. You can make your own guild and stuff... It's really realistic by the way. they are trying to make a new land called Kunark and boat to get there, I look forward to the expansion pack, since there are many new features in it.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Two comments
Review: Great graphics, poor customer service, bugs are minimal considering the vastness of the game, but assistance can be sketchy if you are hindered by one.

This game is NOT the high fantasy setting many AD&D players are used to. However, it does offer an alternative to Quake and the like. Gameplay has a free-will feel. You are left to wander the world and do as you please. Participation in "events" is optional.

Communications from company to customer have been poor to date, though they are improving slowly. Again, I cannot express enough the lack of quality customer service from this company.

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